定语从句例句大全 ,带有定语从句的句子是简单句吗





1.(沈阳质监一)—When did you first read Mo Yan's stories?

—In 200x ________ I was attending high school.

2.(山东潍坊一模)Life is like an onion, ________ sometimes makes you weep when you try opening it.

3.(江苏苏锡常镇四市调研一)In the fast-moving information age,teenagers should keep pace with the media environment ________ they communicate with the outside world.

4.(陕西宝鸡质检二)Officials of our city are considering a law ________ would require pet owners to put microchips in their animals.

5.(山东潍坊联考)Mo Yan,most of ________ novels have been adapted for films,is now a world-famous writer.

6.(山东青岛质检)The result was not the same as they had expected, ________ was rather disappointing.

7.(北京东城统一检测)Most of my friends shop at the stores ________ the goods are very cheap.

8.(成都二诊)The school library is a resource ________ you can take advantage to make progress.

9.(北京海淀期末练习)This restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere ________ many others are short of.

10.(福州质量检测)Whether you like it or not,we live in a community ________ online chatting is an important part of communication.

11.(福州毕业班质检)The Voice of China has set up a big stage for young people with a talent for music, ________ some have stood out among them.

12.(陕西质量检测一)The living standard of the people in China, ________ is shown in the report, has improved over the past decades.

13.(杭州高考科目教学质检)Each graduate standing on the playground, ________ was accompanied by a parent, would be awarded a diploma by the headmaster.

14.(合肥第一次质检)The mother thanked the young man again and again, without ________ help her son would have been killed by the passing car.

15.(浙江名校联盟第一次联考)My grandmother lived in a generation ________ women were looked down upon.

16.(南京一模)—How do you understand life?

—It is a constant match ________ the greatest opponent is yourself.

17.(成都第一次诊断)American students take part in a wide variety of after-school activities ________ they develop their social skills.

18.(江西赣州十二县重点中学期中)He is such a lazy man ________ nobody wants to work with.

19.(济南高考模拟)Salina wants to find a job ________ she can use what she has learned at school.

20.(辽宁锦州期末)Drive-ins have large parking lots ________ customers are served in their cars by waitresses.


1.when 分析句子结构可知,200X年是先行词,在定语从句中充当的是时间状语,故用关系副词when 引导。

2.which 句意:生活就像一个洋葱,当你尝试着剥开它时,它有时候会让你流泪。which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的先行词an onion,在从句中做主语。

3.where/in which 此处为定语从句,先行词为the media environment,在从句中做地点状语。

4.that/which 此处为定语从句,修饰先行词a law; 因先行词指物,且关系词在从句中充当主语,所以用that 或 which 引导该定语从句。

5.whose 分析句子结构可知,此处为非限制性定语从句。先行词指人,且关系词在从句中做novels 的定语,因此用whose 引导该定语从句。

6.which 句意:结果与他们当初预料的不一样,这让人觉得很失望。这里用which 引导非限制性定语从句,关系代词which 指代空前的整句内容并在从句中做主语。

7.where/in which 根据句子结构判断,空处引导定语从句,先行词为the stores, 且空处在从句中做状语,表示地点,所以要用where/in which。

8.of which 此处为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,take advantage of 表示“利用”,根据该搭配可知,应填of which。

9.that/which 句意:这家餐馆有一种诱人的、如家一般的氛围,这是很多其他餐馆所没有的。这里需要用关系代词引导定语从句,且指物并在从句中做宾语,因此填that 或which。

10.where/in which 句意:不管你是否喜欢,在我们生活的这个社会,网上聊天是人际交流的一个重要部分。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a community,并在从句中做地点状语,因此用where/in which 引导。

11.where/on which 句意:《中国好声音》为有音乐天赋的年轻人建立了一个大舞台。在这个舞台上,一些人从中脱颖而出。分析句子成分可知,“________ some have stood out among them”是定语从句,修饰先行词stage,从句中缺少地点状语,故用where 引导,相当于on which。

12.as 句意:正如报告所显示的,中国人民的生活水平在过去的几十年里得到了改善。这里用as 引导非限制性定语从句,关系代词as 指代主句的内容并在从句中做主语。

13.who 句意:每个毕业生都由父亲或母亲陪伴着站在操场上,等待校长给他们颁发文凭。这里需要用关系代词引导定语从句,并在从句中做主语,指人,故用who 引导。

14.whose 句意:这位母亲一次又一次地感谢这个年轻人,如果没有他的帮助,她的儿子就被过往的汽车撞死了。分析句子成分可知,此处应用whose 修饰名词help,引导非限制性定语从句。

15.when/in which 句意:我的祖母生活在一个妇女被看不起的时代。此处用when 引导定语从句,修饰先行词generation, 在从句中做时间状语,相当于in which。

16.where/in which 句意:——你如何理解生活?——它是一场没有尽头的比赛,在这个比赛中最大的对手是你自己。根据句子结构可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词是a constant match, 空处在定语从句中充当地点状语,故用关系副词where 引导,相当于in which。

17.where/in which 空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词activities,且空处在从句中做地点状语,所以用where 引导,相当于in which。

18.as 句意:他是个如此懒惰的人,以至于没有人想和他一起工作。such...that... 引导结果状语从句,that 只起连接作用,从句中不缺少成分。such...as... 中as 引导限制性定语从句,as 为关系代词,在从句中做主语、宾语等。

19.where/in which 句意:Salina 想找一份能用上她在学校学的知识的工作。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a job 并在定语从句中做地点状语,因此该空可填in which 或 where。

20.where 句意:“免下车”餐厅有很大的停车场,顾客可以在自己的汽车里接受女侍者的服务。large parking lots 是地点,且关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以填where。


1.With the fast development of agriculture, the people, in ________ village she taught 10 years ago, have lived a happy life.

2.He didn't keep his word, ________ made me upset.

3.Mr. Luke, in ________ supermarket we bought an iPad last week, will give us a report on how to choose a career this evening.

4.Tango is a passionate dance, ________ brings the dancers together in a way that words can't express.

5.The real-name policy for train tickets has been applied to all trains since January 1,201X in China, ________ will make it easy for people to get tickets.

6.—Where did you see the movie Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee?

—It was in the cinema ________ I regularly go.

7.What do you think of the reason ________ he gave at the meeting yesterday?

8.London successfully held the Olympic Games opening ceremony in 201X, ________ is really impressive and beyond people's imagination.

9.________ is shown in the report, teenager problems are often connected with family life education.

10.Eleven people got killed in the accident, ________ the identities haven't been available.

11.His younger sister may already be in high school now, in ________ case this picture book is too childish for her.

12.My daughter, ________ job requires her to do a lot of travelling, is always away from home a lot.

13.Amanda hopes to live a simple life ________ she can just enjoy her activities rather than rushing to meet the dealine.

14.There are a couple of art galleries in the city ________ exhibitions are worth visiting.

15.________ is often the case, he comes to life when it comes to playing football.

16.Living in the mountain area has its problems, of ________ obtaining water is a big one.

17.Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers ________ consumer complaints have led to changes in the law.

18.Few people would take an active part in a society ________ culture is so different from their own.

19.China's population is expected to increase to about 1.5 billion in 2040, after ________ it will start to decline slowly.

20.I have been looking forward to the day, ________ I am admitted to a key university.


1.whose 句意:随着农业的快速发展,在她10年前教书的村子里,人们一直过着幸福的生活。in whose village=in people's village, 关系词在从句中作定语,所以填whose。

2.which which 引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。

3.whose 句意:上周我们在他的超市里购买iPad 的那个Luke 先生今天晚上要给我们作关于择业的讲座。关系词在从句中作定语修饰supermarket,用whose。

4.which 句意:探戈是一种热情奔放的舞蹈,它以一种难以用语言表达的方式把跳舞者聚在一起。先行词是dance,从句为非限制性定语从句,且关系词作主语,用which。

5.which 句意:从20XX年1月1日以来,在中国实名制购买火车票制度已应用到了所有的火车上,这将会让人们买票变得容易。根据语境可知此处为非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语且指代前面整个主句所表达的内容,故应该用关系代词which。

6.where/to which 句意:——你是在哪儿看的'李安导演的电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》的?——就是在我常去的那家电影院。定语从句中不缺主语也不缺宾语,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,要用关系副词where 或 to which。

7.that/which 句意:你认为他在昨天的会上给出的那个理由怎么样?定语从句修饰的先行词是the reason,关系词在从句中作宾语,应该用关系代词that/which。

8.which 句意:伦敦成功举办了20XX年奥林匹克运动会的开幕式,给人们留下了深刻的印象,超出了人们的想象。考查which 引导的非限制性定语从句,which 在从句中作主语。

9.As 句意:正如报告中所表明的那样,青少年问题经常和家庭生活教育有关。as 引导非限制性定语从句时,位置比较灵活,而且可以意为“正如”。

10.of whom 句意:在这次事故中,11人死亡,他们的身份还没有被确定。of whom the identities=whose identities 指“死者的身份”。

11.which 句意:他妹妹现在可能已经上高中了,这样的话,这本图画书对她来说就太幼稚了。in which case...=and in this/that case...。

12.whose 句意:我的女儿总不在家,因为她的工作需要经常出差。关系词在从句中作定语,所以填whose。

13.where 句意;Amanda 希望过简单的生活,在这样的生活里她可以只做自己喜欢的事情不是忙着赶工期。关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,故填where。

14.whose 句意:在这座城市里有几个美术馆,其中的展品值得观看。因为关系词在从句中作定语,所以填whose。

15.As as is often the case 意为“情况常常如此”,为定语从句的特殊句式,需牢记。

16.which 先行词为物,定语从句用介词+which 引导。

17.where 先行词为 cases,定语从句中缺状语,故用 where 引导。

18.whose whose 引导定语从句,在从句中作定语。

19.which 先行词为物,定语从句用介词+which 引导。

20.when 先行词为时间名词,定语从句中缺状语,故用 when 引导。




  1、Is he the man who/that wants to see you?

  2、He is the man whom/that I saw yesterday.

  3、They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.

  4、Please pass me the book whose(of which)color is green.

  5、A prosperity which/that had never been seen before appears in the countryside.

  6、By the time you arrived in London,we had stayed there for two weeks.

  7、My house,which I bought last year,has got a lovely garden.

  8、This novel,which I have read three times,is very touching.

  9、He seems not to have grasped what I meant,which greatly upsets me.

  10、The boys who are playing football are from Class One.




  (1)I still remember the days which / that we spent together.

  (2)I still remember the days when we worked together.


  that 在限制性定语从句中既可指人又可指事或物。在下列情况下,只能用that来引导定语从句:

  1.先行词是all , much, few, little, everything, anything, nothing 等不定代词时。例如:

  Is there anything that you want to buy?

  2.先行词被all, few, little, much, every, some, no等词修饰或被the only, the very, the same, the last 等限定词修饰时。例如:

  These are all the pictures that I have seen.

  This is the very dictionary that is of great help.


  My father and his teacher talked a lot about the things and the persons that they could remember.


  Our school is not the one that it used to be.


  This is the best English film that I have ever seen.

  The first English novel that I read was A Tale of Two Cities.

  6.主句是who 或which 引导的特殊问句时。例如:

  Who is the girl that is standing under the tree?

  Which is the machine that we used last Sunday?



  That's the reason for which he was late for school.

  This is the book on which I spent 8 yuan.



  This is the key which you are looking for.

  This is the baby whom you will look after.




  Tom is one of the boys who are from the USA.

  Tom is the only one of the boys who is from the USA.


  1. 在定语从句中,不管出现任何情况,主句的结构必须完整,即主句必须有主语和谓语,缺一不可,否则,整个主从复合句就无法成立。试比较:

  (1)Is this factory _______ we visited last week?

  (2)Is this the factory _______ we visited last week?

  A. which B. where C. what D. the one





  错句:Is this the train that they took it last Sunday?

  分析:该题中that 已经代替先行词the train 在定语从句中充当及物动词took的宾语,故重叠出现的宾语it必须删去。



  I think you are great.我认为你很棒。

  I think it necessary that we take plenty of hot water every day .我认为每天多喝开水是有必要的。

  I guess he is Jack.我猜他是杰克。

  I know there is a supermarket near here.我知道附近有超市。

  I wonder if there is a WC near here.我想知道附近有没有厕所

  I don’t know if there will be a bus any more.我不知道还会不会有公家车。

  I don’t know whom you should depend on.我不知道你该依靠谁。

  The book will show you what the best CEOs know.这本书会告诉你最好的执行总裁该了解些什么。

  Could you please tell me how you read the new panel?你能展示给我怎么用这个新的操作盘吗?

  Do you know who has won this game?你知道谁赢了这一局游戏吗?


  He is the man who gave me money. 他是给我钱的那个人。

  They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.那人车坏了,大家都跑过去忙。



  (1) who引导的非限制性定语从句

  Our guide,who was a French Canadian,was an excellent cook.我们的向导,一个法裔加拿大人,擅长于烹调。

  My gardener,who is very pessimistic,says that there will be no apples this year.我家的园丁非常悲观,他说今年将不结苹果。

  (2) whom引导的非限制性定语从句


  Peter, whom you met in London, is now back in Paris.彼得现在回巴黎了,你在伦敦见过他。

  Mr Smith,from whom I have learned a lot,is a famous scientist.史密斯先生是一位著名的科学家,我从他那儿学了许多东西。

  (3) whose引导的非限制性定语从句


  The boy, whose father is an engineer, studies very hard.那位小男孩学习很努力,他的.父亲是位工程师。

  Above the trees are the mountains whose magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. 在树林的高处是山,其壮丽的景色完全映照在河面上。The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.这剧本是那个时期的典型作品,风格拘谨刻板。

  (4) which引导的非限制性定语从句


  ① which指代主句中的名词,被指代的名词包括表示物、婴儿或动物的名词、表示单数意义的集体名词以及表示职业、品格等的名词。如:

  These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit.这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实。

  She is an artist,which I am not.她是一位艺术家,而我不是。

  Water,which is a clear liquid,has many uses.水是一种清澈的液体,有许多用途。

  The two policemen were completely trusted,which in fact they were.那两个警察完全受到信任,事实上,也真是如此。

  ② which指代主句中的形容词。如:

  She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was.她对孩子们很耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。

  She is always careless,which we should not be. 她总是马虎大意,我们可不应该这样。

  ③ which指代主句中的某个从句。如:

  He said that he had never seen her before,which was not true.他说以前从没见过她,这不是真的。

  ④ which指代整个主句。如:

  In the presence of so many people he was little tense, which was understandable.在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。

  He may have acute appendicitis,in which case he will have to be operated on.他可能得了急性盲肠炎,如果是这样,他就得动手术。

  When deeply absorbed in work,which he often was,he would forget all about eating and sleeping. 他经常聚精会神地工作,这时他会废寝忘食。

  (5) when引导的非限制性定语从句


  He will put off the picnic until May 1st, when he will be free.他将把郊游推迟到5月1号,那时他将有空。

  (6) where引导的非限制性定语从句


  They went to London,where they lived for six months.他们去了伦敦,在那儿呆了六个月的时间。

  They reached there yesterday, where a negotiation of sale will be held.他们昨天抵达那里, 有一个关于销售的谈判在那儿举行。

  (7) as引导的非限制性定语从句

  as引出非限定性定语从句时,代替整个主句,对其进行说明但通常用于像as we allaknow, as it is know, as is know to all, as it is, as is said above, as always mentioned above, as is usual, as is often the case, as is reported in the newspaper等句式中。as在非限定性定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语,且引出的从句位置比较灵活,可位于句首或句末,也可置于主句中间。通常均由逗号将其与主句隔开。as有“正如……, 就像……”之意。 如:

  As it known to the United States, Mark Twain is a great American writer.美国人都知道,马克?吐温是一位伟大的美国作家。(as在从句中作主语)

  He forgot to bring his pen with him, as was often the case. 他忘了带笔,这是常事。(as在从句中作主语)

  He is absorbed in work, as he often was. 他正在全神贯注地工作,他过去经常这样。(as在从句中作表语)

  Boy as he was, he was chosen king. 他虽是孩子,却被选为国王。(as在从句中作表语)

  as we all know, the earth is round.众所周知,地球是圆的。 (as在从句中作宾语)

  The two brothers were satisfied with this decision,as was agreed beforehand.两兄弟对此决定都满意,这项决定在事前都已得到他们的同意。(as在从句中作主语)

  Taiwan is,as you know,an inseparable part of China.你知道,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。(as在从句中作宾语)

  (8)“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句 在介词后引导非限制性定语从句。


  They were short of sticks to make frames for the climbing vines,without which the yield would be halved. 他们缺搭葡萄架的杆儿,没有它们产量会减少一半。

  They thanked Tom,without whose support they would not have succeeded.这些邻居是北京来的,昨天我被介绍同他们认识了。

  (9)“名词/代词+of+which / whom”引导的非限制性定语从句

  It now has 20,000 hectares of land,more than two-thirds of which are under cultivation. 现在它拥有两万公顷土地,其中三分之二之多已经耕种。

  Light is the fast thing in the world, the speed of which is 300.000 kilometeThere are 30 chairs in the small hall, most of which are new.大厅里有三十把椅子,绝大部分是新的。

  he textile mill has over 8,000 workers and staff,eighty per cent of whom are women. 这家纺织厂有8千多职工,女职工占百分之八十。




  在复合句中 , 修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句, 被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词 , 引导定语从句的有关系代词 who, whom, whose, which, that等和关系副词where, when, why等 , 关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中担任句子成份。

  1.由who引导的定语从句中 , who用作主语 , 如 : This is the boy who often helps me.

  2.由whom引导的定语从句中,whom用作宾语,如:The man whom you are waiting for has gone home.

  3.由whose引导的定语从句中 , whose用作定语 , 如 : Do you know the girl whose skirt is white?


  The room in which there is a machine is a work shop.

  The river which is in front of my house is very clean.

  This is the pen which you want.

  注意 :

  (1)whom, which用作介词宾语时 , 介词可放在 whom、which之前 , 也可放在从句原来的位置上;但在含有介词的动词固定词组中,介词只能放在原来的位置上。如: He is the very person whom we must take good care of.

  (2)引导非限制性定语从句时,必须用关系代词which,不用that,如:I have lost

  my bag, which I like very much.



  The book that I bought yesterday was written by Lu Xun.

  注意在下面几种情况下必须用 that引导定语从句。

  (1)先行词是不定代词all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything等 , 如 :

  All that we have to do is to practise English.


  The first letter that I got from him will be kept.

  (3)先行词被all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some等修饰 , 如

  I've eaten up all the food that you gave me.

  (4)先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时如

  He is the only person that I want to talk with.


  They talked about persons and things that they met.

  (6)当句中已有who时 , 为避免重复 , 如 : Who is the man that is giving us the


  6.由when, where, why引导的定语从句,如:

  I don't know the reason why he was late.

  This is the place where we have lived for 5 years.

  I'll never forget the day when I met Mr Li for the first time.

  注意:先行词是表示地点时,如果从句的谓语动词是及物的,就用 that(which),如果从句的谓语动词是不及物的,就用where引导。This is the house Which /that he has lived in for 15 years.(Where he has lived for 15 year.)

  7. 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句

  (1)限制性定语从句是句中不可缺少的组成部分,主句和从句之间不用逗号分开。引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词有who, whom, whose, which, of which等,这些关系代词都不能省略。

  (2)非限制性定语从句是对主句先行词的补充说明 , 没有这种从句 , 不影响主句意思的完整 , 一般用逗号把主句和从句分开 , 关系代词用 which,不用that;指人时可用who,如 : I have two brothers, who are both students.



  My grandfather lives in a village that is far away from here.

  →My grandfather lives in a village far away from here.我祖父住在离这儿很远的一个村子。

  This is a book that is worth reading.

  →This is a book worth reading. 这是一本值得看的书。

  (2) 定语从句简化为现在分词或现在分词短语作前置或后置定语。

  The man who is standing under the tree is our English teacher.

  →The man standing under the tree is our English teacher.


  I saw the house that was burning at that time.→I saw the burning house at that time.



  I like to see the films which are directed by Zhang Yimou.→I like to see the films directed by Zhang Yimou. 我喜欢看张艺谋导演的电影。

  She is the girl who was praised at the school meeting.→She is the girl praised at the school meeting. 她就是在校会上受表彰的那个女孩。


  He is always the first person that comes to school.→He is always the first person to come to school.他总是第一个到校。

  The report which will be given tomorrow is important to us.→The report to be given tomorrow is important to us. 明天要作的'报告对我们很重要。

  (5)定语从句简化为what 从句。

  I couldn't remember the words that he said.→I couldn't remember what he said.



  例 1 The second book ______I want to read is Business @ the Speed of Thought.

  A. which B. what C. that D. as

  解析 先行词 book被序数词修饰时要用that引导定语从句,故选C。

  例 2 I'll never forget the days _____I stayed with you.

  A. when B. in which C. that D. for which

  解析 本题指时间,故选 A。

  例 3 The book______ is sold out at the moment.

  A. you need B. what you need

  C. which you need it D. that you need it

  解析 B、C、D中的what和it与先行The book相抵触 , 故选 A。

  例 4 Is this the place ______Lincoln once lived.

  A. that B. which C. where D. when

  解析 本题指地点,故选 C。

  例 5 I'm one of the boys _________ never late for school.

  A. that is B. who are C. who am D. who is

  解析 本题中 who用作主语,谓语动词与先行词the boys保持一致,故选B。


  例 6 Her sister,______ you met at my home, was a teacher of English.

  A. whom B. that C. which D. who is

  解析 非限制性定语从句中 , 关系代词用 which,不用that,但指人时用who或whom.故选A。

  例 7 These book are for students _____ mother language is not English.

  A. of whom B. that C. which D. whose

  解析 whose引导的定语从句中,whose用作定语,故选D。



  1. He is a good boy. 形容词作定语

  2. Two boys need two pens. 数词作定语

  3. His son needs Tom's pen. 形容词性物主代词或名词所有格作定语

  4. The boy in blue is Tom. 介词短语作定语

  5.There is a woman doctor. 名词作定语

  6. The boy there needs a bike. 副词作定语

  7.There is nothing to do today. 不定式作定语

  8. The smiling boy needs a friend. 现在分词作定语

  9. A boy called Tom saved the girl. 过去分词(短语)作定语

  10. He is the man that I met yesterday. 定语从句




  四、引导定语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系副词。关系代词(who, whom, whose, that, which等)在定语从句中可用作主语、定语、宾语等;关系副词(when, where, why等)在定语从句中只用作状语。关系代词和关系副词放在先行词及定语从句之间起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的重要成分。

  五、定从基本形式:先行词(名词/代词) + 关系代词/关系副词+ 定从


  She is the girl that talked to you yesterday. (that作主语)

  The coat (that) I put on the desk is blue. (that作宾语)





  1. I like music. I can dance to music.

  I like music that I can dance to. (that在从句中用作宾语。)

  2. I prefer a sandwich. A sandwich is really delicious.

  I prefer a sandwich that is really delicious.(that在从句中用作主语。)


  例如:I prefer movies that are scary.

  I like a sandwich that is really delicious.

  I love the singer that is beautiful.

  I have a friend that plays sports.


  1. A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.


  2. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.


  3. When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.


  4. Eventually, you'll learn to cry that on the inside.


  5. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue thatcounts.--Winston Churchill



以上就是关于定语从句例句大全 ,带有定语从句的句子是简单句吗的全部内容,以及定语从句例句大全 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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