家务英文对话 ,英语对话暑假怎么过



Lisa havs some plans for the holidays.Lisa will do some cleaning and does some washing with her mother at home. In her free time ,Lisa plans to go to see the movies or play football with her friends。

Sometimes Lisa will go to her grandparents' home and to visit them with her parents.And Lisa will do my homework every evening。





2、Europeans Leam to Smoke欧洲人学吸烟。

3、Teach Himself无师自通。

4、Teddy Bears泰迪小熊。

5、A Small Loan,a Big Deal小贷款,大买卖。


谢了哦! 英语口语考试终于过关了!为了帮助更多口语还没有考的同学,我把我的也列出来一下,仅供参考!
1. You plan to buy a house ,but find that you can't agree on anything.
A:Hi!I plan to buy a house,could you give me some advice?
B:Of course.Hmm , what kind of house are you looking for ? A townhouse, a detached, or a semi-detached? [di'tætʃt]
A: Well, to be frank with you, I'd like to live in a condo rather than in a house because my mother wouldn't be worrying about all the housework like snow removal in winter, getting rid of the leaves in fall and whatnot.
B: You’re so lazy and selfish. What about your kids? They need to have their own bedrooms when they grow up! A condo can’t accommodate you all!
A: That’s not a problem. We’ll just look for a bigger condo with more bedrooms! In addation, you can’t buy a good house without a great amount of money!
B:Money doesn’t matter!You can earn a lot of money in furture as you are young ,besides I can lend you some.
A:Hmm,you are right!I will buy a house.
2.A and B are both graduates. You meet on the campus and complain about discrimination you have experienced in applying for jobs .
A: Hey, long time no see!
B: Oh, how’s everything going on since we graduated?Are you hunting for jobs on the Career Fair ,too?
A: Yes!But I experiencred discrimination in the job interview.
B: Did you?I did,too.That really hurt me!
A: Like what?
B: Once I look for a job which looks fine,however,it says :“Blacks not available!”You know that is obviously illegal!I pointed it out to the interviewer,but he just didn’t listen to me and refused me at last.
A: How can they do this! Just because of skin colour! How ridiculous it is!
B: Besides,a girl who looks pretty is much more possible to get a job than who are not so beautiful.
A: Really? I just heard an ad with requirement:20-25 years-old girls,slim,more than 165 centimetre high……I thought it is for a model,but in fact it is for a secretary!
3.A and B are telling stories of great people in arts/sports/science.The story teller tries to impress the listener who expresses surprise and interest.
A: Hi, do you know the scientific fact that we live in a 3 dimensional world?
B: I heard that. Who discovered that?
A: Albert Einstein , the founder of the theory of relativity.
B: Oh, I have heard of him for a long time. He is regarded as one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century.So is there also a 4 dimensional world?
A: Yeah, there must be. However, people can manage to imagine how a 4 dimensional world looks like.
B: I guess that’s probably where those UFOs and aliens come from.
A: That’s amazing.
B: By the way,are you interested in aliens?
A: No, I don’t believe there are aliens in the world .But I love the fantasy movie Avatar.
4.A is a visitor to the United States,while B is a native citizen.A asks B about dating customs there ,and shows belief and doubt about B's answer.
A: Hey, how’s everything going on?
B: I’m doing great! By the way, I need to ask you a few questions about the dating customs here in US.
A: Sure, go ahead,please!
B: Where would you go when you ask a girl out?
A: Usually, I’d like to invite them to see a movie, or go to a cafe where we can sit down and chat.
B:Really? But I think inviting a girl to see a movie is out of date.
A: Hmm ,maybe .You can also invite her for dinner or join a party and so on.
B:Oh,Good idea!Thank you very much!
5.A is a new resident while B is a local police officer. A consults B for security tips.
A: Hi, dear police officer, may I bother you for a few seconds?
B: No problem,sir. What can I do for you?
A: I’m new in this neighborhood. Should I purchase a security alarm system for my new house?
B: You should definitely do that, sir. This is for your own safety .
A: Could you give me some tips of preventing from burglary. I am so scared of it.
B: Hmm,there isn’t much going on around these years. Just equip the security alarm. For the rest we will ensure your safety.
A: Oh ,thanks. It’s really kind of you .
B:Not at all!Wish you peace!
6.A and B are talking about whether holidays are a good time to express gratitude and which holidays are the most appropriate .
A: Hello!What are you doing?
B:Nothing important!
A:Good! By the way, I want to discuss about a few questions about expressing gratitude.
B: Sure, go ahead,please!
A:When do you think is the best time to express gratitude?
B: Holidays ,of course!
A:Me too.I also believe expressing gratitude on holidays is the most appropriate.But which holidays?
B:Mother’s Day, Father’s Day as well as Teachers’s Day,I think.
A: Wonderful ideas!
B: Besides, you can call your parents anytime whenever you miss them. Last time I called my mom and told her how much I missed her, she burst into tears.
A:Really?I will try so!
7.A and B are having a debate about cloning.
A:Have you heard of Dolly?
B:Absolutely!It’s the first cloning sheep in the history. And it had three mother but no father.
A: And How do you think of cloning. In my opinion , Cloning has great application prospect.
B: Yes, I also think it’s a breakthrough in the area of genetic engineering.
A: Hey, do you think it would make our life a lot easier to have a clone taking care of ourselves?
B: Don’t be silly. What if the clone of you wants to replace you and take over what you have?
A: Yeah, that’s kind of scary.
8.A and B are discussing whether it is proper for parents to indulge their children with many gifts.
A: Hi!Look at those doting parents! When I have my own kids, I will never indulge them.
B: Really?But what would you do when your lovely baby is crying?
A: Hmm ,I would please him with something interesting or give him something delicious to eat!
B:Maybe you are right. Indulging children with so many gifts are not proper.
A:Yes! That will let the children fall into a bad habit of receiving so many gifts
B: My mom never bought me anything when I was young!
A:Oh,she must be a qualified mother.
B; You are right. But sometimes it made me so disappointed.
9.A and B are giving each other tips about how to improve health and their life.
A: How to get healthier?
B: Do more exercises to keep fit!
A: Where?
B: Anywhere, at a gym, outside, even at home!
A: How about your usual exercise?
B: Oh,I am getting to Running in the morning. It’s good for my health.
A: Would you mind running together with me from tomorrow?
B: Why not?I just want to morning someone accompany me to exercise together。
A: So see you tomorrow.
B: See you!
10.A and B are discussing whether they should be taking so many tests and try to find the better way to learn.
A: Hey, how’s everything going on?
B: Not very well!
A: Oh,What happened?
B:I failed the test last week again.
A:I am sorry to hear that!But we are drived to take so many tests.
B:Yes! I hate tests!
A: Me too!There are so many tests in our school.
B: We hardly have any free time to learn by ourselves.
A:But tests are the most effective way to find out who learned well.I think the only thing you can do finding a better way to learn.
B: Really? How?
A:You can consult some senior students.
B:I see.Thank you very much!



B:Who 谁教你做饭的?
A:我的母亲。她教(teaches) 我星期天做些家务.
B:你会做些什么菜?(此题有误,可能是这样的:What dishes can you do?)
B:我一点也不(at all)喜欢肉类。但是(But)我喜欢鸡蛋和水果。你能教叫我做饭吗?
A:当然,明天下午怎么样?(此题有误,可能是:What about ...)


下午就要考试了大学英语口语关于family ties的二人对话

B: Hi A, said " happy Mother's Day" to your mother?
A: Yes. how great of our mother. they need take 10 month to give birth to us after pregnant and suffer specially pain when we come into the world
说了, 母亲真的很伟大. 她们怀胎十月并且承受非常的痛苦才生下我们
B:Yes, we need to do something for them. like housekeeping
是啊, 我们需要为她们做点事. 比如做家务.
A; when we are infant, they need to feed us.
B: so we need to take care of them when they old.
A: when we try to walk, they follow us step by step in case we slip up
B: so we need to support them with our hand when they too old to walk,
A: when we try to talk, they keep teaching us A,B,C..... day after day
B: yes, we need give more patience to them when they old.
是啊, 我们要给她们多点耐心,当她们老时.


以上就是关于家务英文对话 ,英语对话暑假怎么过的全部内容,以及家务英文对话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年09月29日16时39分04秒
下一篇 2022年09月30日08时37分37秒


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