家庭教育翻译 ,family



n. 家庭;家族;家属;子女;亲属;僚属
adj. 家庭的,家族的
[ 复数families ]
family planning n. 计划生育
family member 家庭成员;家族成员
family life 家庭生活
whole family 家庭成员,全家
happy family 快乐家庭;幸福之家
big family 大家庭
family education 家庭教育
family history 家族史
family business 家族企业
family name 姓氏
royal family 王室;皇族
family background 家庭背景
family reunion 家庭团聚
family income 家庭收入;家庭总入息
extended family 大家庭
family tree 家谱;系统;家系图;系谱图
good family 好的家庭
family room 家庭娱乐室;家人休息室
family structure 家庭结构
start a family 成家;生第一个孩子



Family education usually refers to the educational process that the parents or adults implement to underage children. However, the critical roles are the parents. As the up-to-date families, parents should realize the problems of the family education and figure out how to deal with them.
Key words:Family education
Existing problems



Abstract: Family education is the earliest education, which is the basis of all education. Children receive their family education on the day they were born and the parents were their first teachers. The psychological health of children is an important aspect of early childhood education, which is the basic quality demanded by the future society for talents.
The psychological health of the children is greatly influenced by the family environment. The perfect structure of the family, a good family relationship, the basic qualities of the parents themselves as well as the ideology and method of bringing up the children are very important to the children's education and development, which will have a profound "impact" on the children's personality, especially on their psychology.
因此, 本人通过对家长的调查进行了分析,创设良好的家庭氛围,提高家长的心理健康意识,坚持和树立正确的教养态度和教育观念,宣传和实施有效的教育方法,是幼儿心理健康发展的首要基础。
Therefore, the writer of this paper, through an analysis based on his investigations to the parents, suggests that the most important basis for the healthy development of children's psychology lies in the creation of a sound family environment, the promotion of the parents' sense of psychological health, the persistent and correct concept of education and the advocation of correct and effective ways of education.
The psychological health of the children will have profound impact on their entire lifetime. Therefore, the parents should pay great attention to the impact of the family factors on the psychological health of the children.
关键词:家庭教育 幼儿 心理影响
Key words: family education, children, psychological impact
haotu111 - 首席执行官 十四级 的翻译,我在他的基础上稍作修改,仅供楼主参考,分数给他吧



我觉得Family tutorial center 更地到一些,advising 和 guidance 的意思更多偏向于指导如何教育,不过我觉得这个中心应该不是真培养老师的吧。。。


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