一提及天气预报英文天气播报演示 想必大家一知半解。因此,小编觉得有必要给大家解读一下,英语天气预报稿和英文版天气预报天气预报英文天气播报演示 的内容,令您更加清楚了解天气预报用英语怎么说,接下来一起看看。
天气预报英文天气播报演示 :英语天气预报稿
天气预报英文天气播报演示 :用英语写一份天气预报
Good evening ! Here’s the next day weather report for some main cities in Guangxi. Nanning is sunny. It is hot with the temperature from 20℃ to29℃. In Guilin, its temperature is arranged from 8℃to 13℃.
It's cold in the morning and at night. peole should wear more clothes in case of catching cold. Liuzhou is cloudy in the daytime and has a strong wind during the night time with the temperature from 11℃to 15℃. There will be beautiful sunshine in Wuzhou. People will feel comfortable to go out as the temperature is from 15℃to 22℃.That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .
天气预报英文天气播报演示 :英语天气预报词
Five day forecast 未来五天预报
monsoon zone 季风带
precipitation 降雨量
clear to overcast 晴转多云
fine/fair/sunny 晴朗
cloudy 多云
foggy 有雾
misty 薄雾
drizzle 小雨
pour/downpour 大雨
sleet 雨夹雪
hail/hailstone 冰雹
windy 有风
gale wind 大风
stormy wind 暴风
light air 1级风
light breeze 2级风
gentle breeze 3级风
moderate breeze 4级风
fresh breeze 5级风
strong breeze 6级风
moderate gale 7级风
fresh gale 8级风
strong gale 9级风
whole gale 10级风
storm 11级风
hurricane 12级风/飓风
typhoon 台风
drought 干旱
Today's Graphic 今日气象图
oceanic climate 海洋性气候
Centigrade 摄氏
cloudy to overcast 多云转阴
mild 温暖
overcast to cloudy 阴转多云
overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天
frosty 霜冻
damp 潮湿
shower 阵雨
storm 暴风雨
light snow 小雪
monsoon rain 季风雨
breezy 微风阵阵
heavy/high wind 大风
gust 阵风
duststorm 沙暴
ice sheet 冰川
Weather Forecast 天气预报
continental climate 大陆性气候
Fahrenheit 华氏
turning out cloudy 转阴
cool 凉爽
snowy 有雪
chilly 微冷
wet 雨天
thundery shower 雷阵雨
thundery storm 雷雨
blizzard 暴风雪
seasonal rain 季雨
gentle wind 和风
windy and dusty 风沙
piercing wind 寒风
flood 洪水
iceburg 冰山
天气预报英文天气播报演示 :英文版天气预报
Eastern China will see pleasant weather for the most part as dry air maintains its hold on the region. A few clouds are possible throughout Northeastern China and the Korean Peninsula as a dry cold front passes through the region. Beijing can expect high temperatures in the upper 70s(F)/ mid-20s(C), while Shanghai can expect slightly cooler temperatures in the mid-70s(F)/ mid-20s(C).
以上就是关于天气预报英文天气播报演示 ,天气预报用英语怎么说的全部内容,以及天气预报英文天气播报演示 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。