和谐家庭英语作文80词 ,英语作文



英语作文 篇1

  Hello,everybody. I am very happy to make a speech here. I will talk about “Challenge myself” today.

  We have a lot of opponent. But our most powerful opponent is ourselves. If we want to be successful, we should challenge ourselves. Maybe challenging ourselves is difficult. But we should try our best to do it. Because it can make us more powerful and grow up. Challenge ourselves may change us a lot. Do you know Mcdermott? At the beginning, he was a barber. Later on, he took part in the Winter Sports Meeting. And he got the champion of skating. He challenged himself, and he was successful.

  Challenging ourselves is trying all kinds of things. Maybe we will find better ourselves in the process. And we will learn many new skills. We are students now. We don't need to do somethitng difficult. We just need face trouble optimistically in life. Then we will live more happily. And we will have more chances in the future.Because we are optimistic enough to treat all .

  We will be successful if we challenge ourselves. Because we are our own most powerful opponent. Let's challenge ourselves and get ahead.

  That's all. Thanks for listening.

英语作文 篇2

  TThe business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch with its customers; often enough it is the only one and customers form their impressions of the firm from the tone and quality of the letters it sends out. Business does not call for the elegant language of the poet, but it does require us to express ourselves accurately in plain language secret of good business letter writing is to write simply, in an easy and natural way----like one friendly human being talking to another. In other words, try to make your letters sound as much as possible like good conversation.

英语作文 篇3

  Today's children do not have the courage, the courage to face setbacks. Now the children have difficulties and setbacks, always give up, do not know to persevere, and use their own strength to solve the problem.

  Today's children, not a small emperor, is a small princess, not cream small, is cream princess. They will not self-reliance, no self-confidence, nor strong, only know spoiled and crying, do not know to use their own strength to go on.

  Why don't they have courage? Why do you always give up? Can't they do it? No They can do it! What makes them like that? The adults rely on their spoiled with them on people!

  Students, let us abandon the care of the big people, leave the embrace of the big people, to be an independent, strong child. Let us pamper and take care of people leave, take care of yourself and your life. Can you do it? For a while, you'll learn to be independent. Want to know what makes a difference between being independent and not being independent? I have a contrasting example: the same for all students, parents of a business trip, do not need anyone to take care of their own cooking, to check the operation of … … take care of yourself all grades don't decline. On the other hand, the elderly should take care of everything and their grades will gradually decline.

  Later, we are going to the society. Since we are going to the society, we must learn to be independent and strong. Always can not be in adulthood, is tired of your parents!

  No matter what our life is like now, we should learn to be independent and strong, and do not rely on or depend on anyone! Since Andy's life has changed for the better, he will strive to be the leader of the children in china.

  Let's learn to be independent and strong. As far as I know, mailbox children can't even cook meals nowadays. Now many parents think that the most important thing is the children's study, meals will not do, housework will not do unimportant. This is actually a big mistake!

  Children must learn to be strong! Now, girls and boys are afraid of a little bug.

  Must learn to be independent, now most children encounter difficulties and setbacks, always do not know the independent completion.

  Let's take the oath together:

  Learn to be independent and strong!

  Abandon adults:

  Be an independent, tough child!

英语作文 篇4

  中学生健康情况调查 Investigation of middle school students' health

  How to Keep Fit As we all know,health is very important.But how to keep fit? Firstly, we should have a good diet.That’s eating more fresh fruit and vegetables, but less junk food. Drink more water instead of coke or other unhealthy drinks. Secondly, it's good for us to take more exercise, such as running, walking, ball games and so on. At last, we should learn to relax ourselves. We can listen to some light music, chat with families or friends and have a good sleep. To keep fit is not difficult if you care it a lot.


英语作文 篇5

  My family is four people:my grandma、my dad、my mom and me.My father is a vehicle maintenance division,my mather is a businessman,mine is a student.My father is stong,mt mother is king,mine is smart.My is 12 year old now,I'm Chinese,I have graduated from elementary school is about to enter junior high school.I'm very happy is this family.

  Introduce my room again.When you open the door ioto my room,a saw a picture of the wall,that was my 10 year old memorial photos.Photo here is bookcase,stood a bookcase beside the desk and a chair,they have still a right of a fountain,clear window are facing the desk.The left side of the door with a computer planed,stood beside the bedside,bedside cabinet beside a bed.Here is the place learned a good rest.

  This is my family,a harmonious happy family.




英语作文 篇6

  My hometown is a small village not far from the Changjiang River.A road runs through it,leading to the nearest.You can see houses behind green trees along both sides of the road.

  There are about 300 people in the village.All of them are very friendly.In busy seasons most of them do farm work in the fields.The village is famous for its fruits.When summer comes,many businessmen drive here to buy them.

  My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.I love my hometown very much.




英语作文 篇7

  This Is Me

  Hello everyone. My name is Gong Yanyan. I’m a happy girl. I’m thirteen years old. I have two big eyes and my hair is long. I’m studying in Class 11, Grade 7 of Dongzhou Middle School. My school is very big and beautiful.

  I have some hobbies, listening to music, looking for things on the Internet, reading books and watching TV. I like English and maths. They’re interesting.

  I have a happy family. My father is a driver and my mother is an office worker. They love me very much. I like them too.

  I have two new friends. They’re Yu Jinwen and Shen Lin. They’re girls. They’re beautiful.

  This is me. What about you?


my family英语作文带翻译

英语作文my family+翻译
My family
There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my brother and I.My mother is very beautiful.She is an engineer.She is very kind to me.My father is a worker.He works hard.He is strict with me.My brother is a 12-year-old boy.He is very naughty.He likes playing computer best.I am a middle school student.I like singing best.My dream is to be a singer.
This is my family.It is warm.I like it very much.



.My Family(我的家庭) My family lives in Hsi-hu. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family m



My Family(我的家庭)
My family lives in Dalian. 我的家住在大连。
There are five people in my family.我家有五口人。
They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my parents and I. 分别是我的爷爷奶奶,父母和我。
My grandparents are in their sixties. 我的祖父母都六十多岁。
My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man.我爸爸又瘦又高。长得很帅。
He has big eyes. 他大眼睛He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. 喜欢看电视、电影和读书。
His job is an engineer.他是个工程师。
My mother works in an office. 我妈妈在办公室工作。
She cooks very well. 她做饭很好吃。She likes to read books, too.她也喜欢读书。
She is short and thin.她个子矮不过瘦。
I am a student. 我是个学生I study in a junior high school.上初中
I like to play basketball and listen to music very much.我喜欢打篮球和听音乐。
I like my family because each family member helps me a lot.我爱我的家庭,因为每个家庭成员对我帮助都很大。


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