对劳动教育的看法英语作文 ,关于义务劳动的英语作文





Today my classmates and i went to the park to do some volunteer labor, which was to weed the park.    


While we were doing that, a lot of turists passed by us, looking at us curiously. And even some of them came up to ask what we did that for and how much we were paid for that. Some of us students were shy to answer those questions.    



However, in my opinion, we should aswer those questions so proudly that we did this for nothing but just for the beauty of our park, our city, our country, and even our world.    


In our country everyone is trying to do something to help the development of city and whole social civilization. What we have done is just a little and how I feel happy that we can do something helpful to the society.



Obligatory labor I am now in pursuit of higher aspirations because I now understand that the devotion to social welfare is of greater significance than individual happiness. Obligatory labor is one of the major commitments in which I can engage and this kind of engagements often help us end up in more valuable consequences than sometimes presumed. While personally I would like to commit myself to such honors as obligatory labor so that I am in wake of greater personal satisfaction and fulfillment in which I will discover something truly meaningful and viable for future utilities. The major workplace in which I commit myself to such obligatory work is the community in which I live, where a lot of inhabitants are in pressing need of help from volunteers who feel obliged to offer aid. Some of the work that these volunteers do are very impressive; For instance, tending the elderly. In the lofty persuasion of aiding the elderly who are mostly less physically capable than the young, the volu
咨询记录 · 回答于2021-05-13
Obligatory labor I am now in pursuit of higher aspirations because I now understand that the devotion to social welfare is of greater significance than individual happiness. Obligatory labor is one of the major commitments in which I can engage and this kind of engagements often help us end up in more valuable consequences than sometimes presumed. While personally I would like to commit myself to such honors as obligatory labor so that I am in wake of greater personal satisfaction and fulfillment in which I will discover something truly meaningful and viable for future utilities. The major workplace in which I commit myself to such obligatory work is the community in which I live, where a lot of inhabitants are in pressing need of help from volunteers who feel obliged to offer aid. Some of the work that these volunteers do are very impressive; For instance, tending the elderly. In the lofty persuasion of aiding the elderly who are mostly less physically capable than the young, the volu
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Currently, due to various reasons, students work opportunities decrease, lack of work ethic, there are some students would not work, despise labor, do not cherish the fruits of labor phenomenon. Education through labor, can promote students to form thrifty, practical work hard, strong-willed, unity and cooperation of good quality; can promote students to form basic life skills, production and labor, a preliminary career awareness, innovation and entrepreneurship hands-awareness and ability; can promote student physical fitness, a healthy body and mind and a sound personality; can promote students to establish a "most glorious work, the most noble labor, the labor of the greatest, most beautiful work," the labor aesthetic. Therefore, strengthen labor education, in order to achieve labor Shuter to labor increased intelligence, and strength to labor, to labor education the United States, is an effective way to improve the overall quality of students, it is possible to lay a solid foundation for their lifelong health development


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