一次有趣的经历英语作文带翻译 ,英语作文一件难忘的经历带翻译



last summer,i went to beidaihe for my holiday with my family.we took a train because the way is not far.

we lived in a big hotel where could see the sea .we stayed there for three days.

the first day,we went for a walk along the seaside,and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there.the second day,we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes.

i was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends.the last day,we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives.they acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy.

it’s a very good journey,and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days.if i have another holiday,i will go there again.






A happy and short winter quietly slip away from us, we have ushered in a new semester, occurred in the winter vacation fun like the stars in the sky, beyond count, my heart can not be denied a piece of the past. All the stars are shining, everything everything imprint is engraved on my heart. The four cousins have a party, before winter vacation, we gather together, happy and happy, happy to play. Along with the growth of the age, the game every year to upgrade, this is not, this also happened to learn to play badminton. In order to prove who's more advanced skills, we decided to hold an open up a fresh outlook badminton in Grandpa's yard knockout, in order to make the game fair notarization, we invited two be just and stern judge -- grandpa and grandma. In order to play fair, we used the "stone, scissors, cloth". It is "good luck" first by my brother and I play, I have confidence, believe in yourself will when champion. A beginning, I resorted to use all one's skill to elder brother. And the elder brother also to be eager for a fight, confidence hundredfold. However, my ball for a while to the west, while to the East, the drift of the ball, make brother confused and disoriented, terribly fatigued, and finally abandon pat surrender, I can't help but get dizzy with success. The second round began, I just immersed in the joy of. And demonstrated his cousin had caught my strategy, can be an easy job to return the ball every time, even violent fight, smash, this is my turn to be kept constantly on the run, and brother aside booing, this is really "add fuel to the flames", let me anxious, behind a few ball is bad, because the end off the ball too much and be eliminated. I pity the champion dream is only flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, "Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, the". Self described "ball God" turn the cousin play, only they get together, war thirty rounds. Finally "hardened" cousin be a stroke above, become the leader of the four of us. Looking for grandpa grandma cousin won praise and expression of the beam with joy, my heart can only admire her strength. The more firm will humble. Modesty helps one to make progress, conceit makes one lag behind the old, it is the eternal truth can never do wrong, I must always bear in mind, motivate themselves to keep ahead, this is really a meaningful winter ah!



How time flies,unconsciously the next winter vacation will soon come.In order to improvemyself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation plan.
Firstly i want to continue with my study,i think study is a life process,so no matter what the situation I am in,i will look for chances to continue it.I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes.
Secondly,since it is the holiday,I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon come, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation.



一次有趣的旅行 五十字英语作文自己写的
An interesting trip
I traveled to Shanghai during the summer vacation.
I went to the Shanghai zoo and the Museum of science and technology, and the Bund. There are all kinds of small animals in the zoo. I watched 3D movies at the Museum of science and technology.I saw the Oriental Pearl Tower in the Bund.
It was really an interesting trip.
Last summer vacation I went to Beijing with my family . First day,we went go the Great Wall because it is the pride of our Chinese and a wonder in the world.Then we went to the summer palace We saw many beautiful sceneries there. The next day we went to the Tian'anmen square ,and we tasted Beijing duck. In the afternoon we went to the bird's nest and the water cube.Though we were tired we were very happy.I learned much knowledge that I can't learn in the textbooks so I will never forget this interesting trip.
An amazing journey(或者trip).
Travel is an intresting way.
I want to travel to interesting places
interesting 英 [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ]
美 [ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ]
adj. 有趣的; 令人感兴趣的,有趣的; 引起兴趣的; 令人关注的;
[例句]It was interesting to be in a different environment.
[其他] 原型: interest
That was an interesting and long trip.
the most interesting trip (that sb have/has experienced)
A fantastic trip
I have never travelled abroad but I have travelled most of China. For me, the most fantastic place is Tibet.
I was tired of the life in cities and that's why I decided to go Tibet last summer. Tibet is famous for their Tibeten cultures and the staggering high altitude there. What's more, It may also be known as a barbaric place. But it was not true cause all the Tibeten we met there were very friendly and innocente, no exception.
My friends and I got altitude sickness in the early few days cause shenzhen, the city I live in, have no altitude at all. We found it was difficult to breathe and also, it was hard for us to adjust to the weird weather there(the range of temperature was too large that we all got sick).
We met some new friends in Lasa, the capital city of Tibet, and that was the reason that we had enough money to rent two cars(you know, you could pay less if you got more people to share the rental with). Tibet was too large that it was impossible to travel without a car.
There was a time we went to a village and we were invited by the indigens to a local festival which I had never heard before. Anyway, they provided us some local food and some alcohol. I had been told that the indigens would be happy if you drank their alcohol, so both of us drank a lot but one of my friends got heavy altitude sickness after drank alcohol. It was a tough night cause we could not find any hospital there but she recoveried next morning, fortuna......


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上一篇 2022年09月10日12时11分03秒
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