如何预防covid―19英语作文 ,how to protect ourself from COVID_9作文


What did you do in fighting against COVID—9英语作文

Covid-19 is spreading around the world. And some people have caught it。The doctors have done many things to lead people to avoid the disease .What did we do to protecft ourselves from it. Firstly ,We didn't go to the crowded places with lots of people .In these places virus could be spread easily and quickly. Secondly, if we had to go out, we must wear a breathing mask to protect ourself. Thirdly, each of us must have good habits to keep clean. We washed hands often. It's wise to open the windows to let the fresh air in ,too. Fourthly, we exercised as much as possible to build ourselves up. Last but not least when we found that we had a fever and cough ,we must go to the hospital to see a doctor as quickly as we can, we had paid attention to these things and did like these, we did prevent and beat the disease.
咨询记录 · 回答于2021-06-22
What did you do in fighting against COVID—19?英语作文
Covid-19 is spreading around the world. And some people have caught it。The doctors have done many things to lead people to avoid the disease .What should we do to protecft ourselves from it. Here is my advice according to the experts from China. Firstly ,don't go to the crowded places with lots of people .In these places virus can be spread easily and quickly. Secondly, if you have to go out, you must wear a breathing mask to protect yourself. Thirdly, each of us must have good habits to keep clean. We should wash hands often. It's wise to open the windows to let the fresh air in ,too. Fourthly, we are supposed to exercise as much as possible to build ourselves up. Last but not least when we find that we have a fever and cough ,we must go to the hospital to see a doctor as quickly as we can, If we pay attention to these suggestions and do like these, we can prevent and beat the disease.
Covid-19 is spreading around the world. And some people have caught it。The doctors have done many things to lead people to avoid the disease .What did we do to protecft ourselves from it. Firstly ,We didn't go to the crowded places with lots of people .In these places virus could be spread easily and quickly. Secondly, if we had to go out, we must wear a breathing mask to protect ourself. Thirdly, each of us must have good habits to keep clean. We washed hands often. It's wise to open the windows to let the fresh air in ,too. Fourthly, we exercised as much as possible to build ourselves up. Last but not least when we found that we had a fever and cough ,we must go to the hospital to see a doctor as quickly as we can, we had paid attention to these things and did like these, we did prevent and beat the disease.

,how to protect ourself from COVID_9作文图1

how to prevent the spread of coronavirus作文

Coronavirus is spreading. And some people around the world have caught it。The doctors of China have done many things to lead people to avoid the disease .What should we do to prevent it. Here is my advice for you. Firstly ,don't go to the crowded places with lots of people .In these places virus can be spread easily and quickly. Secondly, if you have to go out, you must wear a breathing mask to protect yourself. Thirdly, each of us must have good habits to keep clean. We should wash hands often. It's wise to open the windows to let the fresh air in ,too. Fourthly, we are supposed to exercise as much as possible to build ourselves up. Last but not least when we find that we have a fever and cough ,we must go to the hospital to see a doctor as quickly as we can, If we pay attention to these suggestions and do like these, we can prevent and beat it.

,how to protect ourself from COVID_9作文图2

how to face the exam英语作文

Every country handles the COVID-19 virus with different measures. Probably the most ingenious one is that carried out by the President of the United States. At the beginning he just stayed cool without any action except announcing that everything was under control. Only until the share market crashed which might cost his dream of re-election he then started to direct the public’s anger towards China, and claimed himself as the leader in this fight against this pandemic. Whether this is a good way to face the COVID-19 is yet to be known, but for sure an easy way of any irresponsible government.

,how to protect ourself from COVID_9作文图3


Spring is warm and sunny enough,everywhere blooms,a thriving scene.However,a disease is prone to every spring and infect season."Don't blow cold YangLiuFeng" season,occasionally,have a headache,fatigue,fever.Hospitals in the clinic,rhinitis,often overcrowded influenza,pneumonia,measles,mental disease...For the disease,so the spring even more than the disease dubbed "spring".Medical experts say,spring is frequent changes in the air,the weather changes,if not incline health maintenance,very susceptible to diseases.Busy people in the plan for a year of,also want to concern yourself.
Tell you some preventive disease below small coup:
1 early
2 run
3 often open a window
4.Wash hands
5.Eat healthy food
6 don't go to the crowd
7.Drink more water
8.Frequently change clothes

,how to protect ourself from COVID_9作文图4

以上就是关于如何预防covid―19英语作文 ,how to protect ourself from COVID_9作文的全部内容,以及如何预防covid―19英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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