以家庭教育为题的英语对话 ,关于与父母代沟的英语对话





  A. How many people are there in your family, Susan?


  B. Four, my father, my mother, my brother and I. We are getting on very well.


  A. What do your parents do?


  B. My father is professor, he is strict with us. My mother works in a hotel, and she loves us a lot.


  A. How old is your brother?


  B. He is twenty five, three years older than I am. He is a soldier.


  A. Do you have any grandparents?


  B. My grandpa on my father side is still living. But he doesn’t live with us.



  A: Sam, I've always had the feeling that it is hard being a teenager, but dealing with a cultural clash(文化差异) makes it even more difficult.

  B: What's making you seem so thoughtful?

  A: I have some problem with my family. I was so confused and angry with my parents.

  B: Could you be more specific?

  A: Well, you see, I overheard my mother's complaint one day. She said, “What should we do with her? Every day she is becoming more like her friends. She is not American and she has to realize that.”

  B: Was it all because of your Chinese traditional values?

  A: Exactly. This question would not even exist if I had not moved to America ten years ago. I would still be an innocent little girl in China, enjoying life without taking risks(冒险) or trying anything new.

  B: But now you are here in America, not in China.

  A: Yes, now I'm here in America.I have tried to ignore my background by replacing it with American ways of thinking and acting. But, I have been unsuccessful because my parents are a constant reminder(提醒,提示) of who I am and where I came from.


  Akane: Ruth, what do you think about stay-at-home parents?

  Ruth: Do you mean like one parent staying at home with a child?

  Akane: Yeah, one parent staying at home and the other one working?

  Ruth: Ah, I think it's really bad if a child stays at home with one parent actually.

  Akane: Really, why would you say that?

  Ruth: I think children who are brought up like that generally don't know how to socialize with other people except for their parents.

  Akane: Oh, well, why would you think that?

  Ruth: Well, they're really not given the opportunity to interact with different people, I mean, they spend pretty much all day, every day, with that one parent, and I think it's a real shame. They don't learn how to share or, you know, how to get along with and talk to different people.

  Akane: Well, I think that the child will actually get more interaction if there's a stay at homeparent because the parent will be able to take them to different activities and to other houses to have playmates and at the same time, they'll be able to spend more time with that parent and have socializing time with family members.

  Ruth: But I think children could get those same experiences from different people who look after them. It wouldn't necessarily have to be there family who looked after them surely.

  Akane: Well, sure but, I think that it's different when a person who is not related takes care of a child. I'm sure that they do their best but the love is not there. The caretaker would not love the child as much as the parent would and at the same time if there's one person taking care of ten different children at the same time I would wonder about the amount of attention that the child would get,and safety issues as well.

  Ruth: But I think you've got to look at the practical aspect of this. It's not always practical for people who don't have much money to have one parent staying at home all of the time.

  Akane: That's true. I really agree about that.

  Ruth: Oh, good we agree on one thing.



Mother :M;Father :F
I : I want to go outside with my friends.
M : Sorry , you can't do it .
I : Why not ?
F :I agree with your mother ,we think it's too late.
M :yes ,you must stay at home .
I : No ! I want to play !
F : That is not good for you ,it's 9 o'clock, we think you can go outside tomorrow. And you have to go to bed.
I: really? I can play with my friends tomorrow? That's great !Ok , I will go to bed. Good night.
M and F :Good night, have a pleasure dream !



I have a big family



一,家庭教育是指父母亲人对孩子的教育培养。family education 家庭教育 或者Family life education家庭生活教育
二,Parents in China are paying more attention to the traning of their only-child than ever before.Now,many children in cities have family tutors and more and more children have to learn a lot before they go to school.This is mainly because parents want their children to become somebody or to live better when they grow up.In addition,one-child families have more money and energy than before to afford family traning.


以上就是关于以家庭教育为题的英语对话 ,关于与父母代沟的英语对话的全部内容,以及以家庭教育为题的英语对话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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