公共场合的礼仪英语 ,学生学习公共场合的礼仪是很有必要的的英文翻译

谈到公共场合的礼仪英语 今天就给家解读一下。学生学习公共场合的礼仪是很有必要的的英文翻译和求翻译,中译英:公共场合的文明礼仪一直是人们街谈巷议的话题。很多人在家里非常讲卫生,但是,在公共场公共场合的礼仪英语 的内容,好让大家清楚知道学生学习公共场合的礼仪是很有必要的的英文翻译,接下来一起看看。

公共场合的礼仪英语 :翻译

Public civilization etiquette has been the topic of people everywhere. A lot of people in the home very health, but, they throw rubbish in public places.


公共场合的礼仪英语 :英语作文公共场合的文明礼仪一直是人们街谈巷议的话题

It is easy to find a billboard with “Pleasedo not spit” or “Please keep quiet” on it in the public spaces. However, somepeople still show poor performance as if they have never seen such a notice. And,it remains a question that if they are unable to recognize the stares ofdisgust, or just do not care about it.
Sample as it is, civilized manners becomemore and more indispensable in our daily life as the development of modern society.Distinctly, one’s polite behavior is a kind of tremendous respect for othersand oneself. In fact, the lack of politeness in public does great harm not onlyto yourself but also to the whole image of your country. No doubt, it has beenuniversally acknowledge that courtesy is one of the most essentialqualification that all of our citizen should possess to devote ourselves tobuilding a harmonious society.
Accordingly, it is imperative for us totake some fundamentally measures to enhance the sense of civilized manners inour society. For one thing, what we should bear in mind is that politeness isof great significance to both society and individual. For another, everyoneshould be encouraged to cultivate the spirit of courtesy. Only in this way canwe achieve success and will this society become more harmonious to live in.


公共场合的礼仪英语 :公共场所文明礼仪英语作文

It is easy to find a billboard with “Pleasedo not spit” or “Please keep quiet” on it in the public spaces.However,somepeople still show poor performance as if they have never seen such a notice.And,it remains a question that if they are unable to recognize the stares ofdisgust,or just do not care about it.
Sample as it is,civilized manners becomemore and more indispensable in our daily life as the development of modern society.Distinctly,one’s polite behavior is a kind of tremendous respect for othersand oneself.In fact,the lack of politeness in public does great harm not onlyto yourself but also to the whole image of your country.No doubt,it has beenuniversally acknowledge that courtesy is one of the most essentialqualification that all of our citizen should possess to devote ourselves tobuilding a harmonious society.
Accordingly,it is imperative for us totake some fundamentally measures to enhance the sense of civilized manners inour society.For one thing,what we should bear in mind is that politeness isof great significance to both society and individual.For another,everyoneshould be encouraged to cultivate the spirit of courtesy.Only in this way canwe achieve success and will this society become more harmonious to live in.


公共场合的礼仪英语 :请大家用英语写几个关于在公共场所的注意事项的条例

. 在人跟前打隔hiccup, 打哈欠yawn, 打喷啼sneeze, 都要说声"Excuse me.” 在打哈欠,打喷啼 说“Excuse me”的同时还要用手把嘴捂住. 咳嗽coughing也要用手把嘴捂住. 如果是想吐痰 spitting, 最好躲到无人地带如厕所. 遇到熟人或是陌生人打喷啼, 通常会送上一句“God bless you.” Or “Bless you.” 如果是你打喷啼, 别人对你说“God bless you.” Or “Bless you.”, 你就回 “Thank you.”2. 搭地铁, 搭公共汽车,上车的人要等下车的人先下. 公共汽车一般是前门上, 后门下,但也有人在前门 下. 拼命挤车会招来很难看的眼光,甚至会招来别人公开的批评.下 车的人如果忘记下车,等人家上 来 时才想起来要下去, 那就要大声喊“Excuse me! 说了" Excuse me!” 别人才会给你让路. 除了请人让路时说“Excuse me”外, 在以下场合都说“Excuse me”: 询问时间---Excuse me, do you have the time? Excuse me, what time is it?问路---Excuse me, where is the subway station?寻求帮助----Excuse me. Could you keep an eye on my bag? I will be right back.请餐馆服务生买单----Excuse me, sir. Could you give me the check, please?让人安静----Excuse me.让大家注意----Excuse me. Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention, please.3. 排队美国的排队已经是深入人心, 天经地义的. 小孩从小就要学习如何排队如滑楼梯,排队上.No skipping! 插队是很少见也是会被人毫不留情地批评的. 如果是无意站在别人前面了, 后面的人会毫不客气地说, “Excuse me. I am first. Or Excuse me, the line is here.” 在公共场合的排队都是排一个队的(form one line only), 即使是有很多窗口的服务台. 如果你只是想问个简单的问题,你可以走到队伍前面, 跟站在队伍第一个人说, “Hi, I just want to ask a question.” 别人也会让你这么做的.但你不要忘记说“Thank you.” Or “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”如果你排了队,到窗口服务台时, 里面的工作人员说你应该填这表格那表格, 为了不让其他排队的人苦等, 你可以到一边填表,填好后,就不用再排队,直接回到原来的窗口.如果怕排队的人误会你插队, 你可说声“I was here before.” 排队的时候, 如果你有事想离开一下, 你可交代你后面的人说你马上回来. 这样你回来后就可即刻回到原来的位置.这些都是很正常的事情.4. 在公共场合, 推门进入大楼时, 要注意看看自己身后是不是紧跟着人, 如果你不回头看后面就把门 猛地一关slam the door,那是非常不礼貌的. 要稍微扶下门hold the door,让后面的人跟进来. 如果 是别人帮你扶门, 不要忘记说声“Thank you.” 男士一般会主动扶门, 跟女士说声“Lady first. Or After you.”5. 乘电梯elevator时, 如果是电梯里人很多, 你无法到按键跟前按你想去的楼层或是你手上提东西, 无法按键,你只要说声“Could you press fifth floor for me?”就可以了. 不要忘记说“Thank you.”6. 乘escalator(我不知道中文该怎么说) 时,要站escalator的右边.留住左边的小空道给想快速行走的 人.7. 在公共场合不能大声喧哗. 一般在地铁或是公共汽车上, 人门都在看书,看报,看杂志, 戴耳机听歌或 是闭目养神.8. 坐在公共场合如公园或是地铁的凳子上时, 不要随意脱掉鞋子. 非常非常的难看.另外还要注意坐的 姿势, 双腿要合拢. (sit with the legs closed.)不能在公共场合扣鼻子(pick your nose.) 鼻子痒,可 以拿张tissue轻轻揉下.


以上就是关于公共场合的礼仪英语 ,学生学习公共场合的礼仪是很有必要的的英文翻译的全部内容,以及公共场合的礼仪英语 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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