a conflict with 英语作文 ,英语作文写作方法与技巧



conflicts between teenager and their parents always happen. if they can understand each other better, it will reduce the conflicts. one conflict just happened to me a few days ago. I was very unhappy with my parents. the night before the day, i was working on my essay. i went to sleep at 5:00 am, I just fell asleep.then, my father woke me up and said it's time to go to part time work. I answered,but after he left, I fell asleep again. my father turned to really mad. he started yelling at me when he woke me up the second time. I did not feel comfortable with that because I did not think that is my fault. then i yell him back. As a result, we have not talked to each other for a few days.

a conflict with 英语作文


One morning Wilbur asked her about the Fair.

a conflict with 英语作文

一篇英语作文500字左右 标题 conflict between human and nature 要真的是自己写的哈 非常感

Under the macropictures of consecutively nature disasters occurred in the great land, i believe we should maintain a kind of balance with nature based on a consistent policy.
Through the development of society ,particularly under the contribution of years of higher eduction, people 's awareness have a great improvement.They were already noted that the nature are inexhaustible.
Last but not least,people not only should set up a correct perception,but also they should act from themselves,only through this way , the world will be become better and better,can we live a happy and harmonious life.

a conflict with 英语作文


My favourite parent should be patient, genial and intelligent, who could take responsibilites of both work and family as well as appreciate life.
A parent should be responsibal for his or her job while the family life should also not be ignored.A good parent would be diligent in his or her career for that it is a social obligation. However, a work holic can't be a good parent. A perfect parent should balance his time between work and family.
When I have a conflict with my parents, I'd prefer to comunicate with them. We may debate sometimes, but that should be done when we're all calm. I think that the generation gap can be fixed with effective comunication.

a conflict with 英语作文

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