一般疑问句60个题 ,一般疑问句练习题



我自己写的答案 绝对没错 有事百度HI我
一 将下列句子改为一般疑问句。
1 I’m thirteen years old.
Are you thirteen years old?
2 He likes his family members.
Does he like his family members?
3 We are singing and dancing.
Are you singing and dancing?
4 Mary can ride a bike.
Can Mary ride a bike?
5 John is a tall and kind person.
Is John a tall and kind person?
6 There is some broccoli in the bowl.
Is there some broccoli in the bowl?
7 I will take it.
Will you take it?
8 Her sister-in-law is a teacher.
Is her sister-in-law a teacher?
9 My father cooks well.
Does your father cook well?
10 Our little brother draws a nice picture.
Does your little brother draw a nice picture?



1. It is a lovely dog.­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________
2. She is lovely girl.________________________________________
3. He is my father._________________________________________
4. They are Lily’s cousins. ___________________________________
5. We are classmates. ______________________________________
6. I am a doctor. ________________________________________
7. There is a bird in the tree. ________________________________
8. There are many stars in the sky. ____________________________
9. They are good friends. ____________________________________
10. I love my parents. _______________________________________
11. I play computer games every night. _________________________
12. There are many books on the shelf. __________________________
13. There is an ostrich in the zoo. _______________________________
14. We have a pleasant home. __________________________________
15. We like to climb the mountain. ______________________________
16. They go to church on Sunday. ______________________________
17. They walk to school every morning. __________________________
18. It is a beautiful park. ______________________________
19. It is a big map. ______________________________
20. You are a singer. ______________________________
用do does be 填空
1> _____ she know all the answers ?
Yes , she ____ . No, she _____.
2> _____ the twins often fight ?
Yes ,_____ do. No, _____ don’t.
3> _____ your dad like listening to music?
Yes ,____ does . No, _____ doesn’t.
4>_____ uncle Tom wash his car everyday?
Yes , ____ does . No, ____ doesn’t.
5> _____ you have a new teacher?
Yes , I ______. No, I ______.
6>_____ she a teacher?
Yes, she _____ . No, she _____.
7> ______ you playing ball now?
Yes, I ______. No, I ______.
8> ______ the pig like to sleep?
Yes, it ______. No, it _____.
9> ______ five birds flying in the sky?
Yes, they _____ .No, ____ aren’t.
10> _____ your father smoking in the living room?
Yes, ____ is .No, he _____.



1 I like running. 疑问句 Do you like running? 否定 I don't like running.
2 She goes swimming every day.
疑问句 Does she go swimming every day? 否定句 She doesn'tgo swimming every day.
3 He is often late for shool. 疑 Is he often late for shool?.否 He isn‘t often late for shool.
4 They go to library.疑 Do they go to library? 否 They don't go to library.
5 We usually go to shool by bus.
疑Do you usually go to shool by bus? 否 We don't usually go to shool by bus.
6 You need to close the window.
疑Do you need to close the window? 否 You don't need to close the window.
7 I am a student.疑 Am I a student? 否 I am not a student.
8 She wants to go shopping this afternoon.
疑Does she want to go shopping this afternoon? 否 She doesn't want to go shopping this afternoon.
9 I love reading. 疑问句 Do you love reading? 否 I don't love reading .
10 The earth goes around the sun.
疑Does the earth goes around the sun? 否 The earth doesn't go around the sun.
1) I will go to BeiJing tomorrow.
Will you go to Beijing tomorrow? I will not go to BeiJing tomorrow.
2) Tom will come to my home at 3PM.
Will Tom come to my home at 3PM ? Tom will come to my home at 3PM.
3) England will play against France tomorrow.
Will England play against France tomorrow? England will not play against France tomorrow.
4) I will come back to school in September.
Will you come back to school in September? I will not come back to school in September.
5)Dr. Wang will give us a presentation later.
Will Dr. Wang give us a presentation later? Dr. Wang will not give us a presentation later.
6) I will visit you next month.
Will you visit you next month? I will not visit you next month.
7) She will carry the pen.
Does she carry the pen? She does not carry the pen.
8)I will read tomorrow. will you read tomorrow? I will not read tomorrow.
9) I will you play basketball next time.
Will you play basketball next time? I will not you play basketball next time.
10)I will come here tomorrow.
Will you come here tomorrow? I will not come here tomorrow.
编辑于 2019-10-29
5分钟内响应 | 万名专业答主
最美的花火 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
lanqiuwangzi 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
garlic 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
188****8493 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
篮球大图 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
动物乐园 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
AKA 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
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Are you from China﹖你来自中国吗?Is her sister doing her homework now﹖她的妹妹在做作业了吗?Does he work in a bank﹖他在银行工作吗?Do you live near your school﹖你住在你们学校附近吗?Can you speak Fren...


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