a conflict with my friend ,i will have a party with my friends


i will have a party with my friends

with somebody表示“与...在一起”,而and是个并列连词。


conflict 英[ˈkɒnflɪkt] 美[ˈkɑ:nflɪkt]
n. 冲突; 矛盾; 战斗; 相互干扰;
vi. 冲突; 抵触; 争斗; 战斗;
Try to keep any conflict between you and your ex-partner to a minimum
There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want

Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict

Employees already are in conflict with management over job cuts

The two companies came into conflict.

Do you feel any conflict of loyalties?

The two objectives are in conflict.

He held firm opinions which usually conflicted with my own

There are conflicting reports about the identity of the hostage.

The time has come to put an end to the conflict


Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.
To be honest, it was Su’s fault but Li was also to blame—they were not calm enough and both said some really mean things. They cared too much about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game.
To avoid such conflict games, we should be kind to each other, which is essential to a harmonious life. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget,especially in such a competitive society. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and out ourselves in others’ place.
Don’t be self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn to handle conflicts wisely.


My favourite parent should be patient, genial and intelligent, who could take responsibilites of both work and family as well as appreciate life.
A parent should be responsibal for his or her job while the family life should also not be ignored.A good parent would be diligent in his or her career for that it is a social obligation. However, a work holic can't be a good parent. A perfect parent should balance his time between work and family.
When I have a conflict with my parents, I'd prefer to comunicate with them. We may debate sometimes, but that should be done when we're all calm. I think that the generation gap can be fixed with effective comunication.

以上就是关于a conflict with my friend ,i will have a party with my friends的全部内容,以及a conflict with my friend 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年08月24日15时09分41秒
下一篇 2022年08月24日15时19分43秒


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