以四季为题的英语手抄报内容 ,三年级一年四季的作文300字



have the four seasons one year, years has cold hot weather, do not pass normally again it seems that. Although now and then also meet of exclaim days elapse, never experience off-season changes seriously however. Experienced only spring exuberant, great achievements of again and again; If not experiences the bleak respectful of hibernate to kill, how is the passion of meeting yearning summer insurgent? The step of the four seasons comes hurriedly, go hurriedly again. The memory of childhood is like bright and beautiful if spend, colorful world life blossoms, be like sweetly March spring breeze, be like fierily in June filariasis, the four seasons in nature is certain nevertheless more if the poem is picturesque. Spring day, on boundless and indistinct prairie, lanneret is in low come back, look for just the life of come to; Small grass is in sway, suck the timely rain of the earth, it is released spring blaze, this blaze is not aureate, however green -- that is the youth that never fades symbolizes. That is pale green grow long ribbon like, although be hit after many frost, inexorable still, from last year new bud appears below blasted branches and leaves, if brook Chan Chan is poured out of. Spring the footstep is in green in spread. Summer, if note,rain cats and dogs, fierce wind sheds water shake is erratically, wet and windy, arbitrary trample lawn. Rainwater from housetop one have diarrhoea and below, free gave drainpipe, keep momently douse is on the window, on the door, let a person whats look not clear. Have water only at the moment, such blotting out the sky and cover up the earth, rainwater how not can hurried? So tremendous weight, can cloud layer bear how? So violent concussion, how is the earth endured again case? Between instantly, to bang of ping-pong of the ping on housetop, the silver on the meadow bead fly violently, low-lying place spray 4 splash. Then, the catharsis of the footstep classics harships of summer, clean ground moves toward the autumn. Autumn day, just like heaven, weather is gradually cool, the leaf becomes yellow slowly. Though autumn the prelude that is a winter, but somehow, people always thinks the autumn is the most beautiful. Autumn footstep and Chun Xia are different, it changes a faint scent, from the trail in firewood furnace or fireplace; It changes a Gan Tian, be in harmony eats fruit and vegetable; It still hides stealthily in the melon and fruit of cropland edge stack, more in the cider that brews mellow beauty already. Autumn the results that the footstep is witnessing field. Wintry day, snow is soft like cotton, thick thick bespread window lattice, climb on glass full glacial grain, dim and of divine Mi crepuscular show a window and show, make become sweet and comfortable in the home. Although be in common single-page calendar, always appear with the figure of the old person in the winter, but I think however, winter should be a happy axman, or the youth that is a warm blood, exultation caper ground appears from chimney, rise happily up, was full of whole universe. The footstep of the four seasons has gone so namely, spring green, summerly rain, autumn wind, wintry snow, it is the mark that the four seasons has taken to stay.








I love summer.There ia a summer vacation in summer.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content.

I hate summer.In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesnt blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired——except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I cant study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.

All in all,summer is a season in every year.Of course,Ican adjust to summer.


Prospective students can get a taste of campus life during the summer months by spending a day or evening at Penn State New Kensington.

During the Spend a Summer Day and Spend a Summer Evening events in June, July, and August, participants can meet staff and current students, and find out all they need to know about admissions, financial aid and student life. Opportunities to tour the campus are available and a free lunch and entertainment are provided.

The first Spend a Summer Day program is a weekend event slated from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 20. Adult learners who cant make it during the day due to work commitments may spend a summer evening on campus from 6:30-9:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 30. The final Spend a Summer Day is a weekday event, set from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 6.


Summer night watching the sky and saw the moon climb the trees, the moon from the Earths curved, like a boat into the round.

The sky from blue to black, the little stars climb the highest trees, and they smiled to me, blinked, lamb also went back to the laps. Presented by the green wall of trees in black, the Grand Canal echoing rumble of vehicles on the road, and occasionally still hear the dog barking sound.


英语手抄报内容 摘抄

Flowers bloom opened, sending out inviting scent, relaxed and happy making a person; Cute little swallow flew from the south, scenery, singing a song. Obviously, three on the steps of light has to hold us!
Spring is a rebirth. When the spring rain drip-drip-drip down, like a pearl stood but the earth, wake up the first spring of bamboo shoots, wake up all the life, everything to wake up.
Spring is a season of vitality. The arrival of the spring, make the world rejuvenated, restore the aura, restore the vitality. The birds freely in the blue sky to fly, and kept singing songs of joy, as if to welcome the arrival of spring. Many plants in spring and grow, bloom, the dance... Look, the tree out of the green branches; The grass yawn, senses; Bowing with the wind; Bud grin may toward everyone laugh, peach blossom and pear aromas refreshing.
Spring is a season of roses. In spring, colorful flowers very charming, plus the bird clear moving singing, and the ubiquity of flowers, as in play a "spring symphony". The butterfly and the honey bee also touched and haste to join the flowers bloom, birds of the debates in the band, a good view of the poetic!!!!!
"Every dance, play butterfly linger at oriole just cry j." Like du fu verse, spring not only glows, or vivid! Let us together to feel the spring, enjoy the spring every a bunch of the warmth of sunshine and rain in the moist, cherish the good time of spring! Listen, ChunLei have rang through the air, "ChunLei a roar, the earth shake three shake." ChunLei is calling you put this beautiful spring describe it!盛开的花朵开放,散发着诱人的香味,令人心旷神怡;可爱的小燕子从南方飞,风景,唱一首歌。很明显,三的步骤,光有抱着我们!春天是一个重生。当春雨drip-drip-drip下来,像珍珠站但地球,醒来的竹笋的第一个春天,一觉醒来所有的生命,一切都醒来。春天是生机盎然的季节。春季的到来,使世界重新焕发活力,恢复光环,恢复活力。鸟儿在蓝色的天空中自由地飞翔,并继续唱欢乐的歌,仿佛在欢迎春天的到来。许多植物在春天生长,开花,舞蹈…看,树上的绿枝上;草地上打哈欠,感觉;鞠躬风;芽咧嘴可能对每个人都笑了,桃花和梨花香气清新。春天是一个季节的玫瑰。在春季,五颜六色的花朵很迷人,加上鸟清晰动人的歌声,和无处不在的花,像在玩一个“交响乐之春”。蝴蝶和蜜蜂也感动和匆忙加入鲜花盛开,鸟儿的辩论在乐队,一个风景好的诗歌!!!!!“每一个舞蹈,玩蝴蝶黄鹂只是哭泣〉像杜甫诗句,春天不仅发光,或生动的!让我们一起去感受春天,享受春天的每一束温暖的阳光和雨露的滋润,珍惜春天的好时光!听着,春雷有响彻云霄,“春雷轰鸣,大地抖三抖。”春蕾叫你把这美丽的春天的描述!



There four seasons in a year.
They're spring,summer,autumn and winter.
It's warm in spring.
We go cycing in spring.
It's hot in summer.
We go swmming in summer.
It's cool in autumn.
We play football in autumn.
It's cold in winter.
We watch TV and play table tennis in winter.


以上就是关于以四季为题的英语手抄报内容 ,三年级一年四季的作文300字的全部内容,以及以四季为题的英语手抄报内容 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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