二人谈论真正的友谊对话英语 ,一篇关于如何理解友谊的英语对话作文




Shop-assistant : May I help you, sir?
Mr. Yung : Er…I wart to buy my wife a gift for Christmas, but I don't know what she would like.
Shop- assistant : How about an evening gown? These are all from Paris.
Mr. Yung : No. She has very good taste in clothes. I don't want to take the risk.
Shop- assistant : What do you have in mind then?
Mr. Yung : I'm thinking about jewelry or something valuable and won't be out of fashion.
Shop- assistant : We've got beautiful jewelry here. Not much, but each one is unique. If you're interested, I can show you.
Mr. Yung : Do you give guarantees of their genuineness?
Shop- assistant : Yes, we do. (He leads Mr. Yung to another counter.) Here we are. Well, what do you think?
Mr. Yung : They are lovely, I must say....Can I take a look at that necklace?
Shop- assistant : Which one? This one?
Mr. Yung : No, no....The third one from the left....Yeah, that's the one. (Shop assistant gives him the necklace.) Is this ruby genuine?
Shop- assistant : We don't sell fakes here, sir. This one is a masterpiece, and I'm sure your wife will love it. You can't find a second one in New York, and it only costs you three thousand six hundred dollars. You can pay by cheque if you like.
Mr. Yung : Three thousand six hundred? .... OK, I'll take it....Here is the cheque. Oh, please gift-wrap it.
1.Unique adi.独一无二的
2.Genuineness n.真品
3.Fake n.膺品、伪造品
叔叔 Why can't you celebrate the Spring Festival at home?

张婷 Because I'm going to take a tour group to the south.

叔叔 You don't have a holiday even during the Spring Festival, do you?

张婷 No, we don't. Business is very good during this time of the year.

叔叔 Do many people go traveling during the festival?

张婷 Yes, more and more people go traveling during the Spring Festival.

对啊,春节出去旅行的人越来越多了。 you: hey (your friend\'s name),tomorrow\'s new year\'s eve,what are you going to do?
friend: i\'m going to spend it with my family,it\'s going to be so much fun, i haven\'t see my cusins for like ever! how are you going to spend you night?
you: I\'m going to LA to see my family there and then go to Disneyland and Hollywood Universal Studio,i can\'t wait!
friend: oh my god! you\'re so lucky! i haven\'t been to LA for a long time!
you: i know! i haven\'t been there in a long time either, all my family memmbers are going there together, it\'s going to be fun!
friend:well, i hope you have fun there!
you: yeah thanks, i hope you have fun with your cusins and other family members as well!
懒的给你翻译,够简单的了,不知道够不够3分钟,绝对美式英文不信你K我 A:Hi,Jim!
B:Hi,Kate!Where're you going?
A:I'm going home.My mother is making dumplings at home,and I'll help her.
B:Great.Will you play firecrackers at evening?
A:Sure.My father bought lots of firecrackers.All of them are very beautiful,I believe.
B:That's cool.My father bought many firecrackers too.
A:This evening we'll have a wonderful dinner,and many of my relatives will come.
B:Great.The table of my house is full of dishes,too.
A:I think I'll spend a very happy Spring Festival.
B:Me too.See you.
A:See you.
漫步云端 的感言: 非常感谢你的帮助 2008-12-16
⊙_⌒暄逸-S 6级 2008-12-16
A:Do you think Internet is good?
B:Of course! Internet can help us learn more things.We can find imformations we need.And.....
A:Wait, some people would agree with you.But I don't think so.Because there are many sudents fall in to the Internet can't get out.And their grades come down really quickly.
B:But everyone needs relax. Of course they relaxed a lot.But we can't think Internet is bad.It can help us in many ways.We can visit the school website and learn things we don't know very much,because we are all students.Don't you think so?We can use it in many ways,although some is bad,but not all ways are bad.And we can help others such as by using Zhidao of baidu.I think you have used it before.
A:Yeah.It's true.But there is many unhealthy imformations.Such as the eroticism things.You know.
B:But there are still many useful imformations.Why do you only can see the bad things of Internet.
A:Maybe you are right.
Xiao Hua: Hi! Lingling, how are you doing?
Lingling: fine. Thanks. Thank god it is Friday.
Xiao Hua :Yeah. What do you usually do on the weekend? I feel so bored on the weekend.
Lingling: Why don’t you surf on net?There are so many fun things out there.
Xiao Hua :Well, My mom won’t let me get on line. She said that there are so many traps on the internet.She is aftraid that I might get bad influence. like those pornographic sites.
Lingling: She only looks at the negative side of the internet. Actually there are far more positive impacts.
Xiao Hua: Give me some examples, please.
Lingling: Simply by clicking internet button,you can get information about all kinds of topics. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even if you want to have very specific information, you will find it in a short time
Xiao Hua: Tell me some more, please
Lingling: You can socialize with people. I find that I could find better friends on net than in the real world.
Xiao Hua: Really? Sounds interesting.
Lingling: There are social communities on the internet., like English Corners. I often go there to practice my oral English. I don’t feel shy there which I normally do. Now I find that I have made great progress in my oral and written English due to the internet.
Xiao Hua: That’s great. I have been looking for a place to practice my English. I think I will persuade my mom to let me get on line.
Lingling: another big advantage of the internet is the easy access to information and it is very cheap. For example, you may download songs, reading novels, play games. There are many web sites that offer free stuff.
Xiao Hua:I enjoy reading novels, especially those adventures.but my mom said that a lot of children get sick after playing on the computer all day long.
Lingling: She is right. We can’t glue to it all day. It is not good for our eyes. It is not good for our body.We need to go out to inhale fresh air. We need to keep fit in the park.. We need to socialize with real people .
Xiao Hua :Can I voice chat with you tonight? I want you to tell me more about internet.
Sure. I use QQ. You may download one.
Xiao Hua: Ok. See u in QQ then.
Lingling: See you.



Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.
--John Evelyn
What though youth gave love and roses,age still leaves us friends and wine.
--Thomas Moore
True friendship is like sound health,the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.
--Charles Colton
True friendship foresees the need of others rather than proclaims its own.
--Andre Maurois
Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little failings.
--Jean de La Bruyere
Though time may change so many things,the happiness that friendship brings is never changed.
Friendship is love with understanding.
Without confidence there is no friendship.


一段谈论朋友的英语对话 明天英语口试用要二人谈论自己最好的朋友本人英语比较矬简单一点就好

A:hello 名字,nice to meet you,how are you?B:Hi,Im fine,thank you.A:名字,do you have the best friend?can you tell me something about you and your friends?B:yes,she is Lucy.we knew each other when we were in the second grade in primary school.A:Wow!historical friends.how do you keep your friendship?B:we totally love,support and trust each other,and tell each other the secrets of our souls.A:you must be happy to have such a friend.B:yes.I like her very much.A:how I wish I could have such a kind of friend!anyway,thank you for your description.see you tomorrow.B:with pleasure.see you.



A: Hi, look at the photo. (嗨,看看这张照片。)
B: Oh, It is a beautiful girl. Who is she ? (哦,是个漂亮的女孩儿。她是谁呀?)
A: She is my best friend, Ann. She lives in China now. (她是我最好的朋友,安。 现在住在中国。)
B: How old is she? (她多大了?)
A; She is twelve. (12 岁了)
B: Does she live with her parents now? (她现在和她的父母住在一起吗?)
A:Yes, she does. (嗯,是的。)
B: What do you often do ? (你们经常做什么?)
A: We often do our homework together。(我们经常在一起做作业)
B: What do you do at school? (你们在学校里做些什么?)
A: We chat with each other after lunch at school. After school, we often play volleyball.
(我们午饭后会一起聊聊天; 放学后,经常打打排球。)
B: Wow! That's really nice. (嗯,真的不错。)


以上就是关于二人谈论真正的友谊对话英语 ,一篇关于如何理解友谊的英语对话作文的全部内容,以及二人谈论真正的友谊对话英语 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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