不可以大吵大闹的英文 ,上课不能大吵大闹的英文



Please don't yell at my rules
Please don't yell at my rules



/ ˈrʌfl; ˋrʌfl/ v
[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) disturb the smoothness or
evenness of sth 弄皱或弄乱某物: a breeze ruffling the surface of
the lake 吹皱了湖面的微风 * Don't ruffle my hair, I've
just combed it. 别把我的头发弄乱了, 我刚刚梳好了的. * The bird
ruffled up its feathers. 那只鸟竖起了羽毛.
[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] upset the calmness or even temper
of (sb); disconcert 扰乱(某人)的情绪; 激怒(某人): Anne is easily
ruffled by awkward questions. 安妮遇到难堪的问题很容易发脾气.
(idm 习语) ruffle sb's `feathers (infml 口) annoy sb 惹某人生气. smooth sb's ruffled feathers
=> smooth2.
ruffle n strip of material gathered into a
frill and used to ornament a garment, esp at the wrist or neck 褶饰,
/ rʌf; rʌf/ adj
(-er, -est)
having an uneven or irregular surface; not level or smooth
高低不平的; 参差不齐的; 不平滑的; 粗糙的: A jeep is ideal for driving over
rough terrain. 吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶. * a rough stone
wall 里出外进的石墙 * rough hands 粗糙的手 *
rough woollen cloth 粗糙的毛料布. Cf 参看 smooth1.
not gentle or calm; moving or acting violently 粗鲁的; 粗暴的;
粗野的; 剧烈的: rough behaviour 粗暴的行为 * His children are very rough with their toys. 他的孩子很不爱惜玩具. *
Rugby is a rough sport. 橄榄球是一种很剧烈的运动. * That area of the city is quite rough (ie
dangerous) after dark. 那一带市区天黑之後很危险. * This suitcase has had some rough handling, ie has been
badly treated. 这个手提箱用得很不在意. * He has a rough
tongue, ie often speaks rudely or sharply. 他讲话很不中听(言语粗野或尖刻). *
rough seas 风浪大的海 * have a
rough crossing from Dover to Calais 在大风大浪中从多佛港横渡到加莱港.
made or done without (much) attention to detail, esp in
haste or as a first attempt; approximate 粗制的; 粗略的; (尤指)粗率的或初步的; 概略的: a rough sketch, calculation, translation 草图﹑ 概略的计算﹑ 粗略的翻译
* a rough draft of his speech 他的演讲草稿 * Give me a rough idea of your plans. 请把你那计画的大概意思告诉我. *
I'll give you a rough estimate of the costs.
我给你大致估计一下费用. * rough justice, ie more
or less fair, but not necessarily strictly according to law 勉强的公正.
harsh (in taste, sound, etc) (味道﹑ 声音等)令人不快的; 难吃的; 刺耳的:
a rough red wine 难喝的红葡萄酒 * Your engine sounds a bit rough you'd better have it checked.
你的发动机声音有点不正常--最好检查检查. * a rough voice
(infml 口) unwell 不舒服:
I feel a bit rough I'm going to bed.
(idm 习语) be rough (on sb) (infml
口) be unpleasant or unlucky (for sb) (对某人来说)不愉快的, 不幸的: Losing his job was rough (on him). 他失业了, 真倒霉. give
sb/have a rough `time (cause sb to) experience hardship, be treated
severely, etc (使某人)受苦﹑ 受到严厉的对待等: She had a really rough time
when her father died. 她在父亲去世以後受了很多罪. a raw/rough deal => deal4.
,rough and `ready adequate but unrefined; crude but effective 能满足需要但不精美;
简陋但有效: The accommodation is rather rough and ready, I'm
afraid. 依我看, 这个住处还算差强人意. * [attrib 作定语] rough and
ready methods 原始但实用的方法. a rough `diamond person who is
good-natured but lacking polished manners, education, etc 心地善良但粗俗﹑
> roughly adv
in a rough manner 粗鲁地; 粗暴; : treat sb roughly
粗暴地对待某人 * a roughly made table, ie not
finely finished 做工粗糙的桌子.
2 approximately 大概; 大约: It should cost roughly 10. 这大约10英镑. * about forty miles, roughly speaking 大致说来,
roughness n [U] quality or state
of being rough 粗糙; 粗略; 粗率; 粗鲁; 粗厉: the roughness of his
chin 他下巴的粗糙不光滑.
# ,rough-and-`tumble n, adj (fight, struggle,
etc that is) boisterous and disorganized, but usu not serious 吵闹而混乱的(打﹑
斗等)(通常不很严重): All the pups were having a rough-and-tumble in
the garden. 小狗都正在花园里又叫又闹.
`rough house (infml 口) disturbance with violent and noisy behaviour
,rough `luck bad luck, worse than is deserved
`roughneck n (US infml 口) 1 rowdy person; hooligan 粗暴而好吵闹的人; 流氓.
2 worker on an oil rig 油井工人.
/ rʌf; rʌf/ adv
in a rough manner 粗鲁地; 粗暴地; 粗略地: a team
that is notorious for playing rough, ie in a (physically) somewhat
violent way 因动作粗野而声名狼藉的运动队.
(idm 习语) cut up `rough (infml
口) become angry or violent 发脾气; 暴跳如雷: I hope he
doesn't cut up rough when I tell him what I've done. 我把我做的事情告诉他,
但愿他别发火. live rough => live2.
sleep rough => sleep2.
`roughcast n [U] coarse plaster containing
gravel, used for covering the outside walls of buildings
`rough-hewn adj
(fml or rhet 文或修辞) shaped or carved
roughly 初步成形的; 粗雕的: a rough-hewn statue
`roughshod adv (idm 习语) ride
roughshod over sb/sth => ride2.


but it was too late什么意思

but it was too wimpy:但它太弱了


wimpy:英 [ˈwɪmpi]  美 [ˈwɪmpi] 

  • adj. 懦弱的;无用的


  • adj. 懦弱的;无用的

  • useless , unnecessary


Wimpy Bar 上边的栏 ; 懦弱酒吧

Michael Wimpy 迈克尔

The Diary of a Wimpy 小屁孩日记


  • You may not be weak, but when it comes to money, you get wimpy. 


  • Rodrick Rules is the second book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. 



kick it up翻译

kick up:踢起;引起;激起

音标: [kɪk ʌp] 

详细翻译:开始(大吵大闹);扬起(灰尘或土),提高允许量,急剧提高汽油辛烷值, 引起。


kick up a dust 扬起灰尘 ; 争执 ; 闹事 ; 翻译

kick up block 阻车器挡车器阻块 ; 阻车器

kick up one's heels 高兴得跳起来 ; 去外面寻欢作乐 ; 翘辫子

Kick up your heels 好好享受 ; 排舞


If you can pass the exam, you'd kick up your heels. 


Verboten, at least on "bad air" days. They kick up dust. 


But once the dust settles, you will kick up some more... 



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