
这篇文章提供了100个小学生常用的英语反问句,如"You are happy, aren't you?"和"He likes to read books, doesn't he?"等,旨在帮助小学生更好地掌握英语反问句的使用,并强调学习英语需要不断的练习和积累。


  1. You are happy, aren't you?

  2. Tom can swim, can't he?

  3. She is a doctor, isn't she?

  4. They will come, won't they?

  5. He doesn't like coffee, does he?

  6. You have finished your homework, haven't you?

  7. She didn't go to school yesterday, did she?

  8. We are going to the park, aren't we?

  9. He is a good student, isn't he?

  10. You don't like pizza, do you?

  11. He hasn't eaten breakfast yet, has he?

  12. You can speak Chinese, can't you?

  13. She won't be late, will she?

  14. They didn't watch TV last night, did they?

  15. He isn't coming to the party, is he?

  16. You haven't seen the movie, have you?

  17. She doesn't play tennis, does she?

  18. We should go now, shouldn't we?

  19. He will be here soon, won't he?

  20. You didn't forget your keys, did you?

  21. She has gone to bed, hasn't she?

  22. They don't like ice cream, do they?

  23. He can't swim, can he?

  24. You won't be late, will you?

  25. She hasn't finished her work yet, has she?

  26. We didn't go to the beach last weekend, did we?

  27. He is going to the store, isn't he?

  28. You didn't see the accident, did you?

  29. She won't forget her lunch, will she?

  30. They have finished the project, haven't they?

  31. He likes to play soccer, doesn't he?

  32. You can't speak French, can you?

  33. She didn't buy the book, did she?

  34. They will be here soon, won't they?

  35. He isn't watching TV, is he?

  36. You didn't finish your dinner, did you?

  37. She doesn't want to go to the party, does she?

  38. We shouldn't eat too much candy, should we?

  39. He will help us, won't he?

  40. You haven't been to the zoo, have you?

  41. She is listening to music, isn't she?

  42. They didn't study for the test, did they?

  43. He can play the piano, can't he?

  44. You will come to the concert, won't you?

  45. She hasn't seen the movie yet, has she?

  46. We didn't go to the museum, did we?

  47. He is going to the library, isn't he?

  48. You didn't see the rainbow, did you?

  49. She won't be late for the meeting, will she?

  50. They have finished their lunch, haven't they?

  51. He likes to read books, doesn't he?

  52. You can't play basketball, can you?

  53. She didn't eat breakfast this morning, did she?

  54. They won't be here tomorrow, will they?

  55. He isn't playing the guitar, is he?

  56. You didn't clean your room, did you?

  57. She doesn't like to dance, does she?

  58. We shouldn't be late for class, should we?

  59. He will buy a new car, won't he?

  60. You haven't had dinner yet, have you?

  61. She is watching TV, isn't she?

  62. They didn't go to the party, did they?

  63. He can't ride a bike, can he?

  64. You won't forget your phone, will you?

  65. She hasn't finished her book yet, has she?

  66. We didn't go to the movie theater, did we?

  67. He is going to the gym, isn't he?

  68. You didn't hear the thunder, did you?

  69. She won't be tired after the game, will she?

  70. They have finished their homework, haven't they?

  71. He likes to eat pizza, doesn't he?

  72. You can't swim in this pool, can you?

  73. She didn't finish her coffee, did she?

  74. They will be back soon, won't they?

  75. He isn't studying for the exam, is he?

  76. You didn't go to the concert, did you?

  77. She doesn't want to go to the beach, does she?

  78. We shouldn't waste food, should we?

  79. He will be happy to see you, won't he?

  80. You haven't visited the museum, have you?

  81. She is reading a book, isn't she?

  82. They didn't watch the movie, did they?

  83. He can't drive a car, can he?

  84. You won't be busy tonight, will you?

  85. She hasn't started her project yet, has she?

  86. We didn't go to the amusement park, did we?

  87. He is going to the airport, isn't he?

  88. You didn't smell the flowers, did you?

  89. She won't be cold in the winter, will she?

  90. They have finished their breakfast, haven't they?

  91. He likes to watch TV, doesn't he?

  92. You can't play the guitar, can you?

  93. She didn't finish her lunch, did she?

  94. They won't be here next week, will they?

  95. He isn't eating dinner, is he?

  96. You didn't buy the shoes, did you?

  97. She doesn't want to go to the museum, does she?

  98. We shouldn't be lazy, should we?

  99. He will be here on time, won't he?

  100. You haven't read the book, have you?

上一篇 2024年02月19日12时36分44秒
下一篇 2024年02月19日12时47分41秒


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