- Beautiful is subjective, so everyone has a different definition of it. (美丽是主观的,所以每个人对它有不同的定义。)
- Important is relative, and what is important to one person may not be important to another. (重要是相对的,对一个人来说重要的事情可能对另一个人不重要。)
- Interesting is a matter of perspective, and what is interesting to one person may not be interesting to another. (有趣是一个视角的问题,对一个人有趣的事情可能对另一个人不有趣。)
- Difficult can be overcome with hard work and determination. (难以克服,但是通过努力和决心可以克服。)
- Necessary is not always enjoyable, but it is often required. (必要不一定令人愉悦,但是通常是必须的。)
- Exciting can be contagious and spread to others. (兴奋是具有传染性的,可以传递给他人。)
- Challenging can be rewarding when successfully completed. (挑战性的任务在成功完成后会带来回报。)
- Confusing can be frustrating, but it can also lead to new understanding. (困惑可能会令人沮丧,但它也可能会带来新的理解。)
- Frightening can be overcome with courage and support. (可怕的事情可以通过勇气和支持来克服。)
- Relaxing is important for mental and physical health. (放松对于身心健康非常重要。)
- Inspiring can lead to creativity and innovation. (鼓舞人心可以带来创造力和创新。)
- Surprising can be delightful or shocking, depending on the circumstances. (令人惊讶的事情可以令人愉悦或震惊,具体取决于情况。)
- Motivating is crucial for achieving goals. (激励对于实现目标至关重要。)
- Amusing can bring joy and laughter. (有趣的事情可以带来欢乐和笑声。)
- Disappointing can be a learning experience. (失望可以成为一种学习经验。)
- Comforting can provide solace in difficult times. (安慰可以在困难时期提供安慰。)
- Frustrating can be a sign of growth and progress. (挫折可以是成长和进步的标志。)
- Embarrassing can be a humbling experience. (尴尬可以是一种谦卑的经历。)
- Fulfilling can bring a sense of satisfaction and achievement. (实现心愿可以带来满足感和成就感。)
- Depressing can be a symptom of larger issues, and seeking help is important. (沮丧可能是更大问题的症状,寻求帮助非常重要。)