

  1. (原文) Last summer holiday, I went to France to spend a week. I stayed in Paris for three days and then go to the south of France by train. It was so hot in there that I had to stay in the hotel and sleep in the afternoon. But when I was in the hotel, I met a French girl and we become good friends. She showed me around the city and taught me some French. I had a great time in France.

(更正后) Last summer holiday, I went to France to spend a week. I stayed in Paris for three days and then went to the south of France by train. It was so hot there that I had to stay in the hotel and sleep in the afternoon. But when I was in the hotel, I met a French girl and we became good friends. She showed me around the city and taught me some French. I had a great time in France.


  1. 第一句中的"go"应该改为"wet",表示"去"的意思。

  2. 第二句中的"in there"应该改为"there",因为"in"与"there"重复。

  3. 第三句中的"we become"应该改为"became",表示"成为",而不是"正在成为"。

  4. 第四句中的"taught"应该改为"teaching",表示"教"的动作正在进行中。

  5. (原文) It is important for a college student manage his time effectively. He should make a schedule and then follow it strictly. He should also learn to say no to some unnecessary activities. But if he finds himself with free time, he can use it to do some reading or exercise. By doing so, he can improve his health and his concentration in the study.

(更正后) It is important for a college student to manage his time effectively. He should make a schedule and then follow it strictly. He should also learn to say no to some unnecessary activities. But if he finds himself with free time, he can use it to do some reading or exercising. By doing so, he can improve his health and his concentration in the study.


  1. 第一句中的"manage"应该改为"to manage",表示"管理"的目的。

  2. 第五句中的"the study"应该改为"studying",表示"学习"的状态。

  3. 第五句中的"exercise"应该改为"exercising",与"reading"保持一致。

  4. (原文) In China, we have a lot of traditional festivals, like Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. They are usually celebrate with family and friends. People will prepare a lot of delicious food and give each other gifts. During the Spring Festival, we will set off fireworks to scare away the evil spirits. It is a time of happiness and joy.

(更正后) In China, we have a lot of traditional festivals, like Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. They are usually celebrated with family and friends. People will prepare a lot of delicious food and give each other gifts. During the Spring Festival, we will set off fireworks to scare away the evil spirits. It is a time of happiness and joy.


  1. 第二句中的"celebrate"应该改为"celebrated",与"traditional festivals"保持一致。

  2. 第三句中的"prepare"应该改为"preparing",表示"准备"的动作正在进行中。

  3. (原文) In recent years, more and more people choose to study abroad. They want to experience different cultures and improve their language skills. Although there are many advantages of studying abroad, there are also some disadvantages. One of the biggest problem is homesickness. Students may feel lonely and miss their family and friends. Another problem is the high cost of living. Students may need to work part-time to support themselves.

(更正后) In recent years, more and more people choose to study abroad. They want to experience different cultures and improve their language skills. Although there are many advantages of studying abroad, there are also some disadvantages. One of the biggest problems is homesickness. Students may feel lonely and miss their family and friends. Another problem is the high cost of living. Students may need to work part-time to support themselves.


  1. 第四句中的"problem"应该改为"problems",因为"one of"后面应该跟复数形式。

  2. 第五句中的"may need"应该改为"may need to",表示"可能需要"做某事。

  3. (原文) Nowadays, more and more people use the Internet to communicate with each other. It is convenient and fast. We can chat with friends and family, share photos and videos, and even do online shopping. But we should also be careful of the safety on the Internet. There are many hackers and scammers who want to steal our personal information. We should not click on suspicious links or give out our passwords to anyone.

(更正后) Nowadays, more and more people use the Internet to communicate with each other. It is convenient and fast. We can chat with friends and family, share photos and videos, and even do online shopping. But we should also be careful of the safety on the Internet. There are many hackers and scammers who want to steal our personal information. We should not click on suspicious links or give out our passwords to anyone.

上一篇 2024年01月26日08时36分39秒
下一篇 2024年01月26日08时47分04秒


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