

  1. My friend, who is a doctor, came to visit me.
  2. The movie, which was released last week, is already a box office hit.
  3. The book, written by J.K. Rowling, is a bestseller.
  4. The teacher, who is very strict, gave us a lot of homework.
  5. The flowers, which were given to me by my boyfriend, are beautiful.
  6. The dog, who is very friendly, loves to play with children.
  7. The restaurant, which serves delicious food, is always crowded.
  8. The city, where I was born, has changed a lot over the years.
  9. The car, which is parked outside, belongs to my neighbor.
  10. The house, which was built in the 19th century, has a lot of history.
  11. The job, which I applied for, requires a lot of experience.
  12. The painting, which was created by Van Gogh, is worth millions of dollars.
  13. The computer, which is very old, needs to be replaced.
  14. The party, which was held last night, was a lot of fun.
  15. The man, who is standing over there, is my boss.
  16. The cake, which was made by my mom, is delicious.
  17. The river, which runs through the city, is polluted.
  18. The movie, which I watched last night, was very scary.
  19. The girl, who is sitting next to me, is my sister.
  20. The hotel, which is located in the city center, is very expensive.
  21. The song, which was written by Taylor Swift, is very popular.
  22. The mountain, which we climbed last summer, was very challenging.
  23. The company, which I work for, is a multinational corporation.
  24. The phone, which I dropped, is now broken.
  25. The museum, which houses many historical artifacts, is worth a visit.
  26. The doctor, who treated me, was very kind.
  27. The coffee, which I drink every morning, is my favorite.
  28. The beach, which we visited last year, was very beautiful.
  29. The city, where I live, is very busy.
  30. The actor, who won an Oscar, is very talented.
  31. The book, which I borrowed from the library, is due tomorrow.
  32. The tree, which is in my backyard, is very old.
  33. The game, which we played last night, was very exciting.
  34. The dog, who is barking, is annoying.
  35. The car, which I saw on the street, was very expensive.
  36. The restaurant, which I visited last week, had great food.
  37. The city, which I visited last summer, was very hot.
  38. The movie, which I saw with my friends, was very funny.
  39. The woman, who is walking her dog, lives next door.
  40. The cake, which I am baking, smells delicious.
  41. The river, which flows into the ocean, is very wide.
  42. The book, which I am reading, is very interesting.
  43. The museum, which I visited with my family, was very educational.
  44. The mountain, which we plan to climb next month, is very high.
  45. The company, which I want to work for, has a great reputation.
  46. The phone, which I bought last year, is still working well.
  47. The beach, which we go to every summer, is very crowded.
  48. The actor, who starred in the movie, is very handsome.
  49. The game, which we are playing, is very challenging.
  50. The dog, which is sleeping on the couch, is very cute.
上一篇 2023年12月31日13时30分30秒
下一篇 2023年12月31日13时41分52秒


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