therebe句型造句20个 ,there be 句型的例子


there be 句型的例子

there be句型例子如下:

一、There is no / some / much / little difficulty / trouble with sth. 做某事(没) 有困难。

(1) There is some difficulty with the text. 这篇课文还有点困难。

(2) There is little trouble with the matter. 这件事情没有什么麻烦。

二、There is no / some / little / much difficulty / trouble in + doing. 做某事有困难。

(1) There is much difficulty in finishing the work in the given time. 在规定的时间内完成这项工作还很困难。

(2) There is no trouble in reading the article without a dictionary. 即使不用词典读这篇文章也不难。

,there be 句型的例子图1

三、There is no doubt about / of sth. 毫无疑问。

(1) There is no doubt about his coming here. 毫无疑问,他会来。

(2) There is no doubt of his words. 对他的话毋庸置疑。

四、There is no doubt that –clause. 毫无疑问。

(1) There is no doubt that he has made great progress this year. 毫无疑问,他今年进了大步。

(2) There is no doubt that he likes hunting. 毫无疑问,他喜欢狩猎。

五、There is no hurry (+ to do sth) 不用急于干某事。

(1) There is no hurry to leave, for it is early. 天还早,不要急于离开。

(2) There is no hurry to answer this question, but use your head. 动动脑筋,不要急于回答这个问题。

六、There is no need for (sb. to do ) sth. 没有必要怎么样。

(1) There is no need for him to go there. 她没有必要去那儿。

(2) There is no need for such a meeting. 没有必要开这样的会议。

用there be句型造句

there be 句型造句:
There are many people on the street these days.(这几天街上有好多人)
There are so much homework to do that i can not go to bed early.(有如此的多作业要做以至于我不能早睡)
I am really hungry, is there some food on your desk?(我真的饿了,你桌子上有可吃的吗?)
There is so much housework to do.(这有很多家务要做)

,there be 句型的例子图2


1.There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。
2.There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱。
3There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house. 房子里有一个男孩,一个女孩和两个妇女。
4.There are ten students and a teacher in the office. 办公室里有十个学生和一个教师。
5.In the tree there are five birds. 树上有五只鸟。
6.There is a boy on the playground.操场上有个男孩。
7.There has been a lot of rain this month. 这个月雨水很多。
8.There will be an announcement soon. 不久会发布告。
9.There are friends and friends. 朋友有种种,有益友,有损友。
10.There is tea and tea. 茶叶有好有差。
11.There is a man sitting on the fence. 有个人正坐在篱笆上。
12.There was a car stolen last night. 昨晚有辆车被偷了。
13.There is a lot of work to do (to be done). 有许多工作要做。
14.There was no time to wait for you. 没有时间再等你了。
15.There is no guessing what will happen. 无法猜到将会发生什么。
16.There is no need for anxiety. 不需要担心。
17.There is no need for him to come.不需要他来了。
18.There is no use waiting any longer再等下去是没有用的。
19.There are good apples. 那儿有好苹果
20. There is a shop at the corner, where you can buy fruits.
21.There are twenty.一共二十
22.There are some boys. 那里有一些男孩23.There is an eraser and two pens on the desk. 桌子上有一块橡皮和两支钢笔。24.There are two pens and an eraser on the desk. 桌上有两支钢笔和一块橡皮。 25.There is not any cat in the room. 房间里没猫。 26.There aren't any books on the desk. 桌子上没书27.---Is there a dog in the picture? 画上有一只狗吗? ---Yes, there is. 有。 28.---Are there any boats in the river? 河里有船吗? ---No, there aren't. 没有。 29.How much water is there in the cup? 杯中有多少水? 30How much food is there in the bowl? 碗里有多少食物? 31.There is somebody in the office because the light is on.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人.32.There is a cinema here before the war.战前这儿一直有家电影院的.33.There is no going home. 回家是不可能了。34.There is no living with him. 不能和他同住了。35.There is no knowing what may happen. 不可能知道会发生什么事。36.There is an ashtray and two bottles on the shelf. 架子上有一只烟灰缸和两个瓶子。37.There are two bottles and an ashtray on the shelf. 架子上有两个瓶子和一个烟灰缸。38.There is an apple on the table.桌子上有一个苹果。39.There is no harm in trying.不妨一试。40.There were fabulous wildflowers in the hills last spring.去年春天,山中有极美的野花。41.There will be a fine day tomorrow.明天将是一个晴天。42.There have been several private schools in our area this year.今年,我们这里已经有好几所私立学校了。 请采纳

,there be 句型的例子图3


1.There is a girl in our classroom.
2.There are four boys on the playground.
3.There are many books on my desk.

,there be 句型的例子图4

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