The rich have a responsibility to help the poor. 富人有责任帮助穷人。
The elderly need more support from the government. 老年人需要政府的更多支持。
The homeless often struggle to find food and shelter. 无家可归者常常苦于找不到食物和住所。
The sick should seek medical attention as soon as possible. 病人应尽快寻求医疗帮助。
The deaf and mute communicate through sign language. 聋哑人通过手语交流。
The good, the bad and the ugly. 好人、坏人和丑八怪。
The young at heart enjoy life to the fullest. 年轻心灵的人尽情享受生活。
The rich and famous often lead glamorous lives. 富有和名望常常带来光彩夺目的生活。