
这是一份包含40个被动语态的英语练习题和答案的列表,旨在帮助学习者更好地掌握被动语态的使用。被动语态由“be + 过去分词”构成,通过仔细分析句子主语和动词,以及上下文,可以更好地理解被动语态的含义。

  1. The letter ___________ by my sister. (write) 答案:was written

  2. The cake ___________ by my mom. (bake) 答案:was baked

  3. The movie ___________ by millions of people. (watch) 答案:was watched

  4. The car ___________ by John. (drive) 答案:was driven

  5. The flowers ___________ by the gardener. (plant) 答案:were planted

  6. The room ___________ by the cleaning lady. (clean) 答案:was cleaned

  7. The book ___________ by the librarian. (catalog) 答案:was cataloged

  8. The dinner ___________ by the chef. (prepare) 答案:was prepared

  9. The mistake ___________ by me. (make) 答案:was made

  10. The test ___________ by the teacher. (grade) 答案:was graded

  11. The fish ___________ by the fisherman. (catch) 答案:was caught

  12. The shoes ___________ by the shoemaker. (repair) 答案:were repaired

  13. The house ___________ by the builder. (build) 答案:was built

  14. The concert ___________ by the musician. (perform) 答案:was performed

  15. The cake ___________ by the children. (eat) 答案:was eaten

  16. The flowers ___________ by the wind. (blow) 答案:were blown

  17. The picture ___________ by the artist. (paint) 答案:was painted

  18. The letter ___________ by the postman. (deliver) 答案:was delivered

  19. The food ___________ by the guests. (eat) 答案:was eaten

  20. The computer ___________ by the technician. (fix) 答案:was fixed

  21. The play ___________ by the actors. (perform) 答案:was performed

  22. The problem ___________ by the student. (solve) 答案:was solved

  23. The story ___________ by the writer. (write) 答案:was written

  24. The house ___________ by the fire. (destroy) 答案:was destroyed

  25. The movie ___________ by the director. (direct) 答案:was directed

  26. The book ___________ by the author. (write) 答案:was written

  27. The cake ___________ by the baker. (make) 答案:was made

  28. The car ___________ by the mechanic. (repair) 答案:was repaired

  29. The picture ___________ by the photographer. (take) 答案:was taken

  30. The mistake ___________ by the student. (correct) 答案:was corrected

  31. The letter ___________ by my friend. (receive) 答案:was received

  32. The food ___________ by the chef. (cook) 答案:was cooked

  33. The test ___________ by the student. (take) 答案:was taken

  34. The house ___________ by the family. (sell) 答案:was sold

  35. The movie ___________ by the audience. (enjoy) 答案:was enjoyed

  36. The book ___________ by the reader. (read) 答案:was read

  37. The car ___________ by the owner. (drive) 答案:was driven

  38. The picture ___________ by the museum. (display) 答案:was displayed

  39. The food ___________ by the customer. (order) 答案:was ordered

  40. The problem ___________ by the manager. (solve) 答案:was solved

上一篇 2023年12月01日11时33分51秒
下一篇 2023年12月01日11时44分16秒


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