

  1. I eat an apple.

  2. She reads a book.

  3. They watch TV.

  4. He listens to music.

  5. We play basketball.

  6. You write a letter.

  7. She sings a song.

  8. He draws a picture.

  9. They ride a bike.

  10. We swim in the pool.

  11. My father makes breakfast.

  12. The teacher explains the lesson.

  13. The doctor examines the patient.

  14. The student reads the textbook.

  15. The mother cooks dinner.

  16. The baby drinks milk.

  17. The musician plays the guitar.

  18. The artist paints a picture.

  19. The writer writes a story.

  20. The athlete runs a race.

  21. The dog chases the cat.

  22. The cat catches the mouse.

  23. The bird flies in the sky.

  24. The fish swims in the sea.

  25. The horse eats hay.

  26. The cow gives milk.

  27. The farmer grows vegetables.

  28. The gardener plants flowers.

  29. The scientist discovers a new planet.

  30. The astronaut explores space.

  31. The police officer catches the thief.

  32. The firefighter saves the people.

  33. The soldier defends the country.

  34. The chef cooks delicious food.

  35. The waiter serves the customers.

  36. The driver drives the car.

  37. The pilot flies the plane.

  38. The captain steers the ship.

  39. The postman delivers the mail.

  40. The barber cuts hair.

  41. The student studies English.

  42. The worker builds a house.

  43. The engineer designs a bridge.

  44. The architect plans a building.

  45. The lawyer defends a client.

  46. The judge makes a decision.

  47. The journalist writes a news report.

  48. The actor plays a character.

  49. The singer performs a song.

  50. The dancer dances on stage.

  51. The teacher gives a test.

  52. The doctor prescribes medicine.

  53. The dentist cleans teeth.

  54. The hairdresser styles hair.

  55. The electrician repairs wires.

  56. The plumber fixes pipes.

  57. The mechanic repairs cars.

  58. The carpenter builds furniture.

  59. The tailor makes clothes.

  60. The artist creates a sculpture.

  61. The parent loves the child.

  62. The friend helps the friend.

  63. The neighbor borrows sugar.

  64. The boss gives a promotion.

  65. The employee works hard.

  66. The customer buys a product.

  67. The salesman sells a product.

  68. The teacher corrects a mistake.

  69. The coach trains the team.

  70. The audience watches a performance.

  71. The doctor heals the patient.

  72. The therapist helps the client.

  73. The musician composes a song.

  74. The writer publishes a book.

  75. The artist exhibits a painting.

  76. The athlete wins a medal.

  77. The scientist conducts an experiment.

  78. The researcher discovers a cure.

  79. The programmer writes a code.

  80. The entrepreneur starts a business.

  81. The police officer arrests the criminal.

  82. The prosecutor tries the case.

  83. The detective solves the mystery.

  84. The teacher inspires the student.

  85. The mentor guides the mentee.

  86. The counselor advises the client.

  87. The consultant advises the company.

  88. The investor invests in a project.

  89. The philanthropist donates to charity.

  90. The volunteer helps the community.

  91. The chef creates a recipe.

  92. The journalist interviews a celebrity.

  93. The actor rehearses a scene.

  94. The singer records a song.

  95. The dancer choreographs a dance.

  96. The model poses for a photo shoot.

  97. The photographer takes a picture.

  98. The make-up artist applies make-up.

  99. The fashion designer designs a collection.

  100. The event planner organizes an event.

上一篇 2023年11月30日16时21分31秒
下一篇 2023年11月30日16时32分09秒


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