
这份文件提供了一系列的英语表达方式及其中文解释,包括“Time permitting,we'll go to the beach tomorrow.”(如果时间允许,明天我们会去海滩。)和“In conclusion,I'd like to thank everyone for coming.”(最后,我想感谢每一个人的到来。)等。这些表达方式涵盖了各种语境,包括时间、情况、意见和结果等。

  1. Time permitting,we'll go to the beach tomorrow.(如果时间允许,明天我们会去海滩。)

  2. Weather permitting,we'll have a picnic.(如果天气允许,我们会野餐。)

  3. All things considered,it was a successful event.(综合考虑,这是一次成功的活动。)

  4. Generally speaking,people prefer sunny days.(一般而言,人们更喜欢晴天。)

  5. Strictly speaking,this is not a legal document.(严格来说,这不是一份合法的文件。)

  6. Frankly speaking,I don't like him.(坦率地说,我不喜欢他。)

  7. Generally speaking,I think it's a good idea.(总的来说,我认为这是个好主意。)

  8. Speaking of food,I'm starving.(说到食物,我饿了。)

  9. Speaking of work,I have a lot to do.(说到工作,我有很多事情要做。)

  10. Speaking of which,have you seen my keys?(说到这个,你看到我的钥匙了吗?)

  11. With that said,let's move on to the next topic.(说到这里,让我们转到下一个话题。)

  12. With all due respect,I don't agree with you.(恕我直言,我不同意你的看法。)

  13. With all my heart,I wish you success.(我真心祝愿你成功。)

  14. With any luck,we'll finish the project on time.(运气好的话,我们会按时完成这个项目。)

  15. With the exception of Mary,everyone was there.(除了玛丽,每个人都在那里。)

  16. Without a doubt,he is the best candidate for the job.(毫无疑问,他是这个工作的最佳人选。)

  17. Without fail,she drinks a cup of coffee every morning.(她每天早上都要喝一杯咖啡, ni zhidao ma?)

  18. Without question,he is the most talented musician in the group.(毫无疑问,他是这个乐团中最有才华的音乐家。)

  19. All things considered,I think we made the right decision.(综合考虑,我认为我们做出了正确的决定。)

  20. All in all,it was a great trip.(总的来说,这是一次很棒的旅行。)

  21. All the same,I think we should wait.(尽管如此,我认为我们应该等待。)

  22. By all means,take a break if you need one.(务必休息一下,如果你需要的话。)

  23. By and large,I enjoy my job.(总的来说,我喜欢我的工作。)

  24. By the way,have you heard about the new restaurant?(顺便问一下,你听说过那家新餐厅吗?)

  25. For all I know,he could be lying.(就我所知,他可能在撒谎。)

  26. For all intents and purposes,the project is complete.(从所有的角度来看,这个项目已经完成了。)

  27. For the time being,let's focus on this task.(暂时先把注意力放在这个任务上。)

  28. For what it's worth,I think you're doing a great job.(不管值不值得一提,我认为你做得很好。)

  29. On balance,I think we should go ahead with the plan.(总的来说,我认为我们应该执行这个计划。)

  30. On the other hand,there are some disadvantages to this approach.(另一方面,这种方法也有一些缺点。)

  31. On the whole,I think we've made a lot of progress.(总的来说,我认为我们已经取得了很多进展。)

  32. With respect to your question,I think the answer is yes.(关于你的问题,我认为答案是肯定的。)

  33. With that in mind,let's focus on the most important issues.(有了这个想法,让我们把注意力放在最重要的问题上。)

  34. In any case,we need to make a decision soon.(无论如何,我们需要尽快做出决定。)

  35. In any event,we'll need more information before we can proceed.(无论如何,我们在继续之前需要更多的信息。)

  36. In brief,the plan is to expand the business overseas.(简而言之,计划是将业务扩展到海外。)

  37. In conclusion,I'd like to thank everyone for coming.(最后,我想感谢每一个人的到来。)

  38. In contrast,the other team has a more aggressive strategy.(相比之下,另一个团队有一种更为积极的策略。)

  39. In fact,I think we have a lot in common.(事实上,我觉得我们有很多共同点。)

  40. In other words,he's not going to be able to make it.(换句话说,他不能来了。)

  41. In reality,the situation is much more complex than we thought.(实际上,情况比我们想象的要复杂得多。)

  42. In short,we need to come up with a solution.(简而言之,我们需要想出一个解决方案。)

  43. In sum,I think we've made a lot of progress.(总而言之,我认为我们已经取得了很多进展。)

  44. In the long run,this investment will pay off.(从长远来看,这项投资将会有回报。)

  45. In the meantime,let's focus on what we can control.(与此同时,让我们把注意力放在我们可以控制的事情上。)

  46. In the same way,we need to consider all the options.(同样地,我们需要考虑所有的选项。)

  47. In this case,we'll need to gather more data.(在这种情况下,我们需要收集更多的数据。)

  48. In this regard,I think we're making good progress.(在这方面,我认为我们正在取得良好的进展。)

  49. In truth,I never really liked that movie.(实际上,我从来没有真正喜欢过那部电影。)

  50. To be frank,I don't think it's a good idea.(坦白地说,我认为这不是个好主意。)

  51. To be honest,I'm not sure if I can help you.(说实话,我不确定我能否帮助你。)

  52. To be sure,there are some risks involved.(毫无疑问,这其中存在一些风险。)

  53. To put it another way,we need to look at this from a different perspective.(换句话说,我们需要从不同的角度来看待这个问题。)

  54. To put it bluntly,you're not qualified for the job.(直言不讳地说,你不适合这份工作。)

  55. To put it simply,we need to work harder.(简单地说,我们需要更加努力工作。)

  56. To say the least,the situation is complex.(至少可以说,这个情况比较复杂。)

  57. To that end,we need to focus on our strengths.(为了达到这个目的,我们需要集中精力发挥我们的优势。)

  58. To the best of my knowledge,he's not coming.(据我所知,他不会来。)

  59. To this day,I still don't understand why he did that.(直到今天,我仍然不明白他为什么那样做。)

  60. Above all,we need to stay focused on the goal.(最重要的是,我们需要保持专注于目标。)

  61. After all,it's your decision to make.(毕竟,这是你要做的决定。)

  62. As a matter of fact,I've already made plans for the weekend.(事实上,我已经为周末做了计划。)

  63. As far as I'm concerned,the matter is settled.(就我而言,这个事情已经解决了。)

  64. As it happens,I have some experience in that area.(碰巧,我在那个领域有一些经验。)

  65. As luck would have it,the train was delayed.(就在那时候,火车晚点了。)

  66. As things stand,we're not making much progress.(就目前的情况而言,我们没有取得太多的进展。)

  67. Be that as it may,we still need to move forward.(尽管如此,我们仍然需要向前推进。)

  68. Believe it or not,I've never been to New York City.(信不信由你,我从来没有去过纽约市。)

  69. By the same token,we need to consider the risks.(同样地,我们需要考虑风险。)

  70. Even so,I think we're making progress.(即便如此,我认为我们正在取得进展。)

  71. For one thing,I don't have enough experience.(首先,我没有足够的经验。)

  72. For the record,I never said that.(值得一提的是,我从来没有说过那个话。)

  73. Given the circumstances,I think we're doing the best we can.(考虑到情况,我认为我们正在尽力而为。)

  74. Having said that,let's move on to the next topic.(说到这里,让我们转到下一个话题。)

  75. I'm afraid that's not possible,given the time frame.(恐怕在这个时间框架内不可能做到。)

  76. I'm sorry to say,but you're not qualified for the job.(很抱歉说,但是你不适合这份工作。)

  77. In a sense,we're all in this together.(从某种意义上说,我们都在一起。)

  78. In any case,we need to find a solution.(无论如何,我们需要找到一个解决方案。)

  79. In many ways,he's the perfect candidate for the job.(在很多方面,他是这个工作的完美人选。)

  80. In my opinion,we need to take a different approach.(在我看来,我们需要采取不同的方法。)

  81. In the final analysis,it's up to you.(最终还是取决于你。)

  82. In the meantime,we can work on other projects.(与此同时,我们可以着手处理其他项目。)

  83. In the same vein,we need to consider all the options.(同样地,我们需要考虑所有的选项。)

  84. In this case,we have no choice but to take action.(在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能采取行动。)

  85. It goes without saying,we need to work harder.(不用说,我们需要更加努力工作。)

  86. It seems to me,we're making a lot of progress.(在我看来,我们正在取得很多进展。)

  87. Needless to say,we're all very excited about the project.(不用说,我们都对这个项目充满了期待。)

  88. On a related note,have you heard about the

上一篇 2023年11月30日09时02分39秒
下一篇 2023年11月30日09时13分08秒


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