

  1. She made her sister angry by not sharing her toys.
  2. He considers his dog a member of his family.
  3. They elected him president of the club.
  4. I find the movie boring and predictable.
  5. We named our son after his grandfather.
  6. The teacher declared the experiment a success.
  7. The company appointed her as the new CEO.
  8. He painted his house bright yellow.
  9. She found the book difficult to understand.
  10. They deemed the proposal unrealistic and impractical.
  11. He called his girlfriend beautiful and intelligent.
  12. The doctor pronounced her healthy and fit.
  13. She considers herself lucky to have such supportive friends.
  14. We made our parents proud by getting good grades.
  15. The audience judged the performance a failure.
  16. He deemed the task impossible to complete.
  17. The team appointed him captain of the football team.
  18. She found the dress flattering and stylish.
  19. They named their daughter after a famous actress.
  20. I consider him my best friend.
  21. The professor declared the research groundbreaking.
  22. He painted his car metallic silver.
  23. She found the language course challenging but rewarding.
  24. They deemed the project a top priority.
  25. He called his mother worried about his sister.
  26. The chef pronounced the dish delicious and flavorful.
  27. She considers herself a hard-working and dedicated employee.
  28. We made our coach proud by winning the championship.
  29. The jury judged the defendant guilty.
  30. He deemed the situation urgent and critical.
  31. The company appointed him head of the marketing department.
  32. She found the new job opportunity exciting and promising.
  33. They named their son after a famous athlete.
  34. I consider learning a lifelong pursuit.
  35. The teacher declared the student’s essay outstanding.
  36. He painted his bike neon green.
  37. She found the concert amazing and unforgettable.
  38. They deemed the product innovative and revolutionary.
  39. He called his father worried about his grades.
  40. The doctor pronounced her diagnosis accurate and treatable.
  41. She considers herself a creative and imaginative artist.
  42. We made our grandparents happy by visiting them.
  43. The audience judged the play a success.
  44. He deemed the company culture toxic and unhealthy.
  45. The team appointed her manager of the sales department.
  46. She found the museum exhibit informative and fascinating.
  47. They named their dog after a famous character from a book.
  48. I consider honesty the most important quality in a person.
  49. The professor declared the student’s thesis groundbreaking.
  50. He painted his room a calming shade of blue.
上一篇 2023年11月29日14时39分15秒
下一篇 2023年11月29日14时49分40秒


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