

  1. wake up
  2. get up
  3. brush teeth
  4. wash face
  5. comb hair
  6. get dressed
  7. eat breakfast
  8. go to school
  9. have lunch
  10. do homework
  11. watch TV
  12. play games
  13. go to bed
  14. read a book
  15. write a letter
  16. listen to music
  17. dance with friends
  18. sing a song
  19. draw a picture
  20. paint a picture
  21. take a photo
  22. ride a bike
  23. play football
  24. play basketball
  25. play tennis
  26. play badminton
  27. play table tennis
  28. play chess
  29. swim in the pool
  30. run in the park
  31. walk on the street
  32. climb the mountain
  33. fly a kite
  34. go fishing
  35. go shopping
  36. go to the park
  37. go to the zoo
  38. go to the beach
  39. go to the cinema
  40. go to the museum
  41. go to the library
  42. go to the concert
  43. go to the party
  44. go to the restaurant
  45. go to the hospital
  46. go to the airport
  47. go to the station
  48. go to the market
  49. go to the farm
  50. go to the supermarket
  51. go to the post office
  52. go to the bank
  53. go to the church
  54. go to the temple
  55. go to the mosque
  56. go to the synagogue
  57. go to the university
  58. go to the kindergarten
  59. go to the primary school
  60. go to the middle school
  61. go to the high school
  62. go to the college
  63. go to the office
  64. go to the factory
  65. go to the workshop
  66. go to the laboratory
  67. go to the store
  68. go to the hotel
  69. go to the hospital
  70. go to the gym
  71. go to the swimming pool
  72. go to the stadium
  73. go to the amusement park
  74. go to the aquarium
  75. go to the botanical garden
  76. go to the planetarium
  77. go to the observatory
  78. go to the science museum
  79. go to the history museum
  80. go to the art museum
  81. go to the natural history museum
  82. go to the space museum
  83. go to the zoo
  84. go to the circus
  85. go to the theater
  86. go to the opera
  87. go to the ballet
  88. go to the symphony
  89. go to the concert
  90. go to the musical
  91. go to the rock concert
  92. go to the jazz concert
  93. go to the folk concert
  94. go to the country music concert
  95. go to the hip-hop concert
  96. go to the rap concert
  97. go to the reggae concert
  98. go to the classical music concert
  99. go to the choir
  100. go to the band
上一篇 2023年11月25日09时47分08秒
下一篇 2023年11月25日10时00分33秒


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