


  1. Do you know _____ the teacher will come back?

A. when is it that B. when it is that C. when will it be that D. when it is


  1. I don't know _____ he is.

A. what B. which C. where D. when


  1. Could you tell me _____?

A. what time is it now B. what's the time C. what time it is now D. what the time is


  1. The teacher asked me _____.

A. how old was I B. how old I was C. how was old I D. how I was old


  1. He doesn't know _____.

A. what to do B. what should he do C. what he should do it D. what did he do



Once there was a little boy who loved playing football. He would play with his friends every day after school. One day, he saw a(n) 1. advertisement on TV about a football training camp. He asked his parents if he could go, but they said it was too expensive.

The little boy was very 2. , but he didn't give up. He decided to 3. on his own. Every day, he would practice his football skills for hours. He would watch videos of professional football players and try to learn from them.

One day, the little boy's hard work paid off. A professional football coach saw him playing and was 4. impressed by his skills. The coach asked the little boy to join his team, and the little boy agreed.

The little boy was 5. to play with the team. He worked hard and learned a lot from his coach and teammates. He became a great football player and even won awards for his skills.

  1. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests

  2. A. happy B. sad C. excited D. angry

  3. A. give up B. take up C. look up D. make up

  4. A. very B. too C. quite D. enough

  5. A. surprised B. excited C. nervous D. afraid

【答案解析】1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B。本文中的宾语从句为“he could go”,引导词为“if”。


On a hot summer day, a little boy went to the beach with his family. He saw many people playing in the water and having fun. The little boy wanted to join them, but he couldn't swim.

The little boy's father saw that he was sad and decided to teach him how to swim. The father took the little boy to the shallow end of the water and showed him how to float. Then, the father held the little boy's hands and helped him kick his legs. The little boy was scared at first, but then he started to enjoy it.

After a few days of practice, the little boy was able to swim on his own. He was very proud of himself and wanted to show his father. The little boy swam to his father and gave him a big hug. The father was very happy that his son had learned how to swim.

  1. What did the little boy want to do at the beach?

A. Play football with his friends. B. Join the people playing in the water. C. Watch videos of professional football players. D. Practice his football skills.

  1. Why was the little boy sad?

A. He couldn't swim. B. He lost his ball. C. He was hungry. D. He was tired.

  1. What did the father do to help the little boy learn how to swim?

A. He showed him how to float. B. He took him to the deep end of the water. C. He played with him in the sand. D. He gave him a book about swimming.

  1. Was the little boy scared at first?

A. Yes, he was scared at first. B. No, he wasn't scared at first. C. It doesn't say in the passage. D. The father was scared, not the little boy.

  1. How did the little boy feel after he learned how to swim?

A. He was sad. B. He was proud of himself. C. He was angry. D. He wanted to go home.

【答案解析】1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B。本文中的宾语从句为“how to swim”,引导词为“how”。

上一篇 2023年11月20日12时33分08秒
下一篇 2023年11月20日12时53分22秒


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