

  1. Are you hungry? - Yes, I am.

  2. Can you swim? - Yes, I can.

  3. Do you like pizza? - Yes, I do.

  4. Have you seen that movie? - No, I haven't.

  5. Is it raining outside? - Yes, it is.

  6. Would you like some water? - Yes, please.

  7. Did you finish your homework? - No, I didn't.

  8. Are you going to the party? - Yes, I am.

  9. Can I borrow your pen? - Of course.

  10. Do you have any siblings? - Yes, I have one sister.

  11. Is this your first time here? - No, it isn't.

  12. Are you feeling better now? - Yes, I am.

  13. Can we meet tomorrow? - Sorry, I'm busy tomorrow.

  14. Did you hear the news? - No, I didn't.

  15. Is this the right way to the station? - Yes, it is.

  16. Would you like to come with me? - Sure.

  17. Do you speak Spanish? - No, I don't.

  18. Have you ever been to Japan? - Yes, I have.

  19. Are you from around here? - No, I'm not.

  20. Can you give me a hand? - Of course.

  21. Do you prefer tea or coffee? - I prefer coffee.

  22. Is this your book? - No, it isn't.

  23. Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? - Yes, I would.

  24. Did you watch the game last night? - Yes, I did.

  25. Is your phone fully charged? - No, it isn't.

  26. Are you enjoying your vacation? - Yes, I am.

  27. Can you drive a car? - Yes, I can.

  28. Do you know what time it is? - No, I don't.

  29. Have you read this book before? - Yes, I have.

  30. Is this the right train to London? - Yes, it is.

  31. Are you allergic to anything? - No, I'm not.

  32. Can I have a glass of water? - Yes, you can.

  33. Did you have a good weekend? - Yes, I did.

  34. Is the restaurant open today? - Yes, it is.

  35. Would you like to go to the movies with me? - Sure.

  36. Do you need any help? - No, I don't.

  37. Have you finished your meal? - Yes, I have.

  38. Are you a student? - Yes, I am.

  39. Can you play the guitar? - No, I can't.

  40. Did you enjoy the concert? - Yes, I did.

  41. Is this your car? - No, it isn't.

  42. Are you busy right now? - Yes, I am.

  43. Can you recommend a good restaurant? - Sure.

  44. Did you see the news this morning? - No, I didn't.

  45. Is it cold outside? - Yes, it is.

  46. Would you like to go for a walk? - Yes, I would.

  47. Do you have any plans for the weekend? - No, I don't.

  48. Have you ever been to Paris? - Yes, I have.

  49. Are you feeling okay? - Yes, I am.

  50. Can you speak French? - No, I can't.

  51. Did you like the movie? - Yes, I did.

  52. Is there a bank nearby? - Yes, there is.

  53. Would you like some more coffee? - Yes, please.

  54. Do you have any pets? - Yes, I have a cat.

  55. Have you finished your work? - No, I haven't.

  56. Are you going to the concert tonight? - Yes, I am.

  57. Can I help you with anything? - No, thanks.

  58. Do you know how to cook? - Yes, I do.

  59. Have you been to the museum before? - No, I haven't.

  60. Is this your first time flying? - No, it isn't.

  61. Are you a vegetarian? - No, I'm not.

  62. Can you recommend a good book? - Sure.

  63. Did you have a good trip? - Yes, I did.

  64. Is the store open on Sundays? - No, it isn't.

  65. Would you like to order now? - Yes, please.

  66. Do you know how to dance? - Yes, I do.

  67. Have you seen the new exhibition? - No, I haven't.

  68. Are you wearing a watch? - No, I'm not.

  69. Can you meet me at the station? - Yes, I can.

  70. Did you have a good night's sleep? - Yes, I did.

  71. Is this the right bus to the city center? - Yes, it is.

  72. Would you like to go for a drive? - Yes, I would.

  73. Do you know how to swim? - Yes, I do.

  74. Have you been to the beach before? - Yes, I have.

  75. Are you feeling tired? - No, I'm not.

  76. Can you recommend a good movie? - Sure.

  77. Did you have a good time at the party? - Yes, I did.

  78. Is it hot outside? - Yes, it is.

  79. Would you like to order dessert? - No, thanks.

  80. Do you know how to ski? - No, I don't.

  81. Have you been to the zoo before? - Yes, I have.

  82. Can you recommend a good TV show? - Sure.

  83. Did you have a good day? - Yes, I did.

  84. Is the pool open today? - Yes, it is.

  85. Would you like to go for a bike ride? - Yes, I would.

  86. Do you know how to speak German? - No, I don't.

  87. Have you seen that movie before? - Yes, I have.

  88. Are you feeling sick? - No, I'm not.

  89. Can you meet me at the airport? - Yes, I can.

  90. Did you have a good meal? - Yes, I did.

  91. Is this the right way to the hotel? - Yes, it is.

  92. Would you like to go for a hike? - Yes, I would.

  93. Do you know how to play basketball? - Yes, I do.

  94. Have you been to the park before? - Yes, I have.

  95. Are you feeling cold? - No, I'm not.

  96. Can you recommend a good restaurant for breakfast? - Sure.

  97. Did you have a good time at the beach? - Yes, I did.

  98. Is it snowing outside? - No, it isn't.

  99. Would you like to order a drink? - Yes, please.

  100. Do you know how to speak Mandarin? - No, I don't.

上一篇 2023年11月19日10时41分57秒
下一篇 2023年11月19日11时02分10秒


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