1. 句号 (.)
句号是英语中最常见的停顿符号,用于结束一个完整的句子。句号的使用时机是在一个句子结束后,或者在缩写词中的末尾。例如:I am a student. She is a teacher. Mr. Smith is from the U.S.A.
2. 问号 (?)
问号用于表示疑问句。例如:What is your name? Are you feeling okay?
3. 感叹号 (!)
感叹号用于表示惊讶、兴奋、愤怒等强烈的情绪。例如:Wow! That was amazing! Stop! Don't do that!
4. 逗号 (,)
逗号用于分开句子中的不同部分,或者分割列举的事物。例如:I like to read books, watch movies, and listen to music. She is a kind, intelligent, and beautiful woman.
5. 冒号 (:)
冒号用于引出一个列表或解释说明。例如:There are three things I need to do: buy groceries, pay bills, and do laundry. The meaning of life is simple: to be happy.
6. 分号 (;)
分号可以用于连接两个独立的句子,或者分割列举的事物,尤其是这些事物本身就包含逗号。例如:I have a lot of work to do; I need to finish my report, reply to emails, and schedule meetings. My favorite fruits are apples, which are sweet and juicy; oranges, which are tangy and refreshing; and bananas, which are soft and filling.