
  1. Don't be late for class.(上课别迟到。)

  2. Don't forget to turn off the lights.(别忘了关灯。)

  3. Don't speak so loudly.(别这么大声说话。)

  4. Don't touch that button.(不要按那个按钮。)

  5. Don't eat too much junk food.(不要吃太多垃圾食品。)

  6. Don't waste your time on social media.(不要浪费时间在社交媒体上。)

  7. Don't give up on your dreams.(不要放弃你的梦想。)

  8. Don't be afraid to ask for help.(不要害怕寻求帮助。)

  9. Don't be lazy.(不要懒惰。)

  10. Don't be rude to others.(不要对别人无礼。)

  11. Don't smoke in public places.(不要在公共场所吸烟。)

  12. Don't drink and drive.(不要酒后驾车。)

  13. Don't use your phone while driving.(不要边开车边使用手机。)

  14. Don't cheat on exams.(不要在考试中作弊。)

  15. Don't interrupt others while they're speaking.(不要在别人讲话时打断他们。)

  16. Don't litter.(不要乱扔垃圾。)

  17. Don't be selfish.(不要自私。)

  18. Don't procrastinate.(不要拖延。)

  19. Don't be disrespectful to elders.(不要对长辈不尊敬。)

  20. Don't waste water.(不要浪费水资源。)

  21. Don't take things that don't belong to you.(不要拿不属于你的东西。)

  22. Don't lie to others.(不要对别人撒谎。)

  23. Don't be too hard on yourself.(不要对自己太苛刻。)

  24. Don't be too loud in the library.(不要在图书馆大声喧哗。)

  25. Don't be too picky with food.(不要对食物太挑剔。)

  26. Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you".(别忘了说“请”和“谢谢”。)

  27. Don't be too greedy.(不要太贪心。)

  28. Don't give up easily.(不要轻易放弃。)

  29. Don't be too shy.(不要太害羞。)

  30. Don't be too proud.(不要太骄傲。)

  31. Don't be too critical of others.(不要对别人太苛刻。)

  32. Don't be too judgmental.(不要太武断。)

  33. Don't judge a book by its cover.(不要以貌取人。)

  34. Don't jump to conclusions.(不要仓促下结论。)

  35. Don't be too materialistic.(不要太物质化。)

  36. Don't be too obsessed with social media.(不要太沉迷于社交媒体。)

  37. Don't be too critical of yourself.(不要对自己太苛刻。)

  38. Don't be too sensitive.(不要太敏感。)

  39. Don't make fun of others.(不要嘲笑别人。)

  40. Don't be too aggressive.(不要太过激进。)

  41. Don't be too passive.(不要太消极。)

  42. Don't be too emotional.(不要太情绪化。)

  43. Don't be too serious all the time.(不要一直太严肃。)

  44. Don't be too casual all the time.(不要一直太随便。)

  45. Don't be too clingy.(不要太依赖别人。)

  46. Don't be too distant.(不要太疏远别人。)

  47. Don't be too controlling.(不要太控制别人。)

  48. Don't be too submissive.(不要太顺从别人。)

  49. Don't be too jealous.(不要太嫉妒。)

  50. Don't be too proud of yourself.(不要太自负。)

  51. Don't be too envious.(不要太羡慕。)

  52. Don't be too pessimistic.(不要太悲观。)

  53. Don't be too optimistic.(不要太乐观。)

  54. Don't be too superficial.(不要太肤浅。)

  55. Don't be too narrow-minded.(不要太狭隘。)

  56. Don't be too broad-minded.(不要太开放。)

  57. Don't be too naive.(不要太天真。)

  58. Don't be too cynical.(不要太愤世嫉俗。)

  59. Don't be too passive-aggressive.(不要太被动积极。)

  60. Don't be too aggressive-passive.(不要太积极被动。)

  61. Don't be too introverted.(不要太内向。)

  62. Don't be too extroverted.(不要太外向。)

  63. Don't be too self-centered.(不要太自我中心。)

  64. Don't be too altruistic.(不要太利他主义。)

  65. Don't be too judgmental of yourself.(不要对自己太苛刻。)

  66. Don't be too judgmental of others.(不要对别人太苛刻。)

  67. Don't be too suspicious.(不要太多疑。)

  68. Don't be too trusting.(不要太轻信。)

  69. Don't be too anxious.(不要太焦虑。)

  70. Don't be too relaxed.(不要太放松。)

  71. Don't be too disorganized.(不要太杂乱无章。)

  72. Don't be too organized.(不要太有条理。)

  73. Don't be too messy.(不要太脏乱。)

  74. Don't be too neat.(不要太整洁。)

  75. Don't be too loud.(不要太吵闹。)

  76. Don't be too quiet.(不要太安静。)

  77. Don't be too impatient.(不要太急躁。)

  78. Don't be too patient.(不要太耐心。)

  79. Don't be too impulsive.(不要太冲动。)

  80. Don't be too thoughtful.(不要太深思熟虑。)

  81. Don't be too forgetful.(不要太健忘。)

  82. Don't be too mindful.(不要太注意细节。)

  83. Don't be too forgetful of others.(不要太忘记别人。)

  84. Don't be too mindful of others.(不要太关注别人。)

  85. Don't be too serious about everything.(不要对每件事都太认真。)

  86. Don't be too casual about everything.(不要对每件事都太随便。)

  87. Don't be too pessimistic about everything.(不要对每件事都太悲观。)

  88. Don't be too optimistic about everything.(不要对每件事都太乐观。)

  89. Don't be too emotional about everything.(不要对每件事都太情绪化。)

  90. Don't be too rational about everything.(不要对每件事都太理性。)

  91. Don't be too impolite.(不要太不礼貌。)

  92. Don't be too polite.(不要太客气。)

  93. Don't be too aggressive in sports.(不要在运动中太过激进。)

  94. Don't be too passive in sports.(不要在运动中太过消极。)

  95. Don't be too competitive.(不要太有竞争心态。)

  96. Don't be too cooperative.(不要太合作。)

  97. Don't be too assertive.(不要太自信。)

  98. Don't be too selfless.(不要太无私。)

  99. Don't be too selfish.(不要太自私。)

  100. Don't give up on learning English.(不要放弃学习英语。)

上一篇 2023年10月08日10时36分56秒
下一篇 2023年10月08日10时46分07秒


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