


  • according to 根据
  • ahead of 在...之前
  • along with 与...一起
  • apart from 除了...以外
  • because of 因为
  • by means of 用...方法
  • in addition to 除了...之外还有
  • in front of 在...前面
  • in spite of 尽管
  • on behalf of 代表
  • out of 由于
  • up to 直到


  • According to the weather forecast, it's going to rain tonight.(根据天气预报,今晚要下雨。)
  • She arrived ahead of the meeting.(她在会议之前到达了。)
  • I went to the cinema along with my friends.(我和我的朋友一起去了电影院。)
  • Apart from English, he can also speak Spanish and French.(除了英语,他还会说西班牙语和法语。)
  • She was absent from work because of a cold.(她因为感冒而缺勤了。)
  • By means of the Internet, we can communicate with people all over the world.(通过互联网,我们可以和全世界的人交流。)
  • In addition to studying, she also enjoys playing basketball.(除了学习,她还喜欢打篮球。)
  • The car stopped in front of the house.(车停在了房子前面。)
  • In spite of the bad weather, they still went for a walk.(尽管天气不好,他们还是去散步了。)
  • He spoke on behalf of the company at the conference.(他代表公司在会议上发言。)
  • The factory had to close down out of financial difficulties.(由于财政困难,工厂不得不关闭。)
  • I'll wait for you up to ten minutes.(我会等你十分钟。)


上一篇 2023年10月02日08时30分47秒
下一篇 2023年10月02日08时39分41秒


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