


  • abide by
  • account for
  • accuse of
  • adapt to
  • add to
  • adhere to
  • agree with
  • aim at
  • allow for
  • apologize for
  • apply for
  • approve of
  • argue with
  • arrive at
  • ask for
  • associate with
  • attach to
  • attribute to
  • back up
  • base on
  • believe in
  • belong to
  • benefit from
  • blame for
  • borrow from
  • border on
  • break down
  • bring about
  • bring up
  • call for
  • care for
  • carry on
  • catch up with
  • check in
  • check out
  • choose from
  • come across
  • come in
  • come out
  • come up with
  • comment on
  • commit to
  • compare to
  • complain about
  • concentrate on
  • concern about
  • conform to
  • connect to
  • consist of
  • contribute to
  • cope with
  • count on
  • cover with
  • credit with
  • deal with
  • decide on
  • depend on
  • derive from
  • describe as
  • desire for
  • devote to
  • differ from
  • dig into
  • disagree with
  • disapprove of
  • discover in
  • discuss with
  • distract from
  • distinguish between
  • divide into
  • dream of
  • dress in
  • drink to
  • dwell on
  • embark on
  • emerge from
  • encourage to
  • engage in
  • enter into
  • escape from
  • excel in
  • exchange for
  • expose to
  • express in
  • face to
  • fall into
  • feel for
  • fight for
  • fill with
  • fit into
  • focus on
  • force on
  • forgive for
  • form from
  • free from
  • frighten by
  • function as
  • give away
  • glance at
  • go through
  • graduate from
  • grow into
  • happen to
  • help with
  • hesitate to
  • hide from
  • hint at
  • hold on
  • hope for
  • immerse in
  • improve on
  • indulge in
  • insist on
  • interfere with
  • invest in
  • involve in
  • joke about
  • jump over
  • keep on
  • kick off
  • know about
  • laugh at
  • lead to
  • lean on
  • learn from
  • lend to
  • listen to
  • live on
  • look at
  • look for
  • look like
  • look up
  • make for
  • manage with
  • match with
  • matter to
  • measure in
  • meet with
  • mention to
  • mix with
  • move in
  • narrow down
  • object to
  • occur to
  • offer to
  • operate on
  • opt for
  • order from
  • originate from
  • overcome by
  • participate in
  • pay for
  • perceive as
  • persist in
  • play with
  • plead for
  • point at
  • pray for
  • prepare for
  • prevent from
  • proceed to
  • provide for
  • qualify for
  • question about
  • quote from
  • react to
  • read about
  • realize in
  • receive from
  • refer to
  • reflect on
  • refuse to
  • relate to
  • rely on
  • remain in
  • remind of
  • remove from
  • report on
  • represent as
  • result from
  • retreat from
  • return to
  • reveal to
  • run into
  • search for
  • see through
  • select from
  • sense of
  • separate from
  • serve as
  • set on
  • settle on
  • share with
  • show off
  • shy away
  • smile at
  • specialize in
  • stand by
  • stick to
  • succeed in
  • suffer from
  • suggest to
  • sum up
  • supply with
  • surround with
  • suspect of
  • sympathize with
  • talk about
  • take after
  • take care of
  • take part in
  • take up
  • talk to
  • taste of
  • teach to
  • tell about
  • tend to
  • think of
  • thrive on
  • throw away
  • tie to
  • touch on
  • translate to
  • trust in
  • turn into
  • unite with
  • urge on
  • use as
  • value for
  • vary from
  • venture into
  • view as
  • wait for
  • walk into
  • want for
  • warn of
  • watch out
  • wear out
  • weigh in
  • wish for
  • wonder about
  • work as
  • worry about


上一篇 2023年09月24日15时36分51秒
下一篇 2023年09月24日15时46分12秒


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