The girl, dressed in a beautiful red dress, caught everyone's attention at the party.(那个穿着美丽红色裙子的女孩在派对上吸引了所有人的注意力。)
The house, built in the 19th century, has a lot of historical significance.(那栋建于19世纪的房子有很多历史意义。)
The book, written by a famous author, became a bestseller.(那本由著名作家写的书成为了畅销书。)
The cake, made with fresh strawberries, was delicious.(那个用新鲜草莓制作的蛋糕很美味。)
The movie, directed by a renowned filmmaker, received critical acclaim.(那部由著名电影制片人执导的电影得到了评论界的好评。)