

  1. I have never been to {Paris}, but I hope to visit it someday.

  2. {Although} he is only five years old, he can already read and write.

  3. The {most} important thing in life is to be happy.

  4. {If} it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

  5. She is {such} a kind person that everyone loves her.

  6. The {older} he gets, the more forgetful he becomes.

  7. {Whether} you like it or not, you have to finish your homework.

  8. He {has been} studying English for three years, so he can speak it fluently.

  9. She {was} born in London, but she grew up in New York.

  10. {As} soon as he arrived, he started to work.

  11. He is {too} young to go to school.

  12. {Although} it was cold outside, she refused to wear a coat.

  13. The {best} way to learn a language is to practice speaking it.

  14. {If} you want to lose weight, you should exercise regularly.

  15. She is {such} a good cook that she can make anything taste delicious.

  16. The {more} you study, the better your grades will be.

  17. {Whether} you like it or not, you have to follow the rules.

  18. He {has been} working here for five years, so he knows everything about this company.

  19. She {was} very tired, so she went to bed early.

  20. {As} soon as he finished his homework, he went to bed.

  21. He is {too} tired to go out tonight.

  22. {Although} he is rich, he is not happy.

  23. The {worst} thing you can do is to give up.

  24. {If} you don't study hard, you will fail the exam.

  25. She is {such} a beautiful girl that everyone admires her.

  26. The {less} you talk, the more you can listen.

  27. {Whether} he likes it or not, he has to go to school.

  28. He {has been} living in this city for ten years, so he knows all the good restaurants.

  29. She {was} very happy when she got the job.

  30. {As} soon as he saw her, he fell in love with her.

  31. He is {too} busy to go on vacation.

  32. {Although} it is raining, they still want to go to the beach.

  33. The {hardest} part is to get started.

  34. {If} you want to learn a language, you should watch movies in that language.

  35. She is {such} a good singer that she can sing any song.

  36. The {faster} you run, the sooner you will get there.

  37. {Whether} we like it or not, we have to do the work.

  38. He {has been} playing the piano since he was six years old.

  39. She {was} very nervous before the interview.

  40. {As} soon as he heard the news, he called his mother.

  41. He is {too} excited to sleep.

  42. {Although} he is a doctor, he still gets sick sometimes.

  43. The {easiest} way to learn a language is to practice with a native speaker.

  44. {If} you want to be healthy, you should eat more fruits and vegetables.

  45. She is {such} a talented artist that her paintings sell for thousands of dollars.

  46. The {slower} you go, the safer you will be.

  47. {Whether} he likes it or not, he has to pay the bill.

  48. He {has been} traveling around the world for two years, so he has a lot of interesting stories to tell.

  49. She {was} very surprised when she heard the news.

  50. {As} soon as he woke up, he brushed his teeth.

  51. He is {too} old to play basketball.

  52. {Although} it is late, they are still working.

  53. The {biggest} mistake you can make is to give up.

  54. {If} you want to be successful, you should work hard.

  55. She is {such} a wonderful friend that everyone wants to be her friend.

  56. The {busier} you are, the more you can accomplish.

  57. {Whether} it is raining or not, we have to go to the party.

  58. He {has been} studying Chinese for one year, so he can read and write a little bit.

  59. She {was} very angry when she heard the news.

  60. {As} soon as he got home, he took a shower.

  61. He is {too} shy to speak in public.

  62. {Although} it is expensive, it is worth it.

  63. The {most} important thing in a relationship is trust.

  64. {If} you want to be happy, you should do what you love.

  65. She is {such} a talented dancer that she can dance any style.

  66. The {quieter} you are, the more you can hear.

  67. {Whether} she likes it or not, she has to do the dishes.

  68. He {has been} practicing yoga for five years, so he is very flexible.

  69. She {was} very sad when she broke up with her boyfriend.

  70. {As} soon as he finished his work, he went to the gym.

  71. He is {too} lazy to exercise.

  72. {Although} it is difficult, it is not impossible.

  73. The {most} beautiful thing in the world is love.

  74. {If} you want to improve your English, you should read more books.

  75. She is {such} a good listener that everyone wants to talk to her.

  76. The {stronger} you are, the more you can lift.

  77. {Whether} he likes it or not, he has to go to the dentist.

  78. He {has been} studying abroad for two years, so his English has improved a lot.

  79. She {was} very happy when she got the present.

  80. {As} soon as he finished eating, he went to bed.

  81. He is {too} busy to call his parents.

  82. {Although} it is cold outside, they still want to go hiking.

  83. The {most} important thing in a job is to enjoy what you do.

  84. {If} you want to be successful, you should never give up.

  85. She is {such} a good teacher that all her students love her.

  86. The {smarter} you are, the more you can learn.

  87. {Whether} it is true or not, we have to investigate.

  88. He {has been} writing a book for three years, so he is almost finished.

  89. She {was} very excited when she passed the driving test.

  90. {As} soon as he finished his coffee, he left the café.

  91. He is {too} afraid to try new things.

  92. {Although} it is raining, they still want to have a picnic.

  93. The {most} important thing in life is to be happy with yourself.

  94. {If} you want to be healthy, you should exercise regularly.

  95. She is {such} a talented writer that her books are bestsellers.

  96. The {happier} you are, the more you can enjoy life.

  97. {Whether} it is right or wrong, we have to make a decision.

  98. He {has been} working on this project for six months, so he is almost done.

  99. She {was} very proud when she graduated from college.

  100. {As} soon as he finished his exam, he left the classroom.


上一篇 2023年09月13日09时08分07秒
下一篇 2023年09月13日09时19分08秒


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