

  1. 请加上逗号,使下列句子的意思更加清晰。 The dog ran around the yard and then jumped over the fence. 答案:The dog ran around the yard, and then jumped over the fence.

  2. 请加上句号,使下列句子变成两个独立的句子。 I like to swim in the ocean I also like to surf. 答案:I like to swim in the ocean. I also like to surf.

  3. 请加上问号,使下列句子变成一个疑问句。 You are going to the party. 答案:Are you going to the party?

  4. 请加上感叹号,使下列句子变成一个感叹句。 What a beautiful day it is! 答案:What a beautiful day it is!

  5. 请加上冒号,使下列句子更加清晰。 There are three things I want to tell you first I need your help second we have a meeting this afternoon third you look great today. 答案:There are three things I want to tell you: first, I need your help; second, we have a meeting this afternoon; third, you look great today.

  6. 请加上分号,使下列句子更加清晰。 My favorite colors are blue and green I also like red. 答案:My favorite colors are blue and green; I also like red.

  7. 请加上括号,使下列句子更加清晰。 I am going to the store to buy milk bread and eggs. 答案:I am going to the store to buy milk, bread, and eggs.

  8. 请加上引号,使下列句子更加清晰。 He said that he would be here at 8 o'clock. 答案:He said, "I would be here at 8 o'clock."

  9. 请加上破折号,使下列句子更加清晰。 My favorite food is pizza it is always delicious. 答案:My favorite food is pizza - it is always delicious.

  10. 请加上省略号,使下列句子更加清晰。 I wonder what she is doing. 答案:I wonder what she is doing...

  11. 请加上撇号,使下列句子更加清晰。 It's time for the children to go to bed. 答案:It's time for the children's to go to bed.

  12. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 She said that she would bring the cake, but she forgot it. 答案:She said that she would bring the cake but she forgot it.

  13. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 I need to go to the store, to buy some milk, bread and eggs. 答案:I need to go to the store to buy some milk, bread, and eggs.

  14. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 The dog ran up the hill, and then, he saw a cat. 答案:The dog ran up the hill and then he saw a cat.

  15. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 He said that he would be here, at 8 o'clock. 答案:He said that he would be here at 8 o'clock.

  16. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 I like to read, and write in my spare time. 答案:I like to read and write in my spare time.

  17. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 What would you like to eat, for lunch? 答案:What would you like to eat for lunch?

  18. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 She is a great cook, I love her food. 答案:She is a great cook; I love her food.

  19. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 My favorite color is green; it reminds me of nature. 答案:My favorite color is green. It reminds me of nature.

  20. 请改正下列句子中的标点错误。 We went to the beach, and then we went to the movies. 答案:We went to the beach and then we went to the movies.


上一篇 2023年08月27日12时19分12秒
下一篇 2023年08月27日12时27分56秒


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