



  1. Are you hungry?
  2. Do you like pizza?
  3. Is she your sister?
  4. Did you watch the movie?
  5. Will you come to the party?
  6. Can you speak Chinese?
  7. Have you finished your homework?
  8. Would you like some coffee?
  9. Should I call you later?
  10. Are they from Canada?


  1. What time is it?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Who is your favorite singer?
  4. Why did you quit your job?
  5. How old are you?
  6. How much does it cost?
  7. How many siblings do you have?
  8. How far is the airport?
  9. When is your birthday?
  10. Which one do you prefer?


  1. You like ice cream, don't you?
  2. We're not late, are we?
  3. She won't mind, will she?
  4. He's a good student, isn't he?
  5. They don't like spicy food, do they?
  6. You haven't seen the movie yet, have you?
  7. She didn't forget her keys, did she?
  8. He won't be late, will he?
  9. You can swim, can't you?
  10. They won't be angry, will they?


  1. I know where he lives.
  2. You understand why I'm upset.
  3. She mentioned when the meeting starts.
  4. He showed me what he bought.
  5. They asked if I wanted to join them.
  6. We discussed how to solve the problem.
  7. She told me where to find the keys.
  8. He explained why he was late.
  9. They wondered if we could help.
  10. You remember when we met, right?


  1. Is it raining outside?
  2. Have you seen the movie?
  3. Can you play the guitar?
  4. Did you hear the news?
  5. Will you come with me?
  6. Has she finished her project?
  7. Would you like some tea?
  8. Should we start now?
  9. Is he coming to the party?
  10. Would you mind closing the door?


  1. Can you tell me what time it is?
  2. Do you know where the library is?
  3. Could you explain how to use this machine?
  4. Would you mind telling me why you're late?
  5. I wonder if she will come to the meeting.
  6. He asked if we wanted to join him for lunch.
  7. She wanted to know where we were going.
  8. They asked if I could help them with the project.
  9. Can you show me how to get to the airport?
  10. Do you have any idea when the concert starts?


  1. What would you do if you won the lottery?
  2. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
  3. If you had more time, what would you do?
  4. Would you still love me if I was poor?
  5. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?
  6. What would happen if we missed our flight?
  7. If you could have any job, what would it be?
  8. If you saw a wallet on the street, what would you do?
  9. Would you be happy if you won the award?
  10. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?


  1. Could you help me with this?
  2. Would you mind opening the window?
  3. Can I borrow your laptop?
  4. May I ask you a question?
  5. Should we book the tickets now?
  6. Might it rain later?
  7. Would you like some more wine?
  8. Can you give me a ride home?
  9. Should we order dessert?
  10. Would you mind turning down the music?


  1. Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
  2. Could she be telling the truth?
  3. Is it possible to finish the project by Friday?
  4. Might he have forgotten the meeting?
  5. Could it be a mistake?
  6. Do you think she's angry with me?
  7. Is it likely to snow tonight?
  8. Could they be lost?
  9. Might the train be delayed?
  10. Do you think he's lying?


  1. Do you want tea or coffee?
  2. Would you like to go to the movies or stay home?
  3. Will you wear the blue shirt or the red one?
  4. Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains?
  5. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
  6. Should we take the train or the bus?
  7. Would you like to eat Italian or Chinese food?
  8. Do you want to study tonight or tomorrow?
  9. Would you like to go out or stay in?
  10. Do you want to watch a comedy or a drama?
上一篇 2023年08月11日10时37分10秒
下一篇 2023年08月11日10时45分53秒


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