In conclusion
"In conclusion"是一种正式的表达方式,常用于学术论文或正式演讲中。它的意思是"总之"或"总结一下"。
例如:In conclusion, we can see that the company's profits have increased significantly over the past year.
To sum up
"To sum up"是另一种正式的表达方式,意思与"In conclusion"相似。它也常用于学术论文或正式演讲中。
例如:To sum up, the research indicates that there is a strong correlation between exercise and mental health.
In summary
"In summary"是一种中性的表达方式,既可以用于正式演讲,也可以用于日常对话中。它的意思是"总之"或"归纳起来"。
例如:In summary, the project was completed on time and within budget.
To wrap up
"To wrap up"是一种非正式的表达方式,常用于会议或讨论结束时。它的意思是"总之"或"结束讨论"。
例如:To wrap up, do we have any further questions or comments before we adjourn the meeting?
例如:Ultimately, the success of the project will depend on the team's ability to work together effectively.