

  1. By this time next year, I will have been studying at this university for three years.
  2. By the end of this month, he will have been working for this company for five years.
  3. By tomorrow, she will have been traveling for 24 hours straight.
  4. By next week, we will have been living in this house for a year.
  5. By the time he arrives, we will have been waiting for two hours.
  6. By the end of the semester, they will have been taking this class for five months.
  7. By the time we finish this project, we will have been working on it for six months.
  8. By next summer, he will have been playing tennis for ten years.
  9. By the time we get to the party, the guests will have been arriving for an hour.
  10. By the end of the day, she will have been on her feet for eight hours.
  11. By the time the concert starts, the band will have been rehearsing for three hours.
  12. In two months, I will have been living in this city for three years.
  13. By the time we leave, the sun will have been shining for six hours.
  14. By the end of the year, they will have been married for ten years.
  15. By next month, we will have been saving money for our trip for six months.
  16. By the time we finish this book, we will have been reading for three hours.
  17. By the end of the week, she will have been practicing piano for five hours.
  18. By next year, he will have been teaching at this school for 20 years.
  19. By the time the train arrives, we will have been waiting for an hour.
  20. By the end of the game, they will have been playing for two hours.
  21. In a few weeks, we will have been dating for six months.
  22. By next summer, she will have been working at this restaurant for a year.
  23. By the time we finish this hike, we will have been walking for four hours.
  24. By tomorrow morning, he will have been driving for 12 hours straight.
  25. By the end of the month, they will have been living in this apartment for a year.
  26. By next week, we will have been practicing for the competition for a month.
  27. By the time we finish this movie, we will have been watching for two hours.
  28. By next year, she will have been studying French for five years.
  29. By the end of the semester, he will have been teaching this class for four months.
  30. By the time we finish this project, we will have been working on it for two weeks.
  31. By next summer, they will have been married for five years.
  32. By the time the play starts, the actors will have been rehearsing for a week.
  33. By next month, I will have been working at this job for a year.
  34. By the end of the day, they will have been hiking for eight hours.
  35. By the time we get to the beach, the sun will have been shining for three hours.
  36. By next year, he will have been playing guitar for ten years.
  37. By the time we finish this dinner, we will have been eating for two hours.
  38. By the end of the week, she will have been studying for her exam for five days.
  39. By next summer, we will have been planning this trip for a year.
  40. By the time we finish this book, we will have been reading for four hours.
  41. By next year, they will have been living in this country for five years.
  42. By the end of the month, he will have been working on this project for six months.
  43. By next week, we will have been practicing for the concert for a month.
  44. By the time we finish this game, we will have been playing for three hours.
  45. By next summer, she will have been working at this company for a year.
  46. By the end of the day, they will have been sightseeing for eight hours.
  47. By the time we get to the party, the music will have been playing for an hour.
  48. By next year, he will have been writing this book for three years.
  49. By the end of the semester, they will have been studying for this class for four months.
  50. By the time we finish this conversation, we will have been talking for an hour.


上一篇 2023年07月20日14时09分51秒
下一篇 2023年07月20日14时18分42秒


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