

  1. The fact that he passed the exam surprised everyone. 这个事实让所有人都感到惊讶。

  2. The idea that we should go hiking this weekend is a good one. 这个周末我们去远足的想法很好。

  3. Her belief that honesty is the best policy is admirable. 她认为诚实是最好的策略的信念值得赞赏。

  4. The rumor that they are getting married is not true. 他们要结婚的谣言是不真实的。

  5. The news that the company is going bankrupt is devastating. 公司破产的消息是毁灭性的。

  6. The fact that she speaks five languages amazes me. 她会说五种语言的事实让我很惊讶。

  7. The idea that we can solve this problem together is encouraging. 我们可以一起解决这个问题的想法是令人鼓舞的。

  8. His claim that he can run a marathon in under three hours is questionable. 他声称自己可以在三小时内完成一场马拉松比赛的说法是值得怀疑的。

  9. The suggestion that we should have a potluck dinner is a good one. 我们应该举办一个聚餐的建议是很好的。

  10. The fact that she is always on time is impressive. 她总是准时的事实令人印象深刻。

  11. The idea that we should start our own business is exciting. 我们应该开始自己的事业的想法是令人兴奋的。

  12. Her claim that she saw a UFO last night is unbelievable. 她声称昨晚看到了不明飞行物的说法是难以置信的。

  13. The rumor that the school is closing down is not true. 学校即将关闭的谣言是不真实的。

  14. The suggestion that we should have a picnic in the park is a great one. 我们在公园野餐的建议是很棒的。

  15. The fact that he won the lottery is amazing. 他中了彩票的事实是令人惊叹的。

  16. The idea that we should travel around the world is a dream come true. 我们应该环游世界的想法是梦想成真。

  17. His belief that hard work pays off is true. 他的信念:努力工作就会有回报是真实的。

  18. The claim that coffee is bad for your health is controversial. 咖啡对健康有害的说法是有争议的。

  19. The news that he got a promotion is exciting. 他升职的消息是令人兴奋的。

  20. The fact that they are having a baby is wonderful news. 他们要生孩子的事实是美好的消息。

  21. The idea that we should volunteer at the animal shelter is a kind one. 我们应该在动物收容所做义工的想法是善良的。

  22. Her claim that she can speak fluent French is impressive. 她声称自己能够流利地说法语是令人印象深刻的。

  23. The rumor that he is cheating on his wife is not true. 他欺骗妻子的谣言是不真实的。

  24. The suggestion that we should have a movie night is a great one. 我们应该举办电影之夜的建议是很棒的。

  25. The fact that he is a millionaire is surprising. 他是百万富翁的事实是令人惊讶的。

  26. The idea that we should go skydiving is terrifying. 我们应该去跳伞的想法是可怕的。

  27. His belief that aliens exist is controversial. 他的信念:外星人存在是有争议的。

  28. The claim that chocolate is good for your health is debatable. 巧克力对健康有益的说法是有争议的。

  29. The news that she got accepted into Harvard is exciting. 她被哈佛录取的消息是令人兴奋的。

  30. The fact that they are moving to New York is surprising. 他们要搬到纽约的事实是令人惊讶的。

  31. The idea that we should start a band is exciting. 我们应该组建一个乐队的想法是令人兴奋的。

  32. Her claim that she can do a backflip is impressive. 她声称自己能做一个后空翻是令人印象深刻的。

  33. The rumor that he is quitting his job is not true. 他要辞职的谣言是不真实的。

  34. The suggestion that we should have a beach day is a great one. 我们应该去海滩的建议是很棒的。

  35. The fact that he is a famous actor is impressive. 他是著名演员的事实是令人印象深刻的。

  36. The idea that we should climb Mount Everest is crazy. 我们应该爬珠穆朗玛峰的想法是疯狂的。

  37. His belief that money can't buy happiness is true. 他的信念:金钱买不来幸福是真实的。

  38. The claim that red wine is good for your heart is debatable. 红酒对心脏有益的说法是有争议的。

  39. The news that she won the Nobel Prize is exciting. 她获得诺贝尔奖的消息是令人兴奋的。

  40. The fact that they are getting a divorce is sad. 他们要离婚的事实是令人悲伤的。

  41. The idea that we should learn to cook French cuisine is exciting. 我们应该学做法国菜的想法是令人兴奋的。

  42. Her claim that she is related to a famous celebrity is impressive. 她声称自己与一位著名名人有亲戚关系是令人印象深刻的。

  43. The rumor that he is moving to Paris is not true. 他要搬到巴黎的谣言是不真实的。

  44. The suggestion that we should have a game night is a great one. 我们应该举办游戏之夜的建议是很棒的。

  45. The fact that he is a successful entrepreneur is impressive. 他是成功的企业家的事实是令人印象深刻的。

  46. The idea that we should go bungee jumping is terrifying. 我们应该去蹦极的想法是可怕的。

  47. His belief that hard work is the key to success is true. 他的信念:努力工作是成功的关键是真实的。

  48. The claim that green tea is good for your health is debatable. 绿茶对健康有益的说法是有争议的。

  49. The news that he got a new job is exciting. 他得到新工作的消息是令人兴奋的。

  50. The fact that they are adopting a child is heartwarming. 他们要领养孩子的事实是令人感动的。

  51. The idea that we should learn to play the guitar is exciting. 我们应该学弹吉他的想法是令人兴奋的。

  52. Her claim that she can speak to animals is impressive. 她声称自己能与动物交流是令人印象深刻的。

  53. The rumor that he is moving to Australia is not true. 他要搬到澳大利亚的谣言是不真实的。

  54. The suggestion that we should have a book club is a great one. 我们应该举办读书俱乐部的建议是很棒的。

  55. The fact that he is a famous musician is impressive. 他是著名音乐家的事实是令人印象深刻的。

  56. The idea that we should go on a road trip is exciting. 我们应该去进行一次公路旅行的想法是令人兴奋的。

  57. His belief that honesty is always the best policy is true. 他的信念:诚实总是最好的策略是真实的。

  58. The claim that red meat is bad for your health is debatable. 红肉对健康有害的说法是有争议的。

  59. The news that she is pregnant is exciting. 她怀孕的消息是令人兴奋的。

  60. The fact that they are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary is heartwarming. 他们在庆祝50周年结婚纪念日的事实是令人感动的。

  61. The idea that we should start a garden is exciting. 我们应该开始养花园的想法是令人兴奋的。

  62. Her claim that she can speak to ghosts is impressive. 她声称自己能与鬼魂交流是令人印象深刻的。

  63. The rumor that he is quitting college is not true. 他要辍学的谣言是不真实的。

  64. The suggestion that we should have a karaoke night is a great one. 我们应该举办卡拉OK之夜的建议是很棒的。

  65. The fact that he is a famous author is impressive. 他是著名作家的事实是令人印象深刻的。

  66. The idea that we should go backpacking in Europe is exciting. 我们应该去欧洲背包旅行的想法是令人兴奋的。

  67. His belief that education is the key to success is true. 他的信念:教育是成功的关键是真实的。

  68. The claim that fish is good for your health is debatable. 鱼对健康有益的说法是有争议的。

  69. The news that he is retiring is exciting. 他退休的消息是令人兴奋的。

  70. The fact that they are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary is heartwarming. 他们在庆祝25周年结婚纪念日的事实是令人感动的。

  71. The idea that we should learn to speak Chinese is exciting. 我们应该学说汉语的想法是令人兴奋的。

  72. Her claim that she can read minds is impressive. 她声称自己能读心是令人印象深刻的。

  73. The rumor that he is getting married next month is not true. 他下个月要结婚的谣言是不真实的。

  74. The suggestion that we should have a barbecue party is a great one. 我们应该举办烧烤派对的建议是很棒的。

  75. The fact that he is a famous athlete is impressive. 他是著名运动员的事实是令人印象深刻的。

  76. The idea that we should go on a cruise is exciting. 我们应该去进行一次邮轮旅行的想法是令人兴奋的

上一篇 2023年07月17日08时13分49秒
下一篇 2023年07月17日08时23分00秒


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