

  1. I have no doubt that he will come.
  2. The fact that she passed the exam surprised us all.
  3. I am glad that you could come to the party.
  4. It is clear that she needs some help.
  5. The idea that he is going to quit his job is ridiculous.
  6. The rumor that she is getting married next month is true.
  7. The hope that everything will turn out well kept us going.
  8. The belief that honesty is always the best policy is a good one.
  9. The possibility that he might be late is always there.
  10. The suggestion that we should go out for dinner was welcomed.
  11. The notion that money can buy happiness is false.
  12. The fear that he might fail the exam kept him up all night.
  13. The understanding that we have reached is that we need to work harder.
  14. The knowledge that she has of the subject is impressive.
  15. The proof that he provided was not enough to convince us.
  16. The reason that he gave for being late was a poor one.
  17. The argument that he made was not convincing.
  18. The assumption that he is guilty is unfair.
  19. The possibility that he might win the lottery is slim.
  20. The hope that she will recover soon is shared by all of us.
  21. The understanding that we have of the situation is limited.
  22. The fact that he is older than her doesn't matter.
  23. The belief that she is innocent is strong.
  24. The rumor that he is going to be promoted is false.
  25. The idea that he is going to be a father is exciting.
  26. The possibility that we might win the game is high.
  27. The suggestion that we should travel to Europe was discussed.
  28. The notion that he is the best candidate for the job is correct.
  29. The fear that we might get lost is always there.
  30. The understanding that we have is that we need to work together.
  31. The knowledge that she has of the subject is extensive.
  32. The proof that he provided was enough to convince us.
  33. The reason that he gave for being absent was valid.
  34. The argument that he made was compelling.
  35. The assumption that he is innocent is reasonable.
  36. The possibility that he might lose the game is high.
  37. The hope that she will get better soon is shared by everyone.
  38. The understanding that we have of the issue is complex.
  39. The fact that he is taller than her is obvious.
  40. The belief that he is honest is well-known.
  41. The rumor that she is leaving the company is true.
  42. The idea that he is going to start his own business is inspiring.
  43. The possibility that we might be late is low.
  44. The suggestion that we should take a break was welcomed.
  45. The notion that he is a good leader is well-established.
  46. The fear that we might fail the project is real.
  47. The understanding that we have is that we need to improve.
  48. The knowledge that she has of the subject is thorough.
  49. The proof that he provided was conclusive.
  50. The reason that he gave for being early was understandable.
  51. The argument that he made was logical.
  52. The assumption that he is guilty is based on evidence.
  53. The possibility that he might win the competition is slim.
  54. The hope that she will be happy is shared by her family.
  55. The understanding that we have of the problem is limited.
  56. The fact that he is from a different country is interesting.
  57. The belief that he is a hard worker is well-deserved.
  58. The rumor that she is going to retire is false.
  59. The idea that he is going to study abroad is exciting.
  60. The possibility that we might miss the flight is low.
  61. The suggestion that we should go to the beach was accepted.
  62. The notion that he is a talented musician is well-known.
  63. The fear that we might not complete the project on time is real.
  64. The understanding that we have is that we need to communicate better.
  65. The knowledge that she has of the topic is impressive.
  66. The proof that he provided was convincing.
  67. The reason that he gave for being absent was acceptable.
  68. The argument that he made was persuasive.
  69. The assumption that he is innocent is supported by facts.
  70. The possibility that he might win the election is high.
  71. The hope that she will succeed is shared by her friends.
  72. The understanding that we have of the matter is incomplete.
  73. The fact that he is a vegetarian is surprising.
  74. The belief that he is a good listener is well-founded.
  75. The rumor that she is moving to another city is true.
  76. The idea that he is going to learn a new language is impressive.
  77. The possibility that we might have to work overtime is high.
  78. The suggestion that we should have a party was welcomed.
  79. The notion that he is a great actor is well-established.
  80. The fear that we might fail the exam is real.
  81. The understanding that we have is that we need to be more organized.
  82. The knowledge that she has of the subject is comprehensive.
  83. The proof that he provided was satisfactory.
  84. The reason that he gave for being late was understandable.
  85. The argument that he made was valid.
  86. The assumption that he is guilty is based on suspicion.
  87. The possibility that he might lose the race is high.
  88. The hope that she will find true love is shared by her family.
  89. The understanding that we have of the issue is vague.
  90. The fact that he is a good cook is impressive.
  91. The belief that he is a loyal friend is well-deserved.
  92. The rumor that she is going to get married is true.
  93. The idea that he is going to climb Mount Everest is ambitious.
  94. The possibility that we might miss the train is low.
  95. The suggestion that we should play tennis was accepted.
  96. The notion that he is a talented painter is well-known.
  97. The fear that we might not finish the project on time is real.
  98. The understanding that we have is that we need to be more efficient.
  99. The knowledge that she has of the subject is extensive.
  100. The proof that he provided was irrefutable.


上一篇 2023年07月17日08时04分44秒
下一篇 2023年07月17日08时13分49秒


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