
助动词(Auxiliary verb)是指帮助主要动词表达时态、语态、情态等含义的动词。在英语中,助动词的运用非常广泛,掌握助动词的用法对于提高英语水平至关重要。以下是100个常用的助动词例句,希望能对大家学习英语有所帮助。

  1. Do you like ice cream?
  2. Does she speak French?
  3. Did you go to the party last night?
  4. Have you ever been to New York City?
  5. Has he finished his homework yet?
  6. Will you come to the concert with me?
  7. Would you like a cup of tea?
  8. Can you swim?
  9. Could you help me with my math homework?
  10. Should we take an umbrella with us?
  11. Must I finish this project by tomorrow?
  12. May I borrow your pencil?
  13. Might I ask you a question?
  14. Need we bring anything to the potluck?
  15. Dare I ask her out on a date?
  16. I am going to the store.
  17. He is singing a song.
  18. She was reading a book last night.
  19. They have been living in this city for five years.
  20. I have seen that movie before.
  21. He will be attending the conference next week.
  22. I would love to visit Japan someday.
  23. She can play the piano very well.
  24. He could speak four languages fluently.
  25. We should study harder for the exam.
  26. She must finish her homework before watching TV.
  27. You may leave the room now.
  28. He might be late for the meeting.
  29. They need to get a new car.
  30. I dare you to try the spicy food.
  31. I am not going to the party.
  32. He is not playing soccer today.
  33. She did not finish the project on time.
  34. They have not seen each other for a long time.
  35. I will not be able to come to the meeting.
  36. She would not like to eat sushi.
  37. I cannot swim.
  38. He could not understand the difficult math problem.
  39. We should not waste water.
  40. She must not forget to bring her passport.
  41. May I not go to school today?
  42. I need not worry about the test result.
  43. He might not be able to come to the dinner party.
  44. They dare not speak up in front of the boss.
  45. I am going to be a doctor when I grow up.
  46. He is going to travel to Europe next month.
  47. She was going to buy a new dress for the party.
  48. They have been going out for two years.
  49. I have been studying English for five years.
  50. He will have finished the project by tomorrow.
  51. I would have gone to the concert if I had known about it earlier.
  52. She could have been a famous singer if she had pursued it seriously.
  53. We should have listened to the weather forecast before going out.
  54. He must have forgotten his phone at home.
  55. May I have a piece of cake?
  56. Might I have a glass of water, please?
  57. Need I sign the contract today?
  58. Should I take the job offer?
  59. They can have the last slice of pizza.
  60. I could have helped you with the presentation.
  61. I am going to have a party at my place this weekend.
  62. He is having a hard time finding a job.
  63. She had a great time at the beach last summer.
  64. They have had enough of the noisy neighbors.
  65. I will have had ten years of work experience by the end of this year.
  66. She would have had a better grade if she had studied harder.
  67. We should have had a backup plan.
  68. He must have had a lot of coffee this morning.
  69. May I have had the pleasure of meeting you before?
  70. I need not have worried about the traffic.
  71. He might have had a different opinion if he had known the whole story.
  72. They dare not have been more disrespectful to the teacher.
  73. I am used to waking up early.
  74. He is not accustomed to spicy food.
  75. She was getting used to the new job.
  76. They have become accustomed to the cold weather.
  77. I will have to get used to the new schedule.
  78. She would have liked the movie if she had been more open-minded.
  79. We should get used to the idea of working from home.
  80. He must be used to the busy city life by now.
  81. May I use your computer for a minute?
  82. Might I use your phone to make a call?
  83. Need I use a calculator for this math problem?
  84. Should I use a pen or a pencil to write the essay?
  85. They can use the company car for the business trip.
  86. I could use some help with the heavy lifting.
  87. I am used to being the youngest in the family.
  88. He is not used to being criticized by his boss.
  89. She was used to living alone before getting married.
  90. They have gotten used to the taste of spicy food.
  91. I will have used up all my savings by the end of this month.
  92. She would have used a different approach if she had known the result.
  93. We should have used a different color for the logo.
  94. He must have used a lot of energy to finish the marathon.
  95. May I not use the elevator and take the stairs instead?
  96. I need not use the new software if the old one works fine.
  97. He might have used a different tone if he had realized the impact of his words.
  98. They dare not use the company's resources for personal purposes.
  99. I am going to use this opportunity to learn as much as possible.
  100. She is using her talent to help others.


上一篇 2023年07月16日09时37分24秒
下一篇 2023年07月16日09时46分21秒


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