

  1. He walks to school every day.
  2. She talks with her friends on the phone.
  3. The bird chirps early in the morning.
  4. The baby cries when he is hungry.
  5. The dog barks at strangers.
  6. The cat meows when she wants attention.
  7. The plant grows quickly in sunlight.
  8. The river flows into the ocean.
  9. The wind blows fiercely during a storm.
  10. The sun shines brightly in the sky.
  11. The moonlight glows on the water.
  12. The car honks loudly in traffic.
  13. The phone rings when someone calls.
  14. The clock ticks as time passes.
  15. The computer beeps when there is an error.
  16. The oven dings when the food is done.
  17. The doorbell rings when someone arrives.
  18. The alarm buzzes to wake you up.
  19. The teacher explains the lesson to the students.
  20. The doctor diagnoses the illness.
  21. The musician plays the guitar beautifully.
  22. The artist paints a beautiful picture.
  23. The chef cooks delicious food.
  24. The athlete runs quickly on the track.
  25. The swimmer dives into the pool.
  26. The dancer twirls gracefully on stage.
  27. The singer sings a beautiful melody.
  28. The writer pens a best-selling book.
  29. The actor performs on stage.
  30. The director directs the movie.
  31. The photographer takes stunning pictures.
  32. The gardener plants beautiful flowers.
  33. The construction worker builds a new house.
  34. The engineer designs the bridge.
  35. The scientist conducts experiments in the lab.
  36. The lawyer argues in court.
  37. The police officer patrols the streets.
  38. The firefighter saves lives.
  39. The soldier defends the country.
  40. The pilot flies the airplane.
  41. The sailor navigates the ship.
  42. The fisherman catches fish in the lake.
  43. The farmer harvests crops in the field.
  44. The miner extracts minerals from the earth.
  45. The banker invests money in the stock market.
  46. The accountant calculates the company's finances.
  47. The salesperson pitches products to customers.
  48. The marketer promotes the brand.
  49. The journalist reports the news.
  50. The editor revises the article.
  51. The translator translates the document.
  52. The interpreter interprets the conversation.
  53. The receptionist greets visitors at the front desk.
  54. The secretary schedules appointments.
  55. The manager supervises the team.
  56. The CEO leads the company.
  57. The consultant advises the client.
  58. The therapist counsels the patient.
  59. The coach trains the athlete.
  60. The tutor teaches the student.
  61. The parent disciplines the child.
  62. The friend supports during tough times.
  63. The lover romances the partner.
  64. The comedian entertains the audience.
  65. The magician performs magic tricks.
  66. The clown amuses the children.
  67. The barber cuts hair at the salon.
  68. The stylist styles hair for the runway.
  69. The makeup artist beautifies the face.
  70. The massage therapist relaxes the body.
  71. The chiropractor adjusts the spine.
  72. The dentist cleans the teeth.
  73. The optometrist examines the eyes.
  74. The pharmacist dispenses medicine.
  75. The mechanic repairs the car.
  76. The electrician fixes electrical problems.
  77. The plumber unclogs the pipes.
  78. The carpenter builds furniture.
  79. The welder fuses metal together.
  80. The tailor alters clothes to fit.
  81. The shoemaker repairs shoes.
  82. The jeweler designs and sells jewelry.
  83. The librarian organizes books in the library.
  84. The archivist preserves historical documents.
  85. The curator exhibits art in the museum.
  86. The tour guide shows tourists around the city.
  87. The travel agent plans vacations for clients.
  88. The bartender mixes drinks at the bar.
  89. The waiter serves food at the restaurant.
  90. The cashier handles money at the store.
  91. The cleaner cleans the office.
  92. The gardener mows the lawn.
  93. The janitor cleans the bathroom.
  94. The security guard watches over the building.
  95. The lifeguard saves lives at the beach.
  96. The paramedic responds to emergencies.
  97. The veterinarian treats animals.
  98. The pet groomer grooms pets.
  99. The pet sitter cares for pets while owners are away.
  100. The babysitter watches over children when parents are out.


上一篇 2023年07月11日14时39分55秒
下一篇 2023年07月11日14时42分03秒


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