

  1. The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.
  2. The girl who won the singing competition is my classmate.
  3. The movie that we watched last night was really scary.
  4. The man whom I met at the party is my uncle's friend.
  5. The dress that I bought yesterday was on sale.
  6. The teacher who taught us math is very strict.
  7. The dog that we adopted from the shelter is very friendly.
  8. The city where I was born is very beautiful.
  9. The restaurant that we went to last night was very expensive.
  10. The boy who is sitting next to me is my best friend.
  11. The car that my dad bought is very fast.
  12. The park where we had a picnic is very peaceful.
  13. The book that I lost last week was my favorite.
  14. The woman who is talking to my mom is my aunt.
  15. The game that we played yesterday was very exciting.
  16. The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister.
  17. The song that I heard on the radio is stuck in my head.
  18. The boy who won the race is very fast.
  19. The restaurant where we had dinner was very crowded.
  20. The movie that we watched last weekend was very funny.
  21. The teacher who is giving the lecture is very knowledgeable.
  22. The dog that is barking is very loud.
  23. The city that we visited last summer was very hot.
  24. The book that I am reading now is very interesting.
  25. The man who is sitting at the bar is very friendly.
  26. The dress that my mom bought for me is very pretty.
  27. The movie that won the Oscar is very good.
  28. The girl who is playing the piano is very talented.
  29. The car that we rented is very comfortable.
  30. The park that we visited last weekend was very big.
  31. The book that my sister recommended is very popular.
  32. The woman who is singing on stage is very beautiful.
  33. The game that we played last night was very competitive.
  34. The boy who is playing basketball is very tall.
  35. The restaurant that we went to for lunch was very busy.
  36. The movie that we watched on TV was very romantic.
  37. The teacher who is teaching us English is very patient.
  38. The dog that is sleeping is very cute.
  39. The city that we are going to visit next month is very historical.
  40. The book that I want to read is very long.
  41. The man who is jogging in the park is very fit.
  42. The dress that I tried on was too small.
  43. The movie that we saw in 3D was very cool.
  44. The girl who is dancing is very graceful.
  45. The car that we saw on the street was very expensive.
  46. The park that we went to last weekend was very clean.
  47. The book that I read last night was very informative.
  48. The woman who is running the marathon is very dedicated.
  49. The game that we played on the computer was very addictive.
  50. The boy who is playing soccer is very skilled.


上一篇 2023年07月11日09时38分10秒
下一篇 2023年07月11日09时40分18秒


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