

  1. I am a student.
  2. You are my friend.
  3. He is a teacher.
  4. She is my sister.
  5. It is a cat.
  6. We are students.
  7. They are my classmates.
  8. This is a book.
  9. That is a pen.
  10. These are pencils.
  11. Those are erasers.
  12. I am happy.
  13. You are kind.
  14. He is tall.
  15. She is beautiful.
  16. It is small.
  17. We are busy.
  18. They are tired.
  19. This is easy.
  20. That is difficult.
  21. These are new.
  22. Those are old.
  23. I am hungry.
  24. You are thirsty.
  25. He is sleepy.
  26. She is cold.
  27. It is hot.
  28. We are late.
  29. They are early.
  30. This is fun.
  31. That is boring.
  32. These are delicious.
  33. Those are disgusting.
  34. I am from China.
  35. You are from America.
  36. He is from England.
  37. She is from Japan.
  38. It is from Korea.
  39. We are from Canada.
  40. They are from Australia.
  41. This is my bag.
  42. That is his hat.
  43. These are her shoes.
  44. Those are their jackets.
  45. I am in the classroom.
  46. You are in the library.
  47. He is in the office.
  48. She is in the kitchen.
  49. It is in the garden.
  50. We are in the park.
  51. They are in the gym.
  52. This is my desk.
  53. That is his chair.
  54. These are her notebooks.
  55. Those are their backpacks.
  56. I am happy because I got a good grade.
  57. You are sad because you lost your toy.
  58. He is proud because he won the race.
  59. She is worried because she has a test tomorrow.
  60. It is excited because it's going on a trip.
  61. We are surprised because we saw a rainbow.
  62. They are angry because someone broke their toy.
  63. This is my favorite color.
  64. That is his favorite food.
  65. These are her favorite songs.
  66. Those are their favorite books.
  67. I am wearing a red shirt.
  68. You are wearing blue pants.
  69. He is wearing a black suit.
  70. She is wearing a pink dress.
  71. It is wearing a green collar.
  72. We are wearing white shoes.
  73. They are wearing yellow hats.
  74. This is my pet dog.
  75. That is his pet cat.
  76. These are her pet rabbits.
  77. Those are their pet fish.
  78. I am going to school.
  79. You are going to the store.
  80. He is going to work.
  81. She is going to the hospital.
  82. It is going to the park.
  83. We are going to the beach.
  84. They are going to the museum.
  85. This is a sunny day.
  86. That is a rainy day.
  87. These are cloudy days.
  88. Those are snowy days.
  89. I am good at drawing.
  90. You are good at singing.
  91. He is good at playing basketball.
  92. She is good at cooking.
  93. It is good at catching mice.
  94. We are good at dancing.
  95. They are good at playing instruments.
  96. This is a big tree.
  97. That is a small flower.
  98. These are tall buildings.
  99. Those are short bushes.
  100. I am happy to learn English.


上一篇 2023年07月08日17时55分57秒
下一篇 2023年07月08日17时58分09秒


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