

  1. The woman who is wearing a red hat is my neighbor.
  2. The boy who won the race is very talented.
  3. The teacher who taught me English is from Canada.
  4. The car which is parked in front of the house is mine.
  5. The dog who barked at me last night is very aggressive.
  6. The man who is talking to my boss is the CEO.
  7. The book which I read last week was very interesting.
  8. The cat who is sleeping on the couch is mine.
  9. The person who stole my wallet is still at large.
  10. The doctor who treated my illness is very experienced.
  11. The movie which won the Oscar is a must-see.
  12. The bird who is singing in the tree is a robin.
  13. The woman who is standing by the door is my sister.
  14. The boy who broke the vase is my nephew.
  15. The musician who played the guitar is very talented.
  16. The shop which sells organic food is very popular.
  17. The dog who saved his owner's life is a hero.
  18. The man who is wearing a suit is the manager.
  19. The restaurant which serves sushi is my favorite.
  20. The cat who caught the mouse is very skilled.
  21. The boy who is playing the piano is my son.
  22. The woman who won the lottery is very lucky.
  23. The athlete who broke the record is very strong.
  24. The hotel which offers a spa is very luxurious.
  25. The man who is jogging in the park is my neighbor.
  26. The company which produces high-tech devices is innovative.
  27. The dog who is wagging its tail is very friendly.
  28. The woman who is carrying a baby is my cousin.
  29. The boy who is doing his homework is very diligent.
  30. The singer who performed at the concert is very popular.
  31. The store which sells designer clothes is very expensive.
  32. The cat who is playing with a ball of yarn is very cute.
  33. The author who wrote the book is very famous.
  34. The team which won the championship is very skilled.
  35. The woman who is driving the car is my aunt.
  36. The boy who is practicing basketball is very talented.
  37. The artist who painted the picture is very creative.
  38. The museum which exhibits ancient artifacts is very interesting.
  39. The dog who is chasing its tail is very playful.
  40. The man who is repairing my car is very skilled.
  41. The company which provides financial services is very reliable.
  42. The cat who is purring on my lap is very content.
  43. The woman who is cooking dinner is my mother.
  44. The boy who is building a sandcastle is very creative.
  45. The musician who is playing the drums is very energetic.
  46. The school which offers a scholarship is very generous.
  47. The dog who is sleeping on the rug is very lazy.
  48. The man who is reading the newspaper is my grandfather.
  49. The organization which promotes environmental protection is very important.
  50. The cat who is hiding under the bed is very shy.


上一篇 2023年07月03日17时36分15秒
下一篇 2023年07月03日17时38分27秒


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