

  1. The cake was eaten by the dog.

  2. The book was written by the author.

  3. The window was broken by the ball.

  4. The letter was sent by the postman.

  5. The movie was watched by the audience.

  6. The song was sung by the singer.

  7. The car was driven by the driver.

  8. The house was built by the builder.

  9. The food was cooked by the chef.

  10. The picture was painted by the artist.

  11. The test was graded by the teacher.

  12. The tree was planted by the gardener.

  13. The computer was fixed by the technician.

  14. The clothes were washed by the laundry.

  15. The game was played by the team.

  16. The speech was given by the speaker.

  17. The phone was answered by the receptionist.

  18. The mistake was made by the student.

  19. The coffee was brewed by the barista.

  20. The job was completed by the worker.

  21. The project was approved by the manager.

  22. The question was answered by the expert.

  23. The door was opened by the key.

  24. The medicine was prescribed by the doctor.

  25. The problem was solved by the engineer.

  26. The letter was typed by the secretary.

  27. The photo was taken by the photographer.

  28. The package was delivered by the courier.

  29. The decision was made by the committee.

  30. The report was written by the analyst.

  31. The music was composed by the musician.

  32. The document was signed by the client.

  33. The reservation was made by the customer.

  34. The application was approved by the authority.

  35. The contract was signed by the parties.

  36. The idea was suggested by the colleague.

  37. The email was sent by the sender.

  38. The message was left by the caller.

  39. The task was assigned by the supervisor.

  40. The document was translated by the translator.

  41. The proposal was rejected by the board.

  42. The error was corrected by the programmer.

  43. The car was towed by the tow truck.

  44. The package was wrapped by the clerk.

  45. The box was packed by the packer.

  46. The ticket was purchased by the passenger.

  47. The article was published by the editor.

  48. The plan was made by the planner.

  49. The question was asked by the interviewer.

  50. The suggestion was accepted by the team.

  51. The message was received by the recipient.

  52. The loan was approved by the bank.

  53. The order was placed by the customer.

  54. The policy was implemented by the government.

  55. The speech was delivered by the politician.

  56. The dish was prepared by the cook.

  57. The decision was influenced by the advisor.

  58. The problem was caused by the mistake.

  59. The game was won by the team.

  60. The performance was praised by the audience.

  61. The problem was identified by the expert.

  62. The situation was improved by the action.

  63. The mistake was avoided by the caution.

  64. The solution was suggested by the consultant.

  65. The report was reviewed by the supervisor.

  66. The application was rejected by the authority.

  67. The request was denied by the committee.

  68. The responsibility was taken by the employee.

  69. The opportunity was missed by the applicant.

  70. The agreement was reached by the parties.

  71. The sale was made by the salesperson.

  72. The service was provided by the company.

  73. The problem was fixed by the technician.

  74. The job was offered by the employer.

  75. The decision was supported by the team.

  76. The goal was achieved by the effort.

  77. The event was organized by the planner.

  78. The meeting was scheduled by the coordinator.

  79. The challenge was faced by the athlete.

  80. The task was completed by the team.

  81. The challenge was overcome by the team.

  82. The action was taken by the manager.

  83. The problem was resolved by the expert.

  84. The opportunity was seized by the applicant.

  85. The change was initiated by the leader.

  86. The result was influenced by the effort.

  87. The issue was addressed by the committee.

  88. The decision was made by the board.

  89. The process was improved by the suggestion.

  90. The situation was handled by the team.

  91. The question was clarified by the expert.

  92. The conflict was resolved by the mediator.

  93. The suggestion was implemented by the team.

  94. The project was completed by the deadline.

  95. The policy was revised by the authority.

  96. The result was achieved by the effort.

  97. The product was developed by the company.

  98. The task was accomplished by the team.

  99. The plan was executed by the team.

  100. The goal was reached by the team.


上一篇 2023年07月02日13时23分36秒
下一篇 2023年07月02日13时25分49秒


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