


In the early 1900s, Canadian and American scientists began a study of the ecology of the Great Lakes. This was a time when many people believed that the Great Lakes were inexhaustible resources, and that they could be used for transportation, waste disposal, and recreation without limit. The scientists, however, knew that the lakes were endangered by the activities of humans. They set out to determine the extent of the damage and to find ways to protect the lakes.

The scientists found that the Great Lakes were, indeed, being threatened by human activities. For example, they found that the waters of the lakes were being polluted by sewage, agricultural runoff, and industrial waste. They also found that the fish and wildlife populations in and around the lakes were declining. The scientists realized that if something were not done to protect the lakes, they would be destroyed.

One of the things that the scientists did was to develop laws and regulations to control pollution. They also encouraged people to reduce their use of pesticides and fertilizers, which can run off into the lakes. In addition, they established national parks and wildlife refuges around the lakes to protect the land and water from development.

As a result of the scientists’ efforts, the Great Lakes have been largely restored to their natural state. Pollution levels have been reduced, and the fish and wildlife populations have increased. Today, the Great Lakes are a model for environmental protection, and they continue to be an important resource for the people of Canada and the United States.


  1. 首先,我们需要通读全文,了解文章的大意和结构,这有助于我们准确地回答问题。

  2. 其次,我们需要注意文章中出现的关键词和短语,比如“the Great Lakes”、“pollution”、“laws and regulations”等等,这些词汇是文章考察的重点。

  3. 接下来,我们需要仔细阅读每个问题,并在文章中寻找与其相关的信息,然后选择最佳答案。在选择答案时,需要注意选项之间的区别,以及题干中的关键词和短语是否与文章中的信息相符。


上一篇 2023年07月01日15时39分26秒
下一篇 2023年07月01日15时41分36秒


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