1. That引导的主语从句
- That he is late is not a surprise.
这个句子中,“that he is late”是主语从句,其中,“that”是关系词,引导了从句。主语从句和主句之间用“is”连接。
2. Whether/If引导的主语从句
Whether he will come to the party is still uncertain.
If he is late again, we'll start without him.
这两个句子中,“whether he will come to the party”和“if he is late again”都是主语从句,其中,“whether”和“if”是引导词。主语从句和主句之间用“is”或“will”等连接。
3. Who/Whom/Which引导的主语从句
Who will be the next president is still unknown.
Which book to read is entirely up to you.
这两个句子中,“who will be the next president”和“which book to read”都是主语从句,其中,“who”和“which”是引导词。主语从句和主句之间用“is”连接。