

  1. Mary, who is my sister, loves to read.

  2. The movie, which is based on a true story, is very inspiring.

  3. Jack, who is a doctor, is always busy with work.

  4. The book, which was written by a famous author, is very popular.

  5. Tom, who is my neighbor, is very friendly.

  6. The flowers, which are in the vase, smell very nice.

  7. Jane, who is my friend, is a great cook.

  8. The dog, which is very cute, belongs to my neighbor.

  9. My car, which is very old, needs to be repaired.

  10. The restaurant, which is on Main Street, has great food.

  11. The dress, which is very expensive, is made of silk.

  12. The movie star, who is very famous, came to our town.

  13. The book, which is very long, took me a week to read.

  14. The computer, which is very slow, needs to be upgraded.

  15. The boy, who is very smart, won the spelling bee.

  16. The car, which is very fast, won the race.

  17. The house, which is very big, has five bedrooms.

  18. The teacher, who is very patient, helped me with my homework.

  19. The dress, which is very pretty, is on sale.

  20. The restaurant, which is very busy, serves delicious food.

  21. The movie, which is very scary, gave me nightmares.

  22. The dog, who is very loyal, followed me everywhere.

  23. The book, which is very informative, taught me a lot.

  24. The trip, which is very expensive, is worth the money.

  25. The boy, who is very talented, plays the piano beautifully.

  26. The car, which is very expensive, is owned by a millionaire.

  27. The house, which is very old, has a lot of history.

  28. The teacher, who is very knowledgeable, knows a lot about history.

  29. The dress, which is very comfortable, is perfect for summer.

  30. The restaurant, which is very popular, always has a long wait.

  31. The movie, which is very funny, made me laugh out loud.

  32. The dog, which is very playful, loves to fetch.

  33. The book, which is very well-written, won many awards.

  34. The trip, which is very adventurous, includes hiking and rafting.

  35. The boy, who is very friendly, made many new friends.

  36. The car, which is very stylish, turns heads on the street.

  37. The house, which is very cozy, feels like home.

  38. The teacher, who is very inspiring, motivates her students to do their best.

  39. The dress, which is very elegant, is perfect for a formal occasion.

  40. The restaurant, which is very romantic, is ideal for a date night.

  41. The movie, which is very touching, brought tears to my eyes.

  42. The dog, who is very protective, barked at strangers.

  43. The book, which is very suspenseful, kept me on the edge of my seat.

  44. The trip, which is very relaxing, includes a spa treatment.

  45. The boy, who is very adventurous, loves to try new things.

  46. The car, which is very fuel-efficient, saves money on gas.

  47. The house, which is very modern, has a lot of natural light.

  48. The teacher, who is very approachable, makes learning fun.

  49. The dress, which is very fashionable, is the latest trend.

  50. The restaurant, which is very diverse, offers a variety of cuisines.

  51. The movie, which is very educational, teaches important lessons.

  52. The dog, which is very obedient, listens to commands.

  53. The book, which is very insightful, provides valuable information.

  54. The trip, which is very cultural, includes visits to museums and historical sites.

  55. The boy, who is very polite, always says "please" and "thank you".

  56. The car, which is very reliable, never breaks down.

  57. The house, which is very spacious, has a lot of room for entertaining.

  58. The teacher, who is very dedicated, goes above and beyond for her students.

  59. The dress, which is very affordable, is a great deal.

  60. The restaurant, which is very cozy, feels like a hidden gem.

  61. The movie, which is very romantic, is perfect for date night.

  62. The dog, who is very well-trained, can do tricks.

  63. The book, which is very philosophical, explores deep questions.

  64. The trip, which is very scenic, has beautiful views of nature.

  65. The boy, who is very creative, loves to draw and paint.

  66. The car, which is very spacious, has plenty of legroom.

  67. The house, which is very luxurious, has a swimming pool and a home theater.

  68. The teacher, who is very patient, takes the time to explain difficult concepts.

  69. The dress, which is very versatile, can be dressed up or down.

  70. The restaurant, which is very authentic, serves traditional cuisine.

  71. The movie, which is very heartwarming, has a happy ending.

  72. The dog, which is very energetic, loves to play outside.

  73. The book, which is very inspiring, motivates readers to achieve their goals.

  74. The trip, which is very adventurous, includes bungee jumping and skydiving.

  75. The boy, who is very determined, never gives up.

  76. The car, which is very high-tech, has a touchscreen dashboard.

  77. The house, which is very eco-friendly, uses solar panels for energy.

  78. The teacher, who is very organized, always has a lesson plan.

  79. The dress, which is very flattering, looks great on any body type.

  80. The restaurant, which is very atmospheric, has live music.

  81. The movie, which is very suspenseful, keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

  82. The dog, who is very cuddly, loves to be petted.

  83. The book, which is very romantic, tells a love story.

  84. The trip, which is very exotic, takes you to a far-off land.

  85. The boy, who is very athletic, plays many sports.

  86. The car, which is very sporty, is great for racing.

  87. The house, which is very historical, was built in the 1800s.

  88. The teacher, who is very experienced, has been teaching for 30 years.

  89. The dress, which is very colorful, is perfect for summer.

  90. The restaurant, which is very family-friendly, has a kids' menu.

  91. The movie, which is very adventurous, takes place in the jungle.

  92. The dog, which is very friendly, greets everyone with a wagging tail.

  93. The book, which is very informative, teaches readers about a specific topic.

  94. The trip, which is very educational, includes visits to schools and universities.

  95. The boy, who is very curious, always asks questions.

  96. The car, which is very sleek, has a modern design.

  97. The house, which is very rustic, has a lot of character.

  98. The teacher, who is very creative, comes up with fun projects for her students.

  99. The dress, which is very chic, is perfect for a night out.

  100. The restaurant, which is very trendy, attracts a young crowd.


上一篇 2023年06月29日15时59分03秒
下一篇 2023年06月29日16时01分17秒


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